Smile Point Dental Victoria

Dental care

Straighten Your Teeth With Orthodontic Care

Embrace the Journey to a Perfect Smile with Orthodontic Care

Orthodontic care stands as a cornerstone in enhancing dental health and aesthetics, offering solutions to straighten teeth and correct bite discrepancies. This specialized branch of dentistry is dedicated to the diagnosis, prevention, and correction of dental and facial irregularities. Here, we delve into the essence of orthodontic care, shedding light on its impact on your smile and overall oral health.

Understanding Orthodontic Issues

Orthodontic concerns encompass a variety of dental conditions, such as crooked teeth, overcrowding, misaligned bites (malocclusions), and jaw misalignments. Beyond impacting your smile’s appearance, these issues can complicate oral hygiene, elevate the risk of tooth decay and gum diseases, hinder proper chewing, and cause discomfort or pain in the jaw.

The Mechanics of Orthodontic Care

Orthodontic treatment aims to address dental misalignments through several approaches and devices, including:

  • Traditional Braces: Utilizing metal brackets and wires, braces apply consistent pressure to gradually reposition teeth. Contemporary braces are designed for enhanced comfort and aesthetics, appealing to both children and adults.
  • Clear Aligners: As a modern alternative to braces, clear aligners offer a less noticeable, removable option for straightening teeth. Custom-made aligners, like Invisalign, progressively shift teeth without metal components, catering to mild to moderate alignment issues.
  • Retainers: Post-treatment, retainers are crucial for preserving the alignment achievements. They prevent teeth from reverting to their original positions, securing the treatment’s longevity.

The Multifaceted Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic interventions extend far beyond cosmetic enhancements, providing substantial health and functional advantages:

  • Enhanced Oral Hygiene: Straighter teeth are simpler to clean, significantly reducing the risk of dental diseases.
  • Improved Bite and Chewing Efficiency: Correcting bite misalignments facilitates better chewing capabilities and alleviates jaw discomfort.
  • Elevated Self-Esteem: A harmonious smile can profoundly impact confidence levels, positively affecting social and professional interactions.
  • Dental Health Preservation: Early orthodontic intervention can preempt more complex dental issues later in life.

Orthodontic Solutions for Every Age

Orthodontic treatment is not exclusive to children and teens; adults too can benefit from tailored care. Advancements in orthodontic technology have introduced discreet and efficient options, such as clear aligners, making treatment more accessible and appealing for adults seeking to enhance their dental aesthetics and health.


Orthodontic care embarks on a transformative journey that transcends mere aesthetic improvements. It champions oral health, bolsters confidence, and fosters overall well-being. Considering orthodontic treatment? Consult with a seasoned orthodontist to uncover the optimal pathway to your ideal smile and a healthier mouth. Remember, investing in orthodontic care is an investment in your smile’s future and your long-term dental health. Embrace the path to a straighter, healthier smile with personalized orthodontic solutions.

Dental care

How Can I Prepare My Child For Oral Surgery?

Oral surgery can be a challenging experience for anyone, but for children, it can be particularly daunting. As a parent, your role in helping your child feel comfortable and prepared for their upcoming procedure is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into essential strategies to help you prepare your child for oral surgery effectively, ensuring a smoother and less stressful experience for both of you.

Open Communication:

The cornerstone of preparing your child for oral surgery is open and honest communication. Start by explaining why the surgery is necessary and what to expect during the procedure. Use age-appropriate language and encourage your child to ask questions. Reassure them that it’s natural to feel nervous, but the medical team will take excellent care of them.

Choose the Right Timing:

Timing plays a crucial role in preparing your child for oral surgery. Try to schedule the procedure at a time when your child is well-rested and not preoccupied with other events or activities. Avoid scheduling the surgery during busy times such as holidays or major events to minimize additional stress.

Visit the Surgeon in Advance:

If possible, arrange a pre-operative visit with the surgeon or oral healthcare provider. This allows your child to become familiar with the healthcare environment and meet the medical team who will be caring for them. Answer any questions they may have and address any concerns to help alleviate anxiety.

Create a Comforting Environment:

Foster a comforting environment at home leading up to the surgery. Surround your child with familiar and comforting objects, such as their favorite toys or blankets. Encourage them to engage in calming activities, such as reading or listening to soothing music, to help distract their mind from worries.

Explain the Recovery Process:

It’s essential to prepare your child for the recovery process following oral surgery. Explain any dietary restrictions or activity limitations they may need to follow post-surgery. Reassure them that any discomfort they may experience is temporary and that they will start feeling better soon.

Offer Encouragement and Support:

Lastly, offer your child plenty of encouragement and support throughout the entire process. Let them know that you’re proud of them for being brave and that you’ll be there to support them every step of the way. Remind them that they’re in good hands and that the medical team is there to help them feel better.

By following these strategies, you can help alleviate your child’s anxiety and ensure they feel prepared and supported for their upcoming oral surgery. Remember to remain patient and understanding, and don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns.


Preparing your child for oral surgery may seem daunting, but with the right approach and support, you can help them feel more confident and comfortable every step of the way. Your guidance and reassurance will go a long way in helping your child navigate this experience with resilience and strength.

Dental care

Ensuring the Endurance of Your Dental Implants: Key Aftercare Strategies


Dental implants represent a significant advancement in restorative dentistry, offering a long-term solution for missing teeth. However, their success and longevity largely depend on effective aftercare.

Our best Victoria Dentist TX highlights five critical aftercare tips designed to preserve the integrity and aesthetics of your dental implants. By adhering to these guidelines, patients can enhance the success rate of their implants and enjoy a healthy, vibrant smile for many years.

Essential Aftercare Tips for Dental Implants:

Practice Gentle Oral Hygiene:

  • Embrace the use of a soft-bristle toothbrush to clean around both dental implants and natural teeth gently, ensuring the removal of plaque without causing irritation.
  • Floss daily with care, utilizing tools designed for implants like water flossers or soft picks to prevent damage to the surrounding tissues.
    Select a non-abrasive toothpaste to avoid scratching the implant surface, which could make it more susceptible to bacteria buildup.

Refrain from Damaging Habits:

  • Smoking cessation is critical as it can hinder healing and increase the risk of implant failure.
  • Limit alcohol intake, especially in the initial healing stages, to support optimal implant integration and overall oral health.
  • Protect your implants from the stress of teeth grinding by using a night guard, which can mitigate the risk of implant overload and failure.

Adopt a Nutrient-Rich Diet:

  • Focus on consuming foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals essential for healing and maintaining oral health, such as leafy greens, dairy, lean proteins, and nuts.
  • Avoid sugary and acidic foods that can lead to plaque formation and compromise the health of both natural teeth and dental implants.

Commit to Regular Dental Checkups:

  • Keep to a schedule of regular follow-up visits with your dentist to monitor the health and integration of your implants.
  • Undergo professional cleanings as recommended to prevent peri-implant diseases and ensure the longevity of your implants.

Respond Promptly to Any Concerns:

  • Report any discomfort, swelling, or changes in the implant site to your dentist without delay. Early intervention can prevent minor issues from evolving into major complications.
  • In case of emergencies, seek immediate dental care to address any unforeseen issues with your implants effectively.


Dental implants are a testament to the advances in dental technology, offering individuals the chance to restore their smiles with confidence. Best Victoria Dentist TX underscores the importance of dedicated aftercare to protect this investment. By following these five essential tips, patients can significantly contribute to the success and longevity of their dental implants. Remember, a commitment to aftercare is crucial for sustaining the beauty and functionality of your smile, ensuring your dental implants remain an invaluable part of your oral health for the long term.

Dental care

What’s The Right Age To Get Clear Aligners?

The advancement of orthodontic treatments has resulted in creative solutions, and clear aligners have become a popular option for people looking for discreet tooth straightening. Determining the appropriate age to begin precise aligner treatment considers several criteria, including dental development, maturity, and treatment goals. This article discusses the best age to obtain clear aligners, highlighting the benefits of these invisible braces in orthodontic therapy.

A Glimpse of Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are a revolutionary approach to orthodontic treatment.

1. Invisible Orthodontics: Clear aligners use transparent technology to gradually reposition teeth into their desired position. Clear aligners are detachable, which makes them convenient for daily activities like eating, brushing, and flossing.

2. Precision Teeth Straightening: Precise aligner therapy takes a personalized approach, creating specific aligners for each individual.

3. Progressive Tooth Movement: The aligners use regulated force on individual teeth, resulting in advanced and precise movement for efficient teeth straightening.

The Suitable Age for Clear Aligners

1. Adolescent and Teen Years:
Orthodontic Evaluation Many people begin orthodontic assessments during adolescence or adolescence.

  • Dental Development: Clear aligners are frequently helpful for teens once their permanent teeth have emerged and their dental development has reached an appropriate level.

2. Early Teen Years:
Puberty and Growth Spurts: Orthodontic intervention is most effective during the early teen years, typically from 12 to 14.
Misalignments: Clear aligners can effectively correct frequent misalignments at this developmental stage.

3. Adults seeking orthodontic treatment:
There is no age limit for clear aligners; individuals can seek orthodontic treatment anytime.
Professional and social considerations: Many individuals prefer transparent aligners because they are unobtrusive and address orthodontic difficulties without the visibility of traditional braces.

Benefits of Clear Aligners for Different Age Groups:

1. Adolescents and Teens:
Aesthetic appeal: Clear aligners are a discreet choice for teens concerned about the appearance of braces. Clear aligners are detachable, allowing easy participation in sports and extracurricular activities.

2. Clear aligners provide timely intervention throughout the early teen years when orthodontic issues are frequently recognized.
Minimized Social Impact: Teens can receive treatment with less social impact, boosting confidence at a critical developmental time.

3. Adults:
Professional Considerations: Working professionals may prefer transparent aligners for a professional appearance and ease of removal during business meetings.
Adults can eat freely without dietary restrictions because aligners can be removed during meals.

Considerations For Clear Aligner Treatment:

1. Dental Maturity:
Permanent Dentition: Clear aligners are indicated for those with primarily permanent teeth. Dental maturity and mature jaw development improve the effectiveness of precise aligner treatment.

2. Specialist Orthodontic Assessment:
A competent specialist can establish if clear aligners are appropriate for your needs.
Treatment Goals: The orthodontist evaluates treatment goals and develops a plan to address specific concerns.

3. Patient Commitment:
For clear aligners to be effective, patients must adhere to the treatment plan and wear them for the required duration. Patients must take responsibility for their aligners by maintaining adequate oral hygiene and adhering to wear instructions.


Clear aligners benefit individuals of all ages. However, the optimal age depends on several circumstances. Clear aligners may help adolescents and teens during their developmental years, whereas adults can pursue orthodontic treatment without jeopardizing their professional image. Dental maturity, orthodontic assessment, and patient commitment are essential to determine the best age for precise aligner treatment.

Clear aligners represent a modern and effective method of teeth straightening, providing individuals of varied ages the opportunity to attain a confident and aligned smile with the added benefit of secrecy and ease. Seeking help from a trained orthodontic practitioner ensures a personalized and successful straightforward aligner journey adapted to individual needs and goals.

Dental care

The Role of Sealants In Preventing Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is still a significant concern, particularly among children and adolescents. Dental sealants have emerged as an effective preventive tool in the fight against cavities. In this detailed blog, we’ll look at the relevance of dental sealants, how they’re applied, and their significant influence in protecting teeth from decay.

Dental Hygiene and Preventative Dentistry

Dental hygiene and preventative dentistry are critical to achieving and maintaining oral health. This emphasizes regular treatment and maintenance rather than only addressing dental disorders. Dental sealants are one excellent preventive measure that has gained favor in recent years.

These areas are difficult to properly clean with regular brushing and flossing, putting them vulnerable to decay. Sealants work as a barrier, sealing off these sensitive locations and preventing cavities from forming.

Dental sealants can be applied rapidly and painlessly. First, the dentist cleans and dries the tooth’s surface thoroughly. Then, a specific gel is put into the tooth to aid in the sealant’s bonding. Finally, a curing light is used to cure the sealant material painted onto the tooth. The procedure is usually completed in one visit and is tolerated well by patients of all ages.

How to Understand Tooth Decay:

Cavitation Formation:

  • Bacterial Action: In the mouth, harmful bacteria produce acids that erode tooth enamel.
  • Cavity Formation: Cavities arise as a result of enamel deterioration over time.
  • Pits and fissures: Deep grooves on chewing surfaces are vulnerable to bacterial buildup. Back teeth, particularly molars and premolars, frequently have complicated architecture that raises the risk of decay.

The Function of Dental Sealants:

  • Bacterial Barriers: They form a barrier by sealing pits and cracks, preventing germs and food particles from settling in these sensitive locations.
  • Resin Coating Sealant Substance: Sealants are often made of a tooth-colored resin.
  • Durable and long-lasting: Once placed, they form a strong shield that can withstand chewing pressures for a long time.

Procedure for Applying:

  • Cleaning and etching: To prepare the tooth surface for the sealant, the surface is cleansed, and a mildly acidic solution is applied.
  • Application of Sealant: The liquid sealant is applied to the prepared tooth surface.
  • Curing: A special light may cure or harden it to ensure the sealant clings securely to the tooth.

Benefits of Dental Sealants:

Decay Prevention:

Sealants provide an efficient barrier against germs and acids, dramatically reducing the chance of cavity formation. When applied early, sealants can stop deterioration before it causes irreversible damage.

Ideal for Adolescents and Children:

Sealants are an important preventive measure, especially for children and adolescents struggling to maintain good oral hygiene. Sealants protect during the cavity-prone years by being applied when molars and premolars erupt.

Conservative Strategy:

Sealants are a conservative method that preserves natural tooth structure. Sealant administration is non-invasive and painless, unlike restorative therapies for cavities.


Sealants are a low-cost preventive strategy that can help you avoid more comprehensive and costly dental treatments in the future. Some dental insurance plans may cover the cost of sealants for children.

Upkeep and longevity:

During routine check-ups, dentists evaluate the condition of sealants. Sealants may need to be redone, and dentists can evaluate when this is essential.

Good Oral Hygiene Practices at Home:

Encourage good dental hygiene habits, such as regular brushing and flossing, and supplement sealants’ preventive impact. In addition, maintaining a balanced diet and limiting sugary snacks benefits oral health even more.


Dental sealants are an excellent tool for preventing tooth decay, particularly on the susceptible chewing surfaces of molars and premolars. Their use is simple yet effective for protecting teeth, especially for children during their formative years. Sealants help to maintain excellent dental health and reduce the incidence of cavities by forming a solid barrier against bacterial incursion. Regular dental check-ups and proactive oral care practices improve the effectiveness of sealants, ensuring that smiles remain healthy and radiant for many years.

Dental care

Oral Health Benefits of Tongue Cleaning: Fresher Breath and More

When it comes to dental hygiene, many people tend to focus solely on brushing and flossing while overlooking a critical aspect of the tongue. The tongue plays a significant role in our oral health, and incorporating tongue cleaning into your daily routine can lead to not only fresher breath but also a range of other benefits.

In this blog, we’ll explore the often-overlooked advantages of tongue cleaning and how it can contribute to a healthier mouth. In this article, we will learn about the oral benefits of tongue cleaning and its long-term advantages.

The Importance of Tongue Cleaning

Your tongue serves as a breeding ground for bacteria, dead cells, and food debris, all of which can contribute to bad breath and various oral health issues. While brushing and flossing target the teeth and gums, tongue cleaning addresses the bacteria that accumulate on the tongue’s surface. This simple practice can make a remarkable difference in your overall dental hygiene.

Fresher Breath:

One of the most immediate and noticeable benefits of tongue cleaning is a fresher breath. The tongue harbors bacteria that produce sulfur compounds, leading to bad breath. Regular tongue cleaning effectively removes these bacteria, helping to maintain a more pleasant and lasting freshness in your mouth.

Preventing Plaque Buildup:

Tongue cleaning not only combats bad breath but also plays a preventive role in plaque buildup. The bacteria residing on the tongue can contribute to the formation of plaque on teeth, thereby increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease. By incorporating tongue cleaning into your daily routine, you can reduce the overall bacterial load in your mouth, promoting better oral health.

Enhancing Taste Perception:

Keeping your tongue clean can lead to a better sense of taste. The taste buds on the tongue can become covered with a film of bacteria, dead cells, and debris, which dulls your ability to taste food properly. Regular tongue cleaning helps remove this film, allowing your taste buds to function optimally and enhancing your enjoyment of flavors.

How to Clean Your Tongue?

Cleaning your tongue is a simple process that can be easily incorporated into your daily oral care routine. Use a tongue scraper or the back of your toothbrush to gently remove debris from the back of your tongue to the front. Rinse the scraper or brush after each pass to remove the collected material. Be sure to be gentle to avoid causing any irritation to the tongue.

Choosing the Right Tongue Cleaning Tool

To maximize the benefits of tongue cleaning, it’s essential to choose the right tool. Tongue scrapers come in various materials and designs, so find one that suits your preference and ensures effective debris removal without causing discomfort. Some toothbrushes also have built-in tongue cleaners on the back of the brush head, providing a convenient two-in-one solution for oral care.

Establishing a Consistent Tongue Cleaning Routine:

Maintaining good oral hygiene requires consistency. Make tongue cleaning a daily habit, just like brushing and flossing. Set a specific time, whether it’s in the morning or before bedtime, to incorporate tongue cleaning into your routine. By making it a habit, you’ll enjoy the long-term benefits of improved oral health and fresher breath.

Summing It Up

In the pursuit of optimal oral health, don’t underestimate the importance of tongue cleaning. Beyond providing you with fresher breath, regular tongue cleaning contributes to a healthier mouth by preventing plaque buildup and enhancing your taste perception.
With just a few extra minutes added to your daily oral care routine, you can enjoy the holistic benefits of tongue cleaning and smile confidently, knowing you’re taking comprehensive care of your oral health.

Dental care

What Are The Pros And Cons of Dental Implants?

Dental implants, as a permanent and long-lasting solution for missing teeth, have revolutionized the field of dentistry. Although they offer numerous advantages, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of this surgical procedure before proceeding. This detailed guide aims to assist you in making an informed decision about this transformative option. Carefully considering these points will help you maintain your implants effectively.

Pros of Dental Implants

Appearance and Feel:

A major advantage of dental implants is their ability to mimic the appearance and feel of natural teeth. Made from biocompatible materials like titanium, the implant fuses with the jawbone, offering ease of eating and a natural-looking smile.

Long-Lasting Durability:

With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime, unlike dentures or bridges which often require replacement every 5 to 10 years. Their stability, due to integration with the jawbone, makes them a robust and reliable choice.

Preserving Jawbone:

Implants play a crucial role in maintaining jawbone strength. They stimulate the jawbone, preventing resorption, and thus contribute to overall dental health by maintaining a strong bone base.

Improved Speech:

Ill-fitting dentures can hinder speech and comfort. Dental implants eliminate such issues, seamlessly integrating with the oral structure, allowing for ease of speech and daily comfort without the worry of slippage.

Cons of Dental Implants

High Investment:

The initial cost of dental implants is higher compared to other tooth replacement options. The process, including implant surgery, abutment placement, and crown attachment, can be quite expensive.

Surgical Procedure:

The surgical nature of implant insertion can be daunting for those uncomfortable with medical procedures. It’s crucial to discuss any concerns with a dentist and consider personal comfort with surgery.

Healing Period:

The healing phase requires dietary and lifestyle adjustments while the jawbone integrates with the implant. This period, though usually manageable, may deter those seeking a quicker solution.

Possibility for Complications:

As with any surgical procedure, there’s a risk of infection, implant failure, or other complications. Strict adherence to post-surgery care and regular follow-ups are essential to minimize these risks.

Final Words

Dental implants from Dental Offices offer a significant solution for those dealing with tooth loss. They promise long-term benefits and a natural appearance, but it’s crucial to understand the pros and cons to make an informed decision. Consulting with a qualified dental professional is key to understanding individual suitability and the intricacies of this advanced procedure. Comparing these advantages and disadvantages will enable a better implant experience.


Dental care

What To Do If Your Temporary Crown Falls Off

So, you were going about your day, minding your business, and suddenly, you lost your temporary crown. It happens. While it might feel like a dental emergency, the good news is that you can take steps to address the situation until you can see your dentist. In this article, we’ll guide you through what to do if you face a temporary crown emergency.

Understanding Temporary Crowns

Before we jump into the action plan, let’s quickly recap what temporary crowns are and why they slip. Temporary crowns are essentially placeholders. They’re used to protect your tooth after it’s been prepared for a permanent crown, but before that crown is ready. Here’s why they’re essential:

  • Protection: Temporary crowns shield the vulnerable, freshly prepared tooth from bacteria and further damage.
  • Functionality: They ensure you can eat and speak comfortably while you wait for your permanent crown.
  • Aesthetics: These crowns maintain your smile’s appearance, so you don’t have to worry about gaps or oddly shaped teeth.

The First Steps You Can Take During a Temporary Crown Emergency

When you are dealing with a temporary crown emergency, here’s what you should do:

  • Don’t Panic: Yes, it can be a bit alarming when it happens, but staying calm is the first step. A lost temporary crown is not a dental emergency, although it does require attention.
  • Retrieve the Crown: If the crown is still intact, try to find it. Gently rinse it with lukewarm water to remove any debris.
  • Inspect Your Tooth: Check the tooth that used to wear the crown. Ensure there is no damage or debris on the tooth surface. If you notice any issues, make a note of them.
  • Temporary Adhesive (Optional): Some drugstores sell temporary crown cement that you can use to reattach the crown temporarily. If you have access to this product and feel comfortable using it, follow the instructions carefully.

What Not to Do When You Have a Temporary Crown Emergency

Before we proceed with more steps to address the situation, it’s essential to understand what you should avoid doing when your temporary crown falls off:

  • Don’t Force It Back On Attempting to reattach the crown on your own can lead to complications. The crown might not align correctly or could damage your tooth.
  • Avoid Household Adhesives: Never use household glues or adhesives to reattach the crown. These can be harmful if ingested and are not suitable for dental use.
  • No Superglue: Superglue, as convenient as it might seem, is not suitable for fixing dental issues. Avoid using it on your temporary crown or teeth.

Preventing Future Incidents

While losing a temporary crown can be unexpected and a little inconvenient, there are ways to prevent it from happening again:

  • Avoid Sticky and Hard Foods: Certain foods can dislodge a temporary crown, so be cautious when eating sticky or hard items.
  • Chew on the Opposite Side: Try to minimize pressure on your crowned tooth by chewing on the side without the crown.
  • Gentle Oral Care: Brush and floss your teeth gently, especially around the temporary crown. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush to minimize any risk of damage.
  • Regular Dental Appointments: Keep up with your scheduled dental visits. Your dentist will monitor the condition of your temporary crown and make adjustments as needed.

In Conclusion

While losing a temporary crown might catch you by surprise, it’s not a dental emergency. By following the steps outlined above and contacting your dentist promptly, you can ensure that your crowned tooth receives the attention it needs, and you can avoid any temporary crown emergency.

Remember, your temporary crown is designed to be a temporary solution. It protects your prepared tooth until your permanent crown is ready. So, when it takes an unscheduled leave of absence, stay calm, follow the recommended steps, and contact your dentist for guidance.


Dental care

All You Need to Know About Lingual Braces

Orthodontic treatments have evolved significantly, offering solutions for misaligned teeth. One of the most discreet options available today is lingual braces. While traditional braces are undoubtedly effective, their visibility can impact self-esteem. Lingual braces, placed on the inner surface of the teeth, are virtually invisible. This guide delves into the intricacies of lingual braces, from their functionality and benefits to maintenance.

How Do Lingual Braces Work?

Lingual braces operate similarly to traditional braces, with the primary distinction being their placement. Instead of being affixed to the front of the teeth, they are mounted on the backside (lingual surface), rendering them almost undetectable from the outside. Comprising brackets and wires, these braces gradually shift teeth to their desired positions over time.

Benefits of Lingual Braces

Here are some advantages of lingual or invisible braces:

  • Aesthetics: Their discreet nature is their main selling point, ideal for those wanting to straighten teeth without drawing attention to the treatment.
  • Customization: Tailored to fit each patient’s unique teeth structure, they ensure precise and predictable outcomes.
  • Versatility: Lingual braces can rectify numerous orthodontic issues, including crowding, spacing, overbites, and underbites.

Are You a Candidate for Lingual Braces?

Lingual braces are apt for most orthodontic cases. They cater to both teenagers and adults, especially those seeking a concealed method to attain a straighter smile. However, specific complex cases might be better addressed with traditional braces or alternatives like clear aligners.

The Process of Getting Lingual Braces

Achieving a confident smile with these braces involves:

  • Consultation: An initial assessment by your orthodontist will determine the suitability of lingual braces for your dental structure.
  • Impressions: After deciding to proceed, your teeth’s impressions will be taken to craft custom brackets and wires.
  • Placement: Customized brackets are bonded to the back of your teeth during the placement appointment, followed by wire threading.

Maintaining Lingual Braces for Optimal Results

Ensuring the effectiveness of lingual braces requires proper maintenance:

  • Oral Hygiene: Regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing are vital to prevent plaque accumulation around the braces.
  • Dietary Restrictions: Refrain from consuming hard, sticky, or chewy foods that might damage the braces.

Potential Discomfort and Speech Implications

Initial discomfort and speech alterations are common after getting lingual braces. The tongue might need some time to adjust to the new fixture. However, most patients find their speech normalizing and initial discomfort waning within a few weeks.

Summing It Up

Lingual braces present a concealed yet effective orthodontic solution. By positioning the braces on the teeth’s inner surface, they tackle misalignment without sacrificing aesthetics.

Capable of addressing various alignment issues, lingual braces pave the way to a healthier, straighter smile. If this innovative orthodontic solution intrigues you, consult a qualified orthodontist to ascertain its suitability. Remember, a radiant smile is attainable, and contemporary orthodontic solutions have made the journey more seamless and aesthetically gratifying than ever.


Dental care

What To Do If You Have A Cracked Molar?

Your molars play a crucial role in chewing during meals, and a cracked molar can be a significant concern. In this article, we’ll discuss what to do if you have a cracked molar, the causes of molar cracks, the severity of the issue, associated pain, and potential treatments.

How Does Molar Cracking Occur?

Molar cracking is common because these teeth endure significant chewing forces. Cracks can result from chewing on hard objects like ice or candies. Teeth grinding (bruxism) can also contribute to molar fractures. In some cases, you might not immediately notice the crack, but sensitivity or pain when eating or drinking hot or cold items can be a sign.

Assessing the Severity of a Molar Crack

The severity of a molar crack can vary. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to prevent the condition from worsening. The timing of treatment can influence whether a cracked molar can be saved with a less invasive procedure or if more extensive dental work is required.

Does a Cracked Molar Cause Pain?

A cracked molar typically hurts when you release biting pressure. This means that you may experience discomfort when you release the pressure, even if it doesn’t hurt while you’re biting down. Cracked teeth can also be highly sensitive to specific foods and beverages, causing discomfort or pain in your mouth.

Treatment Options for a Cracked Molar

  • Minor Cracks: Sometimes, your dentist may discover minor surface-level cracks, often referred to as “craze lines.” These tiny cracks may not require treatment and can be left as they are.
  • Moderate to Severe Cracks: When a molar crack extends beyond the enamel, it can lead to more significant issues. Treatment options may include:
  • Filling: If the crack is not too severe, your dentist may recommend filling material to repair the tooth.
  • Root Canal: If there is damage to the interior of the tooth or signs of infection, a root canal may be necessary to remove the affected tissue.
  • Crown: In cases where a crown is deemed the best solution, your dentist may recommend this to protect and restore the cracked molar.
  • Extraction: In the most severe cases where the tooth cannot be saved, extraction may be the only option.


Molars are crucial components of your dental structure, and a cracked molar should not be ignored. If you suspect you have a cracked molar or experience pain or sensitivity, it’s essential to seek professional dental evaluation promptly. 

Early diagnosis and treatment can make the difference between a straightforward dental procedure and more extensive dental work. Maintain good oral hygiene, schedule regular dental check-ups, and follow your dentist’s recommendations to ensure the health of your hard-working molars.


Dental care

Can A Dentist Pull A Tooth With An Active Infection?

The prospect of having a tooth extracted is daunting enough, but the situation becomes more complex when combined with an active infection. Can a dentist extract a tooth that is infected? 

This question delves into the complexities of dental treatment, infection control, and the fine line between urgency and caution. In this extensive article, we explore the concerns surrounding tooth extraction amid an active infection, shedding light on the problems and potential remedies.

  • Infection and Tooth Extraction Interaction:
  • Dental Infections:

Often caused by untreated cavities, gum disease, or trauma, leading to bacterial invasion of the tooth or surrounding tissues.

Severe cases can cause discomfort, swelling, and abscess formation.

  • Tooth Extraction Difficulties:

An active infection complicates extraction due to increased sensitivity, inflammation, and potential bacterial spread.

Extracting a tooth in the presence of infection requires balancing/managing the current condition and avoiding potential repercussions.

  • Bacterial Spread Risk:

Extraction can release bacteria from the affected site, potentially spreading to surrounding tissues or entering the bloodstream.

This risk underscores the importance of proper management.

Can A Dentist Pull A Tooth With An Active Infection?

  • Thorough Examination:

Essential to assess the extent of the infection, the tooth’s condition, and the surrounding tissues.

  • Infection Treatment:

The dentist aims to treat the infection before extraction, possibly using antibiotics.

  • Pain Control:

Infections can increase pain sensitivity, requiring adequate pain control measures.

  • Extraction Alternatives:

Consideration of alternatives like root canal therapy to save the tooth.

  • Consultation with Other Healthcare Providers:

Collaboration with other healthcare professionals, especially if the patient has underlying health issues.

  • Individualized Treatment Plan:

Tailored to the patient’s specific circumstances, considering the urgency, severity of infection, and overall condition.

Informed Consent and Patient Communication:

  • Open and Transparent Communication:

Essential between the dentist and the patient.

  • Informed Consent:

Ensuring the patient understands the treatment, its implications, and potential risks.

Conclusion: Carefully Navigating Complexity:

Extracting a tooth with an active infection highlights the complexities of dental care. Careful evaluation, infection management, and a tailored treatment plan are crucial. Dentists must prioritize patient safety and well-being, balancing urgency and cautious action. 

The decision requires a careful balance of dental skills, infection control measures, and commitment to the patient’s overall health.


Dental care

How Do You Know If You Have Gum Disease – Signs And Symptoms

Periodontal disease, or gum disease, affects the gums and the supporting structures of the teeth and can have catastrophic repercussions if left untreated. The key to preventing gum disease and keeping your teeth healthy is knowing the warning signals. From gum inflammation to gum recession, this article will cover the numerous signs that might help you determine if you have gum disease.

Gum disease, caused by bacteria, destroys the gums, bones, and ligaments that hold your teeth in place. Plaque, a coating of bacteria on the teeth and gums, is a common cause of gum disease. Gum disease has a progressive course that can result in tooth loss and other complications if it is not treated.

Gum disease symptoms and signs:

  1. Irritation of the Gums (Gingivitis):
  • The gums are red or inflamed.
  • Gum discomfort or bleeding, especially during dental hygiene routines.
  • Having terrible breath or a bad taste in the mouth that won’t go away.

Most cases of gingivitis can be reversed by brushing, flossing, and seeing the dentist for cleanings.

  1. Gum recession:

Gum recession, or receding gums, is a typical sign of gum disease. This is what happens when gums recede and expose the tooth’s roots. When gums recede, the root surfaces of teeth become more vulnerable to sensitivity and caries.

  1. Forming a Pocket:

The tissues and bones that hold teeth in place weaken as gum disease advances. This can cause recession of the gums and the development of spaces or pockets between the teeth. These nooks and crannies are a breeding ground for bacteria and make regular brushing and flossing a challenge.

  1. Movable Teeth:

When gum disease progresses to this point, teeth can become movable. This indicates serious injury to the ligaments and bones that support the area. Tooth loss can occur if you don’t get dental care.

  1. Discomfort or Pain:

Gum disease can cause discomfort or agony, especially when chewing, for certain people. Reasons for this may include inflammation, infection, or receding gums.

  1. Pus Development:

Pustules packed with pus form in the affected area in advanced cases of gum disease. In addition to discomfort, these abscesses typically indicate a severe periodontal disease.

  1. Shifts in the Position of the Teeth:

When you bite, gum disease can alter the way your teeth contact. Gum disease may occur if you experience a shift in your bite or how your teeth fit together.

  1. Constantly Putrid Breath:

Gum disease frequently manifests with the symptom of chronic bad breath, medically termed halitosis. The smell is usually caused by an illness or bacterial growth in the mouth.

  1. Tooth Brushing and Flossing Causes Bleeding:

While your gums are healthy, you shouldn’t experience any bleeding while you brush or floss. If you experience any bleeding while doing these things, you may be suffering from gum inflammation or perhaps gum disease.


Without proper care, gum disease can lead to significant health problems for your mouth and teeth. Inflammation of the gums, recession of the gums, loose teeth, and the formation of pockets around the teeth are just a few indications you should look out for. 

The growth of gum disease can be halted in its tracks by taking preventative steps and scheduling frequent dental checkups. Don’t put off seeing a dentist about gum disease; instead, act on the warning symptoms.


Dental care

Can I Get Dental Implants If I Smoke?

Many people wonder whether smoking could be a deal-breaker when it comes to dental implants. We’re all aware that smoking isn’t exactly beneficial for our oral health. But does this mean you can’t get dental implants if you’re a smoker? Let’s delve into this topic and explore the factors you should consider.

The Basics of Dental Implants

Dental implants are a popular and effective solution for replacing missing teeth. They consist of three main components: the implant (a small titanium post), an abutment, and a crown. The implant is surgically placed into the jawbone, mimicking the natural tooth root, and provides a strong foundation for the replacement tooth.

Smoking and Its Impact on Oral Health

It’s no secret that smoking, whether through cigarettes or other tobacco products, has detrimental effects on oral health. Here’s how smoking can negatively impact your mouth:

  • Gum Disease: Smoking increases the risk of gum disease by reducing blood flow to the gums, which hampers the body’s ability to fight infections. Gum disease can lead to tooth loss, potentially prompting the need for dental implants.
  • Delayed Healing: Smoking slows down the body’s natural healing process. Proper healing is crucial after dental implant surgery to ensure the implant successfully fuses with the jawbone.
  • Complications: Smokers are more susceptible to post-surgery complications like infections and implant failure. These complications can be painful and costly.

Can Smokers Get Dental Implants?

The answer to whether smokers can get dental implants isn’t a straightforward yes or no; it’s more nuanced.

  • Smoking Habits: Occasional smokers or those willing to quit during the dental implant process and subsequent healing period stand a better chance of successful implantation.
  • Consultation with Your Dentist: The most reliable way to determine your eligibility for dental implants as a smoker is to consult with your dentist or oral surgeon. They’ll assess your oral health, smoking habits, and the condition of your gums and teeth.
  • Commitment to Oral Health: Dental implant success hinges on your dedication to oral hygiene, irrespective of your smoking status. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are paramount.

Tips for Smokers Considering Dental Implants

If you’re a smoker contemplating dental implants, consider these tips to enhance your chances of success:

  • Quit Smoking: Ideally, quit smoking before undergoing the dental implant procedure. This not only improves your odds of a successful implant but also boosts your overall health.
  • Consult a Specialist: Engage with a dentist or oral surgeon who specializes in dental implants. Their expertise will be invaluable, especially if they’ve dealt with patients who smoke.
  • Follow Post-Operative Instructions: If you opt for dental implants while continuing to smoke, it’s vital to adhere to all post-operative guidelines. This includes refraining from smoking during the healing process, practicing good oral hygiene, and attending all follow-up appointments.
  • Consider Alternatives: Depending on your specific situation, your dentist might suggest other tooth replacement methods, such as dentures or bridges.


In conclusion, while smoking presents challenges and risks to dental implant procedures, it doesn’t outright disqualify you. Your eligibility depends on several factors, including your commitment to oral hygiene and the specifics of your smoking habits. Always consult with a dental professional to determine the best course of action tailored to your unique situation.

Dental care

What Is The Best Age To Begin Orthodontic Treatment?

A bright grin is often regarded as a symbol of self-assurance and confidence. However, not everyone is born with perfectly aligned teeth. Fortunately, orthodontic therapy can help address various tooth disorders and create that desirable smile. A frequently asked question in this context is, “What is the best age to begin orthodontic treatment?”

This question doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all answer because it depends on various factors, including the individual’s dental condition, growth stage, and treatment goals. This comprehensive guide will delve into the nuances of orthodontic treatment timing, analyzing the benefits and considerations associated with different age groups, from child braces and teenagers to adults.

When Should Orthodontic Treatment Begin?

Child Braces And Orthodontic Treatment (Ages 7-11):

Early pediatric orthodontic therapy, also known as interceptive orthodontics, is typically initiated between the ages of seven and eleven. At this age, a child’s jaw is still growing, allowing orthodontists to influence the development of their dental and facial features. Here are some crucial factors to consider:

1. Addressing Emerging Issues:

One of the primary benefits of early orthodontic therapy is the ability to diagnose and tackle emerging dental abnormalities before they escalate. Crowding, biting misalignment, and thumb-sucking tendencies are all prevalent issues that can often be addressed more effectively during this phase.

2. Reduced Treatment Time:

Early intervention can result in shorter overall treatment durations. By addressing issues as they emerge, orthodontists can prevent them from worsening, potentially reducing the need for more intensive treatment later in life.

3. Psychological Benefits:

Early pediatric orthodontic treatments, such as child braces, can also offer psychological advantages. Children with orthodontic challenges, like severely misaligned teeth, often suffer from low self-esteem. Addressing these problems at a young age can enhance a child’s self-confidence and overall well-being.

However, it’s essential to note that not all children require orthodontic treatments like child braces. Each case is evaluated individually, and treatment is only recommended when necessary.

Orthodontic Treatment for Adolescents (Ages 12-18):

The adolescent phase, spanning from 12 to 18 years, is the most common period for orthodontic treatments. By this age, most permanent teeth have erupted, making it an opportune time to rectify alignment issues. Here are some considerations for orthodontic treatment during adolescence:

1. Optimal Growth Stage:

Adolescence is characterized by significant growth spurts, especially in the jaw and facial features. This stage is ideal for orthodontic interventions, as orthodontists can leverage natural growth to achieve optimal results.

2. Peer Influence:

Adolescence is also a period when peer influence is potent. Many teenagers seek orthodontic treatments to fit in with peers undergoing similar procedures. This shared experience can foster a sense of community support and help dispel any associated stigmas.

3. Adherence:

Teenagers are generally more responsible and can better adhere to their orthodontist’s treatment plan. They are often better equipped to manage their oral care routines, crucial for successful orthodontic treatments.

Adult Orthodontic Care (Ages 18 and Up):

Contrary to popular belief, orthodontic treatments aren’t exclusive to children and teenagers. A growing number of adults are seeking orthodontic treatments to enhance their oral health and aesthetics. Here are some factors to consider when contemplating adult orthodontic treatment:

1. Aesthetic Value:

Many adults pursue orthodontic treatments to address cosmetic concerns like crooked teeth, gaps, or misalignments. An appealing smile can boost confidence and enhance one’s overall appearance.

2. Oral Health Benefits:

Adult orthodontic treatments can also offer significant dental health advantages. Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of gum disease, cavities, and other dental issues. This is especially vital as individuals age and become more susceptible to dental problems.

3. Technological Advancements:

Adults can choose from a variety of discreet and efficient orthodontic treatment options, including clear aligners and lingual braces. These innovations make orthodontic treatments more attractive to those previously deterred by aesthetic concerns.

However, adult orthodontic treatments aren’t suitable for everyone. Orthodontists will evaluate factors like dental health, bone density, and treatment objectives before recommending a course of action.


The ideal age to commence orthodontic treatment varies and is influenced by factors like the individual’s dental health, growth phase, and treatment objectives. Early orthodontic treatments for children can address developmental issues, potentially reducing the need for more intensive treatments later.

Adolescent orthodontic treatments leverage growth spurts and peer influence to achieve desired outcomes. Thanks to contemporary, discreet treatment methods, adult orthodontic treatments are a viable option for those aiming to enhance their aesthetics and dental health.

Ultimately, the best time to start orthodontic treatment aligns with the individual’s unique needs and circumstances. It’s crucial to consult a qualified orthodontist to assess these factors and devise a tailored treatment plan. Regardless of age, orthodontic treatments can yield a healthier, more confident smile that endures.


Dental care

Oral Health Risks of Black Triangles

Taking care of your teeth is essential to smile with assurance and enjoy optimal health. Many people ignore “black triangles” since they aren’t as well-known as other oral health conditions like tooth decay and gum disease. 

The black triangles represent spaces between teeth, which can lead to stuck food, bacterial overgrowth, and other dental issues. The risks to your dental health from black triangles and some actions you may take to protect your teeth and gums is discussed in this blog. Read the full blog to find out more. 

Common Oral Health Risks

Often dismissed as a cosmetic dental problem, it can attract food and cause decay. Yes, plaque builds up quickly in crevices between teeth, increasing the likelihood of cavities and abscesses.

They are very typical, and any sort of separation is usually healthy. Cleanability, gum health, and dental hygiene as a whole can all be enhanced by providing such a dedicated area. Now that we’ve established that, let’s talk about proper dental hygiene.

  1. Black triangles form when the gums recede or the jawbone recedes, causing the space between teeth to become too narrow to support the teeth. The emergence of black triangles is influenced by several variables, including:
  2. Black triangles can grow on teeth due to gum recession and bone loss brought on by advanced periodontal disease.
  3. When teeth are crooked or displaced, they might leave spaces in the mouth that invite the formation of black triangles.
  4. Black triangles form when teeth move or lean into an empty area created by a missing tooth.

Common Dangers to Your Mouth 

  1. a) Food Impaction: The crevices between black triangles are the perfect hiding places for food particles, which can cause bad breath, dental decay, and gum disease.
  2. b) Plaque Accumulation: Bacteria flourish in the black triangles’ trapped food residue, accumulating plaque. Tooth decay, gum irritation, and bad breath are among the conditions that can result from increased plaque formation.
  3. c) Enhanced Sensitivity: The black triangles may cause the gum tissue to recede, revealing the tooth roots. Root exposure can cause tooth sensitivity, making ingesting hot or cold liquids and foods painful.
  4. d) Aesthetics and Self-Esteem: Black triangles leave noticeable gaps between teeth, so they are often seen as an aesthetic concern. A person’s confidence may suffer. As a result, they are uncomfortable with open displays of affection or expression.

How to avoid them?

Black triangles can be avoided with regular, thorough brushing and flossing of the teeth. Therefore, this is step one in the prevention and treatment process. 

  1. Plaque and food debris can be removed, and gingivitis can be mitigated with regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing with an antimicrobial mouthwash.
  2. b) Orthodontic Treatment: When crooked teeth are to blame for black triangles, repositioning them with braces or clear aligners can help close the gaps and prevent the condition from worsening.
  3. c) Dentists may suggest restoring dental procedures to fix black triangles. Dental bonding, veneers, or crowns can be used to close gaps in teeth and restore their natural appearance and beauty.
  4. d) Gum Contouring: Excess gum tissue can sometimes cause black triangles. Recontouring the gums with either gum grafting or contouring can help make the spaces less noticeable and boost oral health.


Significant threats to oral health are posed by black triangles, which can have an impact on both the form and function of one’s teeth. If you want to take preventative actions and get treatment for black triangles quickly, you need to know what causes them and the potential repercussions. 

People can safeguard their oral health, improve their smiles, and increase self-confidence by practicing oral hygiene, getting orthodontic treatment if necessary, and exploring restorative options. Black triangles can be avoided, and excellent oral health can be maintained with routine dental checkups and the advice of dental specialists. Remember that a beautiful smile can open doors to a long and healthy life.


Dental care

What are damon braces and how are they different from regular braces?

Braces can be used to straighten teeth, correct overcrowding, and correct bite problems. Also, they enhance the appearance of a smile; however, braces are not one-size-fits-all. Nowadays, teens and children have more options when it comes to choosing braces. In addition to traditional braces, Damon braces are also available.

What Are Damon Braces?

Damon braces straighten teeth similarly to other orthodontic systems. It is the method of straightening teeth that makes Damon braces different from others. Braces move teeth using archwires and brackets. Rather than using elastic ties to connect archwires to brackets, Damon braces incorporate a self-ligating system to connect archwires to brackets. There are two types of Damon braces available: Damon clear braces and Damon metal braces.

Although this self-ligating system is not new, some orthodontists claim that it has improved clinical results. Damon clear braces allow teens and adults to feel more confident about their smile during treatment since it is less noticeable. Damon braces are considered a more effective orthodontic system by some doctors (and their patients). However, these claims have not been substantiated by scientific studies.

Damon Braces Vs Traditional Braces 

  • Streamlined Procedures

Damon Braces provide precise and effective results. Compared to traditional braces, this system can reduce the need for time-consuming and complex procedures.

  • Braces Time

Unlike traditional braces, Damon braces require fewer appointments because the elastic ligatures are not changed frequently. The interval between adjustment appointments may also be longer. The overall treatment time will depend on the individual ortho needs of a patient. Treatment durations are longer for more complex cases than for simpler cases.

  • Less Discomfort

Most people claim that Damon braces are more comfortable than traditional braces. Apparently, the sliding mechanism facilitates a more gradual and natural shift or movement of teeth. In some cases, this may result in less pressure and friction, which could reduce pain and discomfort. However, science does not support this claim. Some people also report that Damon braces cause less discomfort because the wires exert a lighter force when shifting teeth. However, it may take a few days for you to adjust to the braces, so you may experience temporary discomfort.

  • Fewer Office Visits Are Required

Damon Braces are more effective than traditional orthodontic braces, resulting in fewer adjustments being required. Dentists love seeing their patients, but they won’t recommend unwanted adjustments appointments.

  • Braces Appearance

Unlike traditional braces, Damon braces do not require elastic ligatures, which are generally customized with colorful elastics selected by the client. As a result, Damon braces are less colorful than traditional ones. Most children and teenagers enjoy choosing the colors of their elastics when wearing braces. They often enjoy customizing their braces with the colors of their school or their favorite sports team. For some, the orthodontic experience is incomplete without the option to customize their braces with colorful elastics. However, some patients prefer Damon braces with white-coated archwires and no colored ties.

Will Damon Braces Work For Everyone?

Depending on your needs, Damon braces can be used to treat a variety of dental problems. However, you must consult an orthodontist before choosing this option. There are many issues that Damon braces can solve, including overbites, underbites, uneven teeth, and crowded teeth.

Orthodontists often recommend Damon braces to their patients, but other braces can also achieve the same results. Make sure to discuss your oral health, budget, and other conditions before you decide to get any braces.

To know more information about Damon braces and their benefits, ensure to visit the best dental clinic and make an informed decision.

Dental care

What are healthy alternatives to sugary foods & drinks?

When you go grocery shopping next time, remember to read the nutrition labels on the food and drinks you buy to figure out the amount of added sugar they contain. You will surely be surprised to see how much of the stuff you have been eating or drinking has added sugar to them. From regular soda to sports drinks, fruit drinks, sweetened waters, and energy drinks, we ingest sugar at very high levels daily.

Why Should I Care about the Amount of Sugar in my Foods and Drinks?

Why must you be bothered about sugary foods and drinks? Consuming sugary items can lead to a range of health problems, including weight gain, type II diabetes, obesity, cavities, heart disease, arthritis, gout, and more. 

  • On the nutrition chart, sugary foods and drinks appear at the bottom since they add loads of calories without any nutritional value.
  • Sugary items affect mortality adversely, especially with cardiac diseases.
  • Our bone health is compromised if we consume lots of sugary stuff.
  • Many dietary guidelines suggest that those two years or older must keep their daily sugar intake to just 10% of daily calories.
  • The health of your teeth is hampered by too much sugar intake.

Sugary Items in Disguise

As per FDA (Foods and Drug Administration), added sugars are defined as below:

  • Sugars are added during food processing, for instance, dextrose or sucrose.
  • Foods that are packaged as sweeteners, for example, table sugar.
  • Sugars from honey and syrups.
  • Sugars from concentrated vegetable or fruit juices.

Most energy drinks are marketed as products to increase our energy levels. Energy drinks do so with the help of added sugar along with many other legal stimulants, such as huge quantities of caffeine. In addition to the ‘added sugar’ label, your food item may have other names for sugar-sweetened drinks. Check the list of ingredients on the packaging, and if it contains any of the following in it, that item has added sugar:

  • Corn syrup
  • Cane juice
  • Molasses
  • Fructose, dextrose, glucose, sucrose
  • Fruit nectars, for example, agave nectar.
  • Honey
  • Malt syrup
  • Sugar cane
  • Maple syrup
  • Raw sugar
  • Fruit juice concentrates

Delicious Alternatives to Sugary Foods and Drinks

Now we know how much harm sugary foods and drinks can cause our bodies. So, next time you reach out for an energy drink, try and replace them with the following healthy and tasty alternatives:

  • Fruits – When they have sugar cravings, most people reach for foods high in fat and sugar, such as chocolate. But you can get a sweet hit by swapping junk food with a fruit of your choice. Besides being naturally sweet, fruits also have many beneficial properties; for instance, they are high in fiber. Fruits like grapes and mangoes are your best friends whenever you want to grab something sweet.
  • Smoothies -Mix a cup of berries and other fruits you like with unsweetened coconut or almond milk to get a delicious smoothie that will give you ample energy in the morning to last a day.
  • Homemade iced tea – You could brew naturally sweetened iced tea such as mint, apple cinnamon, or berry tea. Leave the tea bag in, and keep it in the fridge overnight to get your iced tea first thing in the morning.
  • Make fizzy drinks – If you can not do without a fizzy drink, try mixing 100% fruit or vegetable juice with plain sparkling water to get a refreshing drink that is also low in calories.
  • Dark chocolate for chocolate lovers – Dark chocolate is a healthier choice for chocolates as it is made of 70% cocoa and healthy plant compounds (polyphenols.) But dark chocolates have some fat and sugar, so it is best to limit the intake to a few squares.
  • Milk and chocolate – Though plain milk (soy, almond, coconut, or cow) should be the first choice, many of us can not escape our sweet tooth. So if you like flavored milk, have half a glass of chocolate milk mixed with half a glass of white milk.
  • Herbal teas – You will not need to add sugar to herbal teas as they already have a mild sweet flavor. Some tremendous herbal tea mixes are ginger, hibiscus, dandelion, and rooibos.

There are many other alternatives for a healthier sweet food or drink, such as snack bars, sugar-free mints or chewing gums, adding stevia to your drinks, etc. But it is advisable to limit the number of sweeteners you add, and you will be surprised how your palate adjusts to less quantity of sugar over time.

Dental care

Can Medications Have An Effect on My Oral Health?

Healthy teeth and gums require good oral care, a diet low in sugar, adequate saliva production, and regular dental check-ups every 6-12 months.

However, certain medications and oral infections can impact our oral health. Some medications can lead to gum issues, such as inflammation or bleeding. If left untreated, diseased gums can escalate to severe dental problems, including tooth loss.

Some medications can also alter your mouth’s taste, making it essential to consider alternatives that won’t compromise your oral health. With the right medication, you can maintain a radiant smile while addressing other health conditions.

Types of Medications That Affect Oral Health:

  • Antidepressants: These can cause dry mouth, increasing the risk of tooth decay.
  • Antihistamines: These might elevate the risk of gum problems and cause significant mouth dryness.
  • Antihypertensives: These can result in severe gum swelling and overgrowth.
  • Aspirin: Being acidic, aspirin can damage tooth enamel. It should be swallowed, not chewed, and taken only when prescribed.
  • Syrups: Medicated syrups often contain high sugar levels, which can lead to tooth decay if teeth aren’t brushed afterward.
  • Antibiotics: Prolonged or excessive dosages can trigger oral fungal infections.

Oral Conditions Caused by Medications:

  • Dry Mouth (Xerostomia): A significant reduction in saliva can lead to cavities and elevate the risk of infections. To maintain healthy gums and teeth, drink plenty of water and avoid highly acidic or sugary beverages. A dry mouth can also be a precursor to other conditions, so staying hydrated is crucial.
  • Abnormal Bleeding: Many anticoagulant medications, like aspirin, can reduce blood clotting. It’s vital for your dentist to be aware of any medications you’re taking. Blood thinners can lead to unusual bleeding if there’s a cut in the mouth during treatment.
  • Enlargement of Gums: Overgrown or enlarged gums, known as gingival overgrowth, can vary among individuals. Good oral hygiene can minimize its effects, but only a dentist can treat the condition by removing excess tissue.
  • Fungal Infection: Oral thrush, a fungal infection, arises from yeast accumulation in the mouth. Overusing antibiotics or inhalers can compromise your immune system, leading to this condition. Consuming a high-glucose diet during an infection can worsen the situation. Cleaning inhalers and dentures after use can help reduce the risk of oral thrush.

Tips to Prevent Gum and Teeth Problems:

  • Avoid sodas and carbonated soft drinks.
  • Opt for sugar-free gum.
  • Steer clear of candies and lollipops.
  • Limit alcohol consumption.
  • Schedule dental check-ups every six months.
  • Reduce or quit smoking.
  • Rinse your mouth after consuming acidic medications.
  • Maintain regular dental care, including brushing twice daily and flossing.
  • Always consult your pharmacist about the potential dental health impacts of medications you’re considering.

Final Thoughts:

Certain medications can significantly impact your oral health. It’s crucial for your dentist to be informed about your medication regimen, alcohol consumption, and smoking habits.

Concealing medication details from your dentist is not advisable. Only take prescribed medicines and remain vigilant for any adverse symptoms.

If you experience discomfort, pain, or any of the symptoms mentioned above due to medication, consult your dentist promptly.

Medications and oral infections can jeopardize your radiant smile. Adopting preventive measures and maintaining good oral habits will benefit you in the long run.

Dental care

The Many Benefits of Composite Resin

Tooth-colored filling material, often known as composite resin, is a popular and flexible dental material that has significantly impacted the fields of restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Composite resin, made of plastic and glass particles, has many advantages over silver fillings (amalgam). In this piece, we will discuss the evolution of dental care and how composite resin has become an indispensable aspect of today’s procedures.

What is Composite Resin?

Composite resin’s natural appearance is one of its main selling points. Instead of silver amalgam fillings, composite resin fillings can match the exact tint of the patient’s teeth. Because of this, composite resin fillings are nearly indiscernible from the natural tooth, allowing for a more natural and aesthetically beautiful smile.

Composite resin’s adaptability goes beyond its ability to mimic other colors. Dental fillings, restoring broken or shattered teeth, straightening misaligned teeth, and bridging minor gaps between teeth are just some of the many uses for this versatile material. Therefore, composite resin has become widely used in functional and aesthetic dental applications.

Benefits of Composite Resin

  1. Composite resin fillings require less dental preparation than amalgam fillings, saving you time and money. By bonding directly to the tooth structure, composite resin helps dentists keep more of the patient’s healthy tooth structure intact. Composite resin restorations are more conservative than amalgam fillings, so they help keep teeth strong and lessen the likelihood of fracture or discomfort.
  2. Composite resin, used in adhesive bonding, is formulated to form a chemical link with a tooth’s natural structure. The tooth is reinforced by adhesive bonding, decreasing the likelihood of leaking and subsequent decay that can occur with amalgam fillings. Bonding offers a strong and long-lasting restoration, protecting the tooth from bacteria and debris.
  3. Composite resin’s exceptional mechanical features include its flexibility and durability. This makes it appropriate for withstanding the forces of biting and chewing, guaranteeing the restoration lasts for quite some time. Composite resin fillings can survive for many years with the right maintenance and regular dental checkups.
  4. Due to the conservative nature of composite resin fabrication, more of the patient’s healthy tooth structure can be kept intact. Importantly, composite resin can reconstruct a tooth with little decay or small cavities while leaving most healthy enamel unaltered.
  5. Composite resin restorations can be fixed or changed without removing too much of the original tooth structure. Long-term dental treatment that only requires an easy addition of composite material by the dentist is both affordable and convenient.
  6. Compared to amalgam fillings, composite resin has no mercury and poses no health risks to patients. Because of this, composite resin has emerged as a more sustainable and risk-free option for dental restorations.
  7. Composite resin restorations are less likely than amalgam fillings to result in temperature sensitivity. Composite resin’s bonding method provides thermal insulation for the tooth, relieving pain some patients suffer with amalgam fillings due to extreme temperature swings.
  8. Dental function composite resin fillings are made to feel and function like your original tooth. The restoration will not move or cause discomfort to the patient’s bite because of its superior adhesion to the tooth surface. Therefore, composite resin restorations enhance both the function and comfort of teeth.


Composite resin has revolutionized cosmetic dentistry because of its adaptability, durability, and aesthetic value. Composite resin is a great option for dental restorations because of its many benefits, including natural color-matching, adhesive bonding, less tooth preparation, and better dental function. Composite resin has quickly become the dental community’s and patients’ go-to for restorative and cosmetic procedures.

Composite resin has several uses in dentistry; if you need dental repairs or cosmetic changes, talk to your dentist about them. You can have a beautiful, practical, and long-lasting smile that mimics your real teeth because of their skill and the improved qualities of composite resin.


Dental care

Tips To Help Your Child Overcome Dental Anxiety

Childhood fears are many, and one of them is dentophobia or anxiety around dental appointments. A survey says that about twenty percent of school-going kids are scared of going to the dentist, which equates to one out of five children having a fearful response to the idea of sitting in a dentist’s chair. 

This fear of dentists could be because of several reasons, such as a previous bad experience or they learned it from a family member. This anxiety is sometimes also due to kids still learning about the world and how it works.

Dentophobia can be so excruciating for some kids that their parents have difficulty getting them to the dentist. But regular visits to the dentist are of paramount significance for young kids as it helps build proper oral hygiene. So what do parents do?

Here we will learn more about where this fear of dentists stemming from in kids and, as parents, how you can alleviate this anxiety.

What Is Dentophobia?

Dentophobia denotes the phobia of dentists. Fear is different from a phobia. 

  • Fear is when you are scared of something, but it is noticeable only when it happens and does not interrupt your daily life.
  • Extreme fears characterize phobias, and they interfere with everyday living. Phobias or anxiety disorders can also cause panic attacks.
  • Anyone fearful of dentists would still schedule appointments for yearly checkups and show up at the dental office even if they are scared the whole time. Those with dentophobia will never schedule an appointment with their dentist and avoid it at all costs.

Some Of The Root Causes of Dental Anxiety In Kids

The first step in trying to help your kid with dentophobia is to understand where it is coming from. Most kids who are scared to go to a dentist have one or many of the following fears:

  • Breathing is obstructed – During a dental exam or cleaning, patients’ mouths are open, making it difficult to breathe normally. If a child is a mouth breather, this position makes it even more difficult for him/her causing anxiety.
  • The feeling of being powerless – When you lie on a dentist’s chair and have another person’s hands inside your mouth, you can feel vulnerable. This feeling is more intense in a kid as they already feel small in front of adults and are unable to use their instincts to disengage themselves from a scary situation. Also, if a kid is hurting while the dentist is going on with the checkup, they are unable to express it when their mouth is obstructed. 
  • Pain – Though dentists try their best to minimize the pain, there could be times when hurting is inevitable. Maybe your kid underwent some dental work where the dentist was not gentle enough or did not medicate properly. This memory can make dental visits scary for children.
  • Fear of dental setting – Kids get overwhelmed by the sight of so many instruments in the dentist’s office. Some kids have sensory issues which get triggered by the dentist’s office environment, sound, and smell.

Ways To Help Your Kid Be Comfortable In Dental Appointments

Dentophobia must be addressed early on, and parents need to team up to work together to help their kids overcome this anxiety. Here are some tips on how you can alleviate dental anxiety in your child:

  • Talk to your kid – You can understand what is truly bothering your little one by talking to them. By being a good listener and asking questions in a kind and gentle tone, you can aid your kid in sharing their fears and give them support.
  • Let your child pre-meet the dentist – If your kid’s dentist is active on social media platforms, you can introduce him/her to your kid using these tools, for instance, FB Live. Familiarity with the dentist outside the dental chair can soothe a child’s mind, and s/he could be more welcoming towards the idea of meeting the dentist.
  • Roleplay – Child therapists use roleplay extensively to develop social and emotional skills in children. You could utilize the same method to develop a healthy outlook in your children toward dentist visits. Take turns with your child playing a dentist and a patient, but if your kid has an extreme phobia and refuses to take part in roleplay, do not push it.
  • Go to a pediatric dentist – Pediatric dentists work only with children and possess additional experience and knowledge in child’s behavior as well as health. They are an excellent choice for kids, and if your kid is having problems adjusting to your current dentist, consider switching to a pediatric one.
  • Show up early at the office – Coming early to the dentist not just gives you extra time for all the paperwork but also aids your kid in acclimating and relaxing in the dentist’s office. Sometimes anxiety in a child is due to overstimulation and not fear, so if you allow them more time to get used to the new environment, you have a better chance of a smooth appointment.

Dental anxiety is a real hindrance for your children which prevents a healthy oral regime. Take the necessary steps today to enhance your kid’s experience at the dental office.

Dental care

Do You Know Your Diet Affects Oral Health

Taking care of one’s teeth and gums is vital to overall health. A healthy diet is as important as good oral hygiene practices like brushing and flossing. Our teeth and gums are directly affected by the foods and beverages we consume. 

Having strong teeth and healthy gums is essential for looking after your overall health, and eating well can assist with that. In this article, we’ll learn how the foods we eat can either help or harm our teeth and gums as we investigate the link between nutrition and oral health.

How are diet and oral health connected?

A balanced diet and regular dental care are the two cornerstones of dental health. Let’s look at the relationship between what you eat and your teeth. Dental caries and gum disease can be prevented with a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins (mainly fish and poultry), nuts, seeds, and legumes. 

In particular, the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in vegetables and fruits are critical to maintaining healthy teeth. Beans and legumes are healthy if cooked properly, but they threaten your teeth if you eat them raw.

How Diet affects Oral health?

  • Stay Away from Too Much Sugar

Too much sugar in the diet is a significant contributor to tooth problems. Tooth decay and cavities can be caused by consuming sugary foods and drinks because they foster the growth of dangerous bacteria in the mouth. 

The bacteria produce acids that dissolve tooth enamel by using sugar as energy. The risk of developing cavities can be significantly reduced by limiting the consumption of sugary foods and beverages, particularly in the hours between meals.

  • Calcium and Vitamin D: Their Vital Role

Strong teeth and bones can only be maintained with enough calcium and vitamin D in the diet. Vitamin D from sun exposure or fortified sources and calcium-rich foods, including dairy products, leafy greens, and almonds, aid tooth formation and remineralization. Teeth are strengthened, and cavities are avoided when enough calcium and vitamin D are in the diet.

  • Fruits and Veggies

Apples, carrots, and celery all work great as natural toothbrushes because of their crunchy textures. Their fibrous nature encourages the production of saliva, which washes away food debris and neutralizes acids in the mouth. 

Tooth decay is less likely to occur with their natural sugars than with processed sugary treats. These meals have a mild abrasive effect on the teeth and gums, leading to better oral health and less plaque formation.

  • The Importance of Water for Good Teeth

To maintain healthy teeth and gums, water is essential. Plaque on your teeth can be prevented by drinking enough water, which flushes away food debris and bacteria. For example, drinking fluoridated water can help you avoid cavities by fortifying your tooth enamel. Water is the best option over sugary drinks to stay hydrated and have healthy teeth and gums.

  • Acidic Foods and Drinks

Even though citrus fruits and tomatoes have many positive health effects, their high acidity levels can harm our teeth and gums. If you regularly consume acidic foods and drinks, the enamel on your teeth will wear away, leaving them more vulnerable to cavities and sensitivity.  Limit your intake of acidic meals, and always rinse your mouth with water after eating anything acidic.

The Bottom Line 

The old proverb “you are what you eat” is accurate regarding your teeth. Having a balanced diet is essential for healthy teeth and gums. To maintain healthy teeth and gums, it’s necessary to cut back on sugary foods and drinks, increase the consumption of calcium-rich foods, increase the consumption of crunchy fruits and vegetables, and drink enough water.

Maintaining a healthy mouth and beautiful smile requires attention to both food and oral hygiene practices daily. Remember that eating well helps you look and feel your best from the inside out.

Dental care

Why Do I Need Temporary Veneers?

What are Temporary Veneers?

Temporary or trial veneers are thin coverings made of acrylic or resin applied to your natural teeth. Unlike porcelain, these veneers are carefully crafted in predetermined shapes and sizes. They are designed to temporarily enhance the appearance of your teeth until permanent veneers are ready to be fitted.

Securely bonded to your teeth, temporary veneers provide a quick solution while you await a permanent fix. They aim to preview how your teeth could look after the complete veneer treatment. Wearing these tooth-colored shells for approximately seven to ten days allows you to assess and decide on the desired aesthetic outcome.

How Are Temporary Veneers Created?

Temporary veneers are created by taking a mold of your teeth and pouring acrylic onto it. The mold is removed, leaving a perfect replica of the wax mock-up. Excess material is removed, and imperfections are polished out. These temporary veneers are not bonded to your teeth, so brush gently while experiencing some sensitivity.

Do Temporary Veneers Appear Natural?

While temporary veneers have a shorter lifespan than porcelain veneers, their appearance resembles that of permanent veneers. Consequently, even before your dentist completes the procedure by affixing the porcelain veneers, you will clearly understand the visual outcome of your new smile.  

Why are Temporary Veneers Necessary?

Patients often seek clarification regarding the necessity of temporary veneers and the associated process. When preparing for veneers, the dentist takes impressions of your trimmed teeth, which are then sent to the lab to create custom veneers. Temporary veneers serve a pivotal role for three main purposes: 

Aesthetic Considerations: Before veneers can be applied, the dentist trims the enamel of your teeth to create space for the porcelain shells. This alteration in tooth shape and appearance can result in an unusual look. Temporary veneers are placed to maintain a more “normal” appearance during the transition period to porcelain veneers.

Sensitivity Control: The preparation process for veneers involves trimming teeth, which can expose them and remove a protective layer. Consequently, the teeth become highly sensitive to hot and cold beverages. Temporary veneers offer a protective cover, shielding the exposed areas and reducing sensitivity.

Trial Run: Temporary veneers enable patients to experience and evaluate the appearance of permanent porcelain veneers before their final attachment. With the temporary veneers, patients can assess any necessary adjustments or refinements that they may want the dentist to address before placing the permanent veneers.

What to Anticipate While Wearing Temporary Veneers? 

During the period of wearing temporary veneers, you might encounter the following:

Adjustments to your oral care routine: Typically, temporary veneers leave no spaces in between, making it challenging to floss until the permanent veneers are installed.

Challenges with chewing: Temporary veneers are slightly thicker compared to permanent ones, which can lead to difficulties when biting and, in certain instances, mild discomfort.

Dietary restrictions: It is essential to avoid consuming hard, sticky, chewy, or crunchy foods as they have the potential to dislodge the temporary veneers.

Sensitivity to extreme temperatures: Due to the partial exposure of your teeth resulting from enamel removal, you may experience discomfort when consuming hot or cold foods and beverages. Therefore, it is advisable to abstain from them until the permanent veneers are placed.

How Can I Safeguard My Temporary Veneers?

Even though temporary veneers may only be required for a limited duration, it remains crucial to maintain and protect them properly. Here are some recommended practices:

Prioritise your oral health. It is imperative to uphold excellent oral hygiene while wearing temporary veneers. Brush your teeth twice and floss daily, paying particular attention to the areas between your veneers.

Steer clear of dark-colored beverages and foods. Temporary veneers are prone to staining, so avoiding dark-pigmented drinks and foods like soda, tea, red wine, and coffee is advisable. 

Refrain from consuming sticky or hard foods. Given the ease with which temporary veneers can become dislodged, it is essential to steer clear of foods that may cause them to come loose while chewing or biting.

Is It a Worthwhile Investment?

Once the necessary tweaks have been made, your dentist will schedule a follow-up appointment to have your permanent veneers firmly affixed. As you observe your radiant new smile reflected in the mirror, you’ll appreciate that all the endeavors were justified and rewarding! Temporary veneers are essential in the complete procedure, acting as a transitional phase towards attaining a lasting and enduring resolution.

Dental care

What Foods Can’t You Eat With Veneers?

Veneers are a popular dental solution for enhancing smiles, but taking care of them is essential to maintain longevity. Certain foods can potentially damage or stain veneers, compromising their appearance. In this article, we will discuss the foods you should avoid to protect your veneers and keep them looking their best

What Foods Should You Avoid With Veneers?

Hard and Crunchy Foods 

It is important to note that veneers are designed to be durable, but excessive force can still damage them. It is best to avoid biting into hard and crunchy foods, such as ice, hard candies, popcorn kernels, and nuts. These foods can exert too much pressure on your veneers, potentially causing them to chip, crack, or come loose. Opt for softer alternatives or cut these foods into smaller, more manageable pieces before consuming them.

Sticky and Chewy Foods

Sticky and chewy foods tend to get stuck to the surface of veneers, leading to potential damage or discoloration. Avoid foods like caramel, taffy, chewing gum, and sticky candies that can pull or dislodge the veneers. These items can also contribute to plaque accumulation and increase the risk of cavities. Choose healthier snacks that are less likely to stick to your teeth, such as fruits or yogurt.

Staining Agents

Although veneers are stain-resistant, they are not entirely impervious to discoloration over time. Certain foods and beverages contain intense pigments that can stain veneers, affecting their natural-looking appearance. Coffee, tea, red wine, berries, tomato sauce, and dark-colored sodas are common staining agents to avoid. Using a straw can help minimize contact with your veneers if you consume these beverages. Additionally, brushing your teeth or rinsing your mouth with water after consumption can reduce the risk of staining.

Acidic Foods and Beverages

Acidic foods and drinks can erode the protective enamel layer of your teeth, including the veneers. Citrus fruits, vinegar-based dressings, carbonated beverages, and citrus-flavored drinks fall into this category. Acidic substances weaken the tooth structure, making them more susceptible to damage. Avoid prolonged exposure to these foods and drinks, and if consumed, rinse your mouth with water afterward to neutralize the acidity.

Seeds and Pits 

Foods like popcorn, sunflower seeds, and olive pits can pose a risk to your veneers. These items’ small and hard nature can lead to veneer damage or dislodgement. Be cautious when consuming items with seeds or pits, or remove them before eating.

Highly Pigmented Sauces 

Sauces like soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, and dark-colored condiments can stain veneers over time. If possible, limit your consumption of these highly pigmented sauces, or be sure to rinse your mouth with water afterward to minimize the chance of staining.

What Foods Can You Eat?

Here are some items you can consume if you wear veneers: 

  • Soft-cooked vegetables (e.g., steamed broccoli, carrots, or cauliflower)
  • Lean proteins (e.g., grilled chicken, fish, or tofu)
  • Soft fruits (e.g., bananas, berries, or sliced apples)
  • Cooked grains (e.g., rice, quinoa, or couscous)
  • Dairy products (e.g., yogurt, cheese, or milk)
  • Soft bread (e.g., sandwich bread, tortillas, or wraps)
  • Butter (e.g., peanut butter or almond butter)
  • Smoothies or blended fruits and vegetables
  • Soft pasta dishes (e.g., spaghetti with a smooth sauce)
  •  Soups (e.g., vegetable soup or pureed soups)


To ensure the longevity and aesthetics of your veneers, it’s crucial to make wise food choices. Avoid hard, crunchy, sticky, and chewy foods that can damage or dislodge veneers. Steer clear of staining agents and acidic foods that can compromise their appearance. By following these guidelines, you can maintain a beautiful smile and protect your investment in veneers.

Dental care

Can Kids Use Electric Toothbrushes?

When it comes to our kids, we are always worried about whether we are using the right tools to clean their mouths. We must start our kids with excellent oral habits right from the time they are born. As infants, we use soft-bristled finger teeth cleaners, and as they grow, we start introducing toothpaste and toothbrushes for their dental regime.

When we start brushing our kids’ teeth, we always choose those cleaners that are designed for their age. We also know that electric toothbrushes perform better than normal ones as they can better clean our teeth, and we do not need to apply manual force.

A common question that parents always have is whether they can use electric toothbrushes for their kids, and if so, at what age should they start? To answer that question, let us learn more about these battery-operated brushes and when you can use them for your kids.

What are Electric Teeth Cleaners

Electric toothbrushes are powered by batteries and use oscillating movement to clean your teeth.

  • With parental guidance, a battery-operated teeth cleaner can be a fantastic oral care tool.
  • These brushes can remove plaque, bacteria, and food particles even from the area along the gumline.
  • They are easy to use, and kids will surely enjoy cleaning their teeth with battery-powered brushes compared to manual ones.
  • An electric toothbrush looks much like a manual one, with a base for holding the brush and bristles at the top. Their head is slightly smaller. 
  • As dentists recommend replacing your manual toothbrush every few months, the same applies to electric ones. You would need to replace the head of an electric toothbrush whenever the bristles show signs of wear and tear.

When Can My Kid Use a Battery-Operated Toothbrush?

Parents often wonder if a battery-powered tooth cleaner is safe for their kids and worth the money.

  • Considering the safety point, children three years and above can use these brushes, provided their parents give them proper supervision and guidance.
  • Children below the age of three should use only manual brushes. For such young children, the gums are not fully developed, and their teeth are more sensitive so a battery-operated brush could be a little harsh for their dental structure.
  • If your child finds it fun and likes to brush his teeth with an electric tool, it helps develop consistent brushing habits, and parents should encourage that.
  • Just like manual brushes, these power brushes also have special designs for kids. When buying a battery-operated brush for your child, look for soft bristles that are not too aggressive on your little one’s teeth and gums and have an easy grip to suit kids’ small hands.
  • Proper technique of brushing is vital to using a power brush as the electric brush on its own can not do all the work. You must show your child how to place the brush (making a forty-five-degree angle with the gum) and move it back and forth to cover all areas in the mouth. 
  • You must replace the toothbrush head every three months, but if the child has any infection, cold, or flu, then throw the head immediately as it can harbor bacteria, especially if the child chews on the brush.

Benefits Of a Power Brush For Kids

Electric toothbrushes have significant benefits over manual ones. Though ADA (American Dental Association) states that both manual and electric brushes can effectively clean your child’s teeth, there are many reasons which can make power brushes more compelling for you. Some of the obvious benefits include:

  • The brushing process becomes a fun activity for kids when they use electric toothbrushes. It improves their brushing habit and gives them the motivation to brush. Many companies that make power brushes for kids design them with fun colors and character-themed styles too. 
  • Studies show that battery-powered brushes can consistently remove more plaque than manual ones. Some of the power brushes also have a two-minute timer in them so that the kid knows that s/he has to clean their teeth for that duration.
  • Kids gain more confidence in their brushing skills with electric toothbrushes as it is easier to hold and position.
  • In general, kids love the sensation of a battery-operated brush, and kids with limited mobility can benefit greatly from these brushes. A word of caution here is that some kids with sensory issues might find the sound and vibrations of the brush scary; hence parents must be in tune with their child’s special needs and issues and ensure their child is not intimidated by a power brush.

Some of the Downsides of Electric Toothbrushes

There are not many disadvantages of a power brush except for a few mentioned below:

  • They are more costly, and you need to replace their heads as well periodically, like normal brushes.
  • You need to charge them or replace their batteries from time to time.

An electric toothbrush is a great tool for cleaning kids’ teeth. You can use it for kids above the age of three with proper guidance and supervision. A power brush makes brushing time fun for kids and helps in inculcating a consistent oral care regime.


Dental care

How To Choose The Best Invisalign Provider

As an adult, deciding to fix your teeth and wear aligners is not an easy one. You want to choose something which will not disturb your social obligations, not come in the way of enjoying food, and the list goes on. You get down to researching all the different types of orthodontic treatment options and finally decide that Invisalign is the aptest procedure to go ahead with.

Invisalign suits many of us because of its invisible nature, i.e., it gels completely with your natural set of teeth with its clear trays, and no one can make out you are wearing braces. Another wonderful aspect of these clear aligners is that they are removable, and you can take them off when you eat, need to play sports, or do any other activity where braces can come in the way or get damaged.

But choosing Invisalign was just one step in the overall decision-making process. The right orthodontist for your Invisalign journey is vital to get the desired smile in the most effective manner. You would want to go for an orthodontist with a proven track record, as correction of malocclusion requires lots of time and money.

So what should one look for when choosing a doctor for Invisalign treatment? Let us find out all about that in this article.

Factors To Consider While Choosing an Invisalign Provider

Clear aligner therapy can be done only by licensed and experienced orthodontists. You might feel that choosing the cheapest alternative might be good enough, or you could go for “do-it-yourself” companies that provide Invisalign through the mail. Here are a few tips which can help you get the best solution in selecting an Invisalign provider:

  • Select an orthodontist who is highly recommended and experienced in clear aligners treatment – Experience matters a lot when it comes to straightening teeth. Invisalign is something like a paintbrush, and many people can use the same paint but create different results. So an experienced person is much more effective in treating teeth with clear aligners and will give you results in a shorter time. To find a good orthodontist, first, create a list of all orthodontists in your area and then check their reviews online. You will find that many patients provide a detailed experience of their treatment online, and around eighty-seven percent of people trust online reviews as much as they trust reviews of their friends and family.
  • Get referrals – Apart from doing your own online research, getting referrals from people you know is a great way to decide on the perfect orthodontist. Word of mouth matters a lot, so speak to patients who have availed services of the orthodontist that you have shortlisted. Invisalign is popular these days so you are sure to find someone who has gotten that treatment done. Try to get at least three to four recommendations, and then do your research. 
  • Schedule a consultation – Once you have boiled down to a solid list of orthodontists, it’s time to meet them. You might find some consults are free while others might charge you. Despite the charges, meeting your orthodontist is an important step in the decision-making process. When you are at the premise, check the cleanliness of the place, get to know the waiting time, find out how well-equipped the waiting room is, and also be able to gauge the doctor’s manners. You must have a list of questions in hand when you meet the orthodontist. You should try to get as much information as possible, especially about their experience in Invisalign. You must ensure that the doctor takes time to clear all your doubts and is not hurrying you through the process. Meeting face-to-face is a big factor in zeroing in on your orthodontist.
  • Costs comparison – If, even after meeting face to face, you are in a dilemma about the best orthodontist, comparing costs would give you that clarity. Dental work is quite expensive, and if you have a tight budget, the prices would be a major concern for you. Some providers might be lenient about monthly payments or have offers and discounts. You must mention your budget and get a quote when you meet the orthodontist.
  • Certifications of the doctor – Invisalign is the buzz these days, and many doctors who are not qualified enough and lack credentials are trying to profit from the popularity of these clear aligners. Invisalign is not like other dental work and needs specific knowledge. So you can save a lot of time by researching all the required credentials of an orthodontist before fixing an appointment. An adequately trained provider in Invisalign would be the most apt for you.
  • Customer service quality – When you reach out to the potential Invisalign provider, try to gauge the quality of their customer service. Check if they are polite to you on the phone and if they get back to you quickly. You would want to be with a provider whose customer care gives you time and patience and answers all your questions. If you are uncomfortable with the quality, you should look elsewhere.

When you are just starting to find an Invisalign provider, it might all seem overwhelming to you. But with the pointers mentioned in this article, you will be able to smoothly navigate the decision-making process and find the provider who will suit you in all respects.

Dental care

5 Benefits of Dental Sealants For Your Child

Children are at high risk of developing bad breath and tooth decay due to their dietary habits. As parents, it is essential to educate and encourage them to adopt good oral hygiene practices. Fortunately, there are various treatments available to preserve their dental health, and one of them is dental sealants. 

What are dental sealants?

Dental sealants act as a protective barrier for molars, shielding them from harmful bacteria that can cause cavities. These thin coatings are applied to the chewing surfaces of back teeth as part of preventive oral care. They are typically administered by oral healthcare professionals such as hygienists or dentists. 

Oral sealants are made from various materials by manufacturers, with medical-grade resins and glass ionomers being the two popular options. The materials create a smooth, transparent surface barrier that shields teeth from decay-causing bacteria and acidic erosion. This protection is especially crucial for children and teenagers.  

Popular preventative measures such as dental sealants are recommended for young patients, especially children and teenagers. It is advised to apply these sealants as soon as their permanent molars and premolars emerge, safeguarding their teeth during the cavity-prone years of ages 6 to 14. 

Protecting Your Child’s Molars: Understanding Their Structure and Importance

A child’s teeth are delicate compared to an adult’s teeth. By age seven, they usually have a complete set of teeth, including the molars, essential for proper chewing. The molars’ strong structure makes them ideal for crushing tough food. However, they are also prone to bacterial attacks, leading to cavities and decay.

Due to crushing stubborn food, molars require adequate care to prevent decay. Their rough surface makes them more susceptible to corrosion compared to other teeth. Regular brushing and flossing are crucial to maintaining oral health. However, dental sealants are an effective option for removing stubborn food particles that may evade removal.

Who is qualified to administer dental sealants? 

Experts like dentists and hygienists apply oral sealants. Teeth are cleaned and examined before the sealant is applied. A material is put on the tooth and then rinsed off, followed by the sealant material, which is hardened with a light. It is a painless procedure, but it requires the patient to stay still. 

5 Benefits of Dental Sealants for Children:

Dental sealants are a valuable preventive measure that can benefit individuals of all ages, but it is particularly crucial for children. Opting for molar sealants is a straightforward and affordable solution that offers numerous benefits for your child’s oral health. These include:

    1. Healthy molars: Dental sealants are an excellent way to maintain your child’s molars health. Since molars are crucial to oral functionality, they are susceptible to plaque and cavity buildup. Sealants protect them from food particles and bacteria that can cause decay. If any debris accumulates, a simple rinse with mouthwash easily removes it in the presence of sealants.
    2. Protects against dental cavities: The formation of plaque on a child’s teeth can lead to the development of cavities, which are far from being a pleasant experience. Thankfully, dental sealants offer a viable solution to prevent such issues and safeguard your child’s oral health from the potential stress and discomfort of treating cavities or tooth loss.
    3. Ensuring fresh breath for Your Child: Plaque accumulation doesn’t just lead to tooth decay but can also cause unpleasant odors in the mouth. This buildup emits a harsh smell that can embarrass your child, potentially affecting their self-esteem in social situations. Dental sealants prevent this issue by controlling plaque buildup. 
    4. Quick and painless: oral sealants are a simple and painless procedure that takes just a few minutes to apply. Even fidgety kids can handle it! Your dentist will usually apply sealants after regular cleaning. Once the sealants are in place, they’ll dry in just a few minutes, and your child can return to eating normally.
  • Prolonged durability: Sealants provide long-lasting protection for teeth, particularly during the cavity-prone childhood years. With proper care and maintenance, sealants can endure for many years. Regular oral check-ups will ensure the sealants are in good condition, and the dentist will suggest any needed repairs or re-application. 

Dental sealants are a quick, painless, and effective way to protect your child’s molars from decay and bad breath. With proper care, they can last for many years, ensuring your child’s oral health during their most cavity-prone years. 

Dental care

How Are TMJ Disorders Treated?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) behaves like a sliding pivot, interfacing your jawbone with your skull. The structure of jaws is designed in a way that it has two joints on each side. This disorder is a temporomandibular issue or TMD that can cause pain in your jaw joint and the muscles controlling jaw development.

The specific reason for an individual’s TMJ problem is frequently challenging to understand. The pain caused due to this issue is a blend of factors, like hereditary qualities, joint pain, or jaw injury. Some people with jaw pain will often grind or grate their teeth, although there are people who constantly grind or grate their teeth but never develop this disorder.

The pain and uneasiness related to TMJ disorder are usually temporary and can be cured with a doctor’s consultation or nonsurgical medicines. The surgical process is the last option for the treatment of this disorder. It is used when conservative methods fail, and this option offers the best relief. 

Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

Signs and symptoms of TMJ disorder might include:

  • Pain or uneasiness in your jaw
  • Pain in either of the temporomandibular joints
  • Unbearable pain in and around your ear
  • Trouble biting or pain while biting
  • Hurting facial pain
  • Deformed facial structure
  • Difficulty in speaking 
  • Locking the joint makes it challenging to open or close your mouth.

TMJ disorder can likewise cause a clicking or grinding sensation when you open your mouth or bite. However, if there’s no pain or movement associated with development related to your jaw clicking, in that case, you don’t require treatment for a TMJ issue.

In minor cases, TMJ relief from discomfort is possible with nonsurgical treatment choices. The following are a few different ways you can assist with easing pain in your TMJ and side effects without a medical procedure:

  • Proper positioning of your jaw

To reduce TMJ pain, limit wide jaw developments, like biting, yawning, singing, and shouting. Give the effort to keep your muscles as loose as could be expected.

  • Right posture

Sitting in an unideal position for significant periods can make you feel more pain in your jaw.

  • Get a good night’s sleep

Rest is important for good health. To assist with limiting TMJ pain, rest on your back and use cushions to help your neck. You need to avoid sleeping on your stomach, and if dozing on your side, don’t put your hand on your jaw.

  • Use a hot or cold pack.

Ice helps reduce swelling and pain, while heat can increase blood flow and loosen jaw muscles. Applying a hot or ice pack can give instant relief and reduce the pain.

  • Relief from stress

Try meditation techniques that help to release and loosen up your jaw. Yoga offers relief with less muscle pain, and other activities that relax your brain are also necessary to properly function facial muscles. 

However, it depends upon the situation. If you’ve had a TMJ disorder because of an impermanent time of pressure, your symptoms will probably reduce once the stress is not there. However, pain caused because of misalignment of teeth can continue the TMJ disorder if not cured within a proper time. 

Jaw pain may not be a serious cause, but it’s a matter of concern. If you have TMJ symptoms, consult your dentist and schedule an appointment for a thorough checkup. Proper treatment can assist you with dealing with the condition.

With proper medication, TMJ Disorder can be effectively treated. The critical step is seeing the medical consultation for an assessment, which helps reduce the effect before any harmful situation arises. 

Dental care

Are There Different Types of Veneers?

Mainly there are different types of veneers used in the dental industry. They are made to fit over teeth to improve the appearance of a smile, and they can also change the shape of the tooth, size, color, and length. These cosmetic solutions are highly recommended for cosmetic dental procedures. 

Veneers are an excellent way to cover discolored, crooked, and damaged teeth. Even for tooth gaps and deep stains, they are the best option. Depending on your tooth color and desired outcomes, they are available in many shades. 

Most types of veneers are permanent and can not be removed after placement. Choosing a veneer depends on the budget, comfort level, and tooth condition. These also have subcategories, which help the patient select according to their need and requirement. 

Types Of Veneers And Their Advantages 

The main objective of veneers is to provide a natural-looking appearance to the teeth. In the procedure, the dentist bonds them directly onto the teeth. These are available in different kinds of material as well. Some of the common veneers used in dental procedures are:

  • Porcelain Veneers

Patients choose these veneers for slight alterations or to change the teeth’ shape, size, and color. Some of its benefits are: 

  1. They are thinner compared to other cosmetic solution
  2. Give a natural appearance to the tooth
  3. Durable in nature

Porcelain Veneers are designed in such a way that they do not cause any harm to gums or any other soft tissues. These are also used to resist the teeth from stains. 

  • Composite Veneers

These are the alternative to porcelain veneers. They are made with a mixture of inorganic and organic materials. The bonding material used in the composite ones is the same as the tooth’s color. They are primarily used in the chipped area. Some of their advantages are:

  1. Natural in appearance
  2. Ability to mimic natural teeth
  3. Budget-friendly
  • Lumineers

They are ultra-thin or translucent veneers and replicate the shape and color of natural teeth. Some of their advantages are:

  1. Require minimal tooth preparation
  2. Do not require tooth reduction
  3. Refurbish the old tooth

Why Do People Get Veneers?

People are more likely to have veneers to enhance the teeth’ appearance and make the crooked, broken, or stained teeth look new. They are the only solutions that give a natural look to the teeth. Some of the reasons to have them are:

  • To change the length, shape, size, and color of the teeth
  • To fix the broken, chipped, and crooked teeth
  • To fix the white spots or stains on the teeth
  • To cover up the discolored spots 

What To Tell a Dentist Before Choosing Veneers?

It is vital to consult with your dentist before choosing any veneer, as they suggest the appropriate one according to the condition. And it is also important to share certain information so that your dentist can tell whether you are suitable for the procedure. Some of the points are as follows.

  • Budget 

It is essential to talk about your budget so that the dentist can tell you the right choice within that budget. Setting a budget is also the way to pick the right kind of veneer. 

  • Issues

Discuss all the issues with your dentist. Explaining your dental needs before getting veneers is very important. 

  • Side Effects

Ask about the side effects that veneers can cause and how to overcome that. Also, please discuss with your dentist the intensity of side effects, whether extreme or minimal. 

  • Share Medical History

Do tell your dentist about your medical history before getting veneers. As it can also help the dentist to take precautions during the procedure. 

Before getting any veneer, consult your dentist for the best advice. Though various options are available, choosing the appropriate one is very important. 

Dental care

Easy Ways To Reduce Your Dental Anxiety

Many people have a high rate of dental anxiety, and some studies suggest that up to 60% of individuals suffer from the same and do not visit dentists.

Various factors may contribute to anxiety, such as previous negative experiences, fear of pain or needles, or general anxiety disorders. Avoiding oral appointments makes you more susceptible to developing long-term health problems and fear of dental procedures. 

Individuals can reduce their dental anxiety and feel more comfortable during oral procedures using several simple yet effective techniques. This article will explore some easy ways to reduce oral procedure fear and make visiting the dentist more comfortable and stress-free.

Ways To Reduce Your Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety can be a massive barrier to proper oral care. Fortunately, several easy ways exist to reduce it and make visits to the dentist more comfortable and less stressful. Here are the top six ways to decrease the fear of oral care procedures: 

  • Communicate with Your Dentist

Communicating with your dentist is one of the most effective ways to reduce oral anxiety. Dentists often understand and are sympathetic to patients with dental fear. You can work with your dentist to make oral appointments less stressful and more comfortable by being honest about your worries and concerns. You can learn what to expect beforehand from your dentist during the oral care procedure. Sedation dentistry may also be available, making dental procedures more relaxing.

  • Practice Relaxation Techniques

Dental anxiety can be effectively reduced through relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and visualization. When you breathe deeply and visualize a pleasant image, you can distract yourself from the oral care procedure and calm your nerves. To practice deep breathing, breathe in slowly through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and breathe out slowly. Repeat this process several times until you feel more relaxed. To practice visualization, close your eyes and picture a calming scene, such as a beach or a mountain. It can help you distract, and the dentist can perform the procedure quickly. 

  • Use Distraction Techniques

Fear of oral care procedures can be reduced through distraction techniques as well. While having your dental checkup, you can listen to music or an audiobook. Distracting yourself during an oral care procedure can also be accomplished by counting backward from 100 or playing a mental game. You can also bring your headphones and listen to calming music before the treatment. 

  • Choose the Right Time for Your Appointment

Your dentist can also help ease your fear of dental procedures by scheduling your appointment at the right time. The morning appointment can help you relax, so you won’t have time to think about it, and your anxiety won’t build up. You can also schedule your appointment when you feel more relaxed and less stressed. Avoid scheduling appointments during high stress, such as during exams or when you have a big deadline at work.

  • Bring a Support Person

Bringing a support person to the dentist can also be useful. A friend or member of your family can provide reassurance and comfort during dental procedures. If you are anxious, they can distract you with conversation or give you a hand to hold.

  • Practice Good Oral Hygiene At Home

Finally, practicing good oral hygiene at home can help reduce the fear of dental procedures. Caring for your teeth at home may make you feel more confident about your oral health and less anxious about oral checkups. Keep your teeth clean by brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and flossing at least once daily. You can freshen your breath and prevent cavities by using mouthwash. Dental visits can be minimized, and you don’t have to visit the dentist often if you care for your teeth at home.

Lastly, communicating with your dentist and taking care of your teeth is vital to your overall health, and it can significantly help reduce your fear of oral care procedures. 

Dental care

6 Home Remedies To Stop Gum Bleeding

Bleeding gums is a common oral issue and denotes poor gum health, and it also is an early sign of gum disease. When plaque accumulates in your oral fissure, it leads to swelling and inflammation of the gum or gingiva, causing gingivitis. 

When plaque is not removed regularly, it turns hard into something called tartar, which increases blood shedding and develops into a more severe gingiva disease called periodontitis. Periodontitis affects the soft tissue and bone surrounding the teeth, which hold our pearly whites in place.

Apart from plaque buildup, there could be several reasons for blood coming out of rima oris (another word for gum), such as harsh brushing, pregnancy, injury, and inflammation. If blood oozes out of your gum regularly, it could indicate critical underlying issues and should not be ignored. 

You can remedy bleeding gingiva by maintaining good oral hygiene, quitting smoking, consuming a well-balanced diet, avoiding sugary foods and beverages, and consulting your dentist regularly.

If your gum bleeds and you are looking for home remedies to rectify it, this article will acquaint you with the six most common and effective ways of doing that.

Note On What Home Remedies Can Do & Cannot Do

The most common reason for your oral fissures to bleed is gingivitis. The starches and sugars in your food lead to a buildup of a sticky film of bacteria on your teeth which is known as plaque. When this plaque stays in your mouth long, it hardens into a substance called tartar. When there is tartar in your mouth, you need help from your dentist and cannot take them out at home.

Home remedies help with bleeding gums but are not a cure-all. Some of your gingiva issues can be taken care of with home remedies, but some parts are impossible to treat at home.

  • Rinsing using any home remedy solution can get only as deep as three millimeters under the gums. 
  • People with periodontal disease develop small pockets around their teeth that exceed 3 millimeters. They usually are five to six millimeters deep; if the disease has advanced, it could even be seven to eight millimeters deep.
  • You can not rely on home remedies and rinsing alone to reach that far down. Therefore, visiting your dentist timely is vital.

Six Home Remedies to Help With Blood Coming Out Of Gums

To stop blood coming out from your oral fissures, here are a few home remedies that would help you immensely with fighting this issue:

  1. Practice good dental hygiene- Poor oral hygiene can give you gingivitis. Brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes and flossing at least once a day will help you keep away from any sort of oral problem.
  2. Saltwater rinses- Saltwater rinse is a good old home remedy that aids in drying up bacteria. To make this rinse even more effective, you could add two more ingredients to it which are hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. All of them together would help clean the area by destroying bacteria. Salt contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that combat infections and swelling which are the two primary reasons for bleeding gums. Take equal quantities of salt and baking soda and mix them. Dip your toothbrush into hydrogen peroxide and brush your teeth while massaging your gums.
  3. Oil pulling- Oil pulling has been practiced since ancient times and has gained popularity recently due to its many health benefits. You need to take oil into your mouth and squish it around for one to twenty minutes. This procedure helps not just with gingivitis but also other health issues such as diabetes, migraines, etc. Use sesame oil or coconut oil for this process.
  4. Honey- You can take some raw honey on your fingertips and gently massage the gum area. Honey contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties which can kill the bacteria that cause the oozing of blood from oral fissures. 
  5. Turmeric- Turmeric is again an age-old remedy to fight and heal infections as it has a multitude of therapeutic properties. The curcumin compound in turmeric is known for its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties that can stop the flow of blood from the gingiva. You need to mix some mustard oil and turmeric together and then gently massage this mixture on your oral tissues.
  6. Increase vitamin C intake- Eating foods rich in Vitamin C strengthens your immune system and combat the infection in your gingiva which is causing blood to come out. Even if you practice good oral hygiene, Vitamin C deficiency can still cause gum bleeding. Some of the foods that have loads of Vitamin C in them are oranges, red peppers, sweet potatoes, and carrots. You could also check with your doctor about taking Vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and protects the lining of your gums along with strengthening connective tissues. The recommended daily intake of Vitamin C for adults is around sixty-five to ninety milligrams.

Maintaining good oral hygiene is the number one solution to keep your teeth and gums healthy. If you find that blood is oozing out from your oral cavities then you could try some of the home remedies described above. But you must also visit your dentist to rule out any severe conditions such as periodontitis.

Dental care

What Is The Difference Between Overbite And Underbite?

Do you or your child suffer from a less-than-normal bite that leads to a not-so-perfect smile? Teeth misalignment is a common issue in over seventy-five percent of the human population, and orthodontics can treat almost all the issues or malocclusions. 

The way your upper and lower teeth align not just impacts your appearance but your overall health too. With misaligned teeth, you may face difficulties with some of the vital functions of our mouths, such as chewing, eating, and even speaking. Misaligned teeth are also prone to more wear and tear and tend to become crooked over time.

Two of the most common malocclusions are overbites and underbites, and many of us have this issue to some degree. In this article, we will learn in detail what overbites and underbites are, the difference between the two, the problems associated with these two dental misalignments, and some of the ways they can be rectified.

Overbite Explained

Normally your upper teeth overlap the lower one, but if there is excessive overlap, it results in an overbite. Overbite is also termed buck teeth.

  • It is considered an overbite if your upper teeth extend over your lower teeth by four to ten millimeters.
  • You can figure out if you have this issue by just looking in the mirror. If you do have an overbite, you will find your upper teeth wholly or partially covering your bottom teeth.
  • Your dentist could also take dental X-rays to identify if you have buck teeth and the degree of overbite.
  • When the overlap is too large, it is considered a deep bite.
  • If this malocclusion is severe, you might even find the roof of your mouth irritated by your bottom teeth.
  • Buck teeth are different from overjet, even though people use them interchangeably. You could have both these problems simultaneously, but overjet is when the horizontal distance between the upper and lower teeth is more than normal. In contrast, overbite occurs when the vertical space between the upper and lower teeth is huge.

Underbite Explained

When you have an underbite, your lower jaw is a little forward with respect to your upper jaw.

  • The lower front teeth are placed outside the upper teeth in an underbite.
  • Underbites are mostly skeletal, i.e., related to abnormal jaw growth (too long lower jaw or too small upper jaw.)
  • People with severe underbite issues often have protruding chins.
  • Underbite is different from crossbite even though the lower teeth are biting in the front of the top teeth in both conditions. With an underbite, the whole lower jaw is forward, while in crossbite, one or lower dentitions are in front of the upper pearly whites either at the back of the mouth (known as posterior crossbite) or the front of the mouth (called anterior crossbite)

Difference Between Overbite and Underbite

The salient thing that differentiates an overbite from an underbite is whether it involves the upper or lower jaw and teeth.

  • If you have both types of malocclusions, you would have one arch of teeth too far in front of the other arch of the teeth. It occurs mostly due to discrepancies in jaw growth.
  • Underbites are known to have more severe consequences than buck teeth, but neither condition should be ignored.

Reasons for Overbite

A very small lower jaw is usually the reason for buck teeth or overbites.

  • A small lower jaw is usually genetic.
  • If you have chronic habits like teeth grinding or teeth clenching, that can also cause overuse of chewing muscles and overbite.
  • Excessive nail biting can also cause this condition.
  • NNSB (non-nutritive sucking behavior) or thumb sucking past three can result in an overbite.
  • Using a pacifier after three years of age can also cause buck teeth.
  • If you habitually thrust your tongue, i.e., the tongue presses too forward into the mouth; you might develop buck teeth.
  • If you have missing lower back teeth, your bite might collapse, giving you a buck teeth appearance.

Reasons for Underbite

Underbites are mostly genetic and depend on the skeletal and dental traits you inherit from your parents.

  • Prognathism occurs when the upper jaw does not grow enough, or the lower jaw grows too much. It could also be a combination of discrepancies in the growth of both jaws.
  • A few oral habits can also give you underbite, such as prolonged pacifier use, tongue thrusting, thumb sucking, etc., that interfere with jaw growth.
  • Trauma or injury to jaw or face.
  • Certain congenital disabilities, for instance, cleft palate and lip.
  • Tumors in the jawbone.
  • Mouth Breathing could also result in an underbite,

Complications Due To An Overbite

If the overbite is not treated, it can lead to:

  • Trauma to the front teeth.
  • Speech difficulties
  • Uneven or excessive wear and tear of enamel (the hard protective covering on our tooth.)
  • Headaches
  • Issues with chewing and biting.
  • Damage of soft tissue and gum around teeth.
  • More prone to gum disease and tooth decay.
  • TMJ (temporomandibular joint) and jaw dysfunction and pain. 
  • Cosmetic issues such as receding or weak chin.
  • If the lower teeth keep hitting the sensitive soft tissues behind the upper front teeth, then it could cause painful ulcers or sores.
  • Airway obstruction and sleep disorders.

Complications Due To An Underbite

An untreated underbite can cause the following issues:

  • TMJ (temporomandibular joint) and jaw dysfunction and pain. 
  • Cosmetic problem since a protruding lower jaw gives a bulldog appearance.
  • Speech issues.
  • If the button teeth are sticking out, then there is an increased risk of trauma to those teeth.
  • It is harder to clean misaligned teeth hence underbite makes you more prone to gum disease and tooth decay.
  • Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea.
  • Headaches and earaches.
  • Wear and tear of enamel.
  • Mouth breathing.

How to Fix Buck Teeth or Prognathism 

Both underbite and overbite are treated through similar orthodontic procedures as described below:

  • Metal Braces- These metallic brackets sit on your teeth and are tightened with elastics and wires. They take about eighteen to twenty-four months to get your properly aligned teeth.
  • Invisalign- They are clear or transparent trays custom-made to fit your teeth’s size and shape and are removable.
  • Orthognathic surgery- If your problem is severe, it might require corrective jaw surgery. 

Overbite and underbite are the two most common dental issues which pose many health issues if not corrected. Many options are available to treat these problems, and your dentist can help you decide which treatment you should go for.

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Natural Teeth Whitening Tips for Children

The importance of maintaining white teeth starts at a young age. Teeth are susceptible to stains and erosion due to foods and beverages. Adults spend a considerable amount of money on commercial whitening products to keep a healthy and white smile. However, for children, maintaining white and healthy teeth is more cost-effective. Many whitening solutions do not require the use of expensive oral hygiene products to maintain a healthy smile. Hence, children can benefit from these types of solutions. They can maintain their enamel, and a healthy smile, without having to continually purchase expensive items.

Key Tips To Maintain Natural White Teeth For Kids

The best way to maintain the whiteness of enamel is to take extra care of your teeth on a daily basis, avoid certain foods and beverages, and adjust your diet to some degree. These products are ideal for protecting and whitening the teeth of children. Below are some tips for keeping your child’s teeth white naturally:

  • Lemon & Baking Soda

Due to their deodorizing and stain-removal qualities, these two items provide excellent cleaning solutions. The same chemical reaction is commonly used to remove stains from the enamel. Brush your teeth with a combination of baking soda and lemon juice. After one minute, brush your teeth and rinse them off with water. The acidity of lemon juice damages enamel and removes stains. Children should only use this whitening treatment once a week.

  • Avoid Sugary & Acidic Foods

Some several foods and drinks contribute to tooth decay and staining, including those high in sugar and citric acid. A helpful way to help preserve enamel and keep kids’ teeth white is to limit or eliminate these foods from their diets. It may be difficult for kids to reduce their intake of soda and other acidic foods. However, it is imperative for their long-term dental health that they do so. Maintaining a low sugar and acid intake in the diet will help preserve enamel and keep teeth white.

  • Stay Hydrated

Keeping kids hydrated will help reduce the amount of sugar in their teeth caused by various foods and drinks. If you have access to drinkable or potable tap water, it is a better option as it contains fluoride, which can develop your child’s enamel and teeth. Also, fluoride prevents tooth decay and cavities. Additionally, drinking water throughout the day keeps your kid hydrated and helps him keep a bright smile.

  • Visit The Dentist Regularly

Dental checkups are recommended at least twice a year. Children can also receive whitening services under the supervision of their dentist. However, whitening services are usually not offered to children under 14 or pregnant women or breastfeeding. Dental professionals offer the best whitening. They have the necessary products, equipment, knowledge, skills, and patience to ensure your child’s teeth are well cared for.

  • Brush And Floss Daily

Brushing and flossing are two of the most basic routines for maintaining good dental health. As your child grows, it is necessary to instill the habit of brushing and flossing at least twice a day in them. Doing so will help develop healthy dental hygiene habits in the future. Flossing and brushing regularly prevent cavities and are more effective than drinking water at removing sugar between teeth and causing enamel erosion.

Today, whitening toothpaste is a standard product, but you should still consult your dentist before giving it to your child. A safer option is to use 6% hydrogen peroxide, but even all-natural products may have adverse effects you are unaware of. For more information about natural teeth whitening tips for children, visit the best dental clinic for better treatment.


Dental care

How to deal with cavities while wearing braces

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is particularly important when you are wearing braces. When you have braces, even careful brushing and flossing can result in cavities. Moreover, braces can make it difficult to brush your teeth properly because of the brackets and wires. Hence, cavities and gum disease are more likely to develop without proper cleaning and dental care. That’s why dentists and oral hygiene specialists recommend following proper steps to maintain dental care during braces.

What Are The Signs Of Cavities?

If you are concerned about cavities, you should look for a number of signs. Any symptoms that may appear should be monitored so you can receive treatment as soon as possible.

  • Toothaches: Sudden or episodic pain should be a warning sign that something is wrong. 
  • Sensitivity: Cold or hot foods may cause a tingling sensation, which can indicate early decay or recession of the gums.
  • Discoloration: Cavities may first appear as white spots, which may darken over time to become brown or black.
  • Visible holes: Cavities can cause your teeth to decay, resulting in pits and holes. Although they may not always cause pain, they should always be taken seriously.

Why Do Cavities Put Oral Health At Risk?

Poor oral hygiene problems are prevalent whether a person has braces or not. However, some problems are worsened when a person has braces and does not brush or floss properly. If left untreated, cavities in teeth can penetrate the enamel and cause infection in teeth, gums, and even throughout the body. Moreover, it can threaten the longevity of your smile. Cavities are simply spots of decay on the tooth where the enamel has become weak and opened. 

By doing so, the sensitive dentin tissue inside the teeth is exposed. It is often responsible for sensitivity to hot and cold or discomfort when chewing. Additionally, cavities allow oral bacteria to enter your mouth, which can lead to infection and discomfort.

How Do You Prevent Cavities When You Have Braces?

When your braces are finally removed, you do not want to see decayed or stained teeth. Here are some key ways to prevent cavities from occurring while wearing braces: 

  • Brush After Every Meal: If you are wearing braces, you will need to pay closer attention to your brushing technique and frequency. To remove the food and bacteria that cling to your teeth and braces, brush your teeth after large meals throughout the day. It is recommended to brush teeth without braces for two minutes, and teeth with braces should be brushed for four minutes.
  • Invest In Interdental Cleaners: Preventive measures include brushing your teeth as the first step. The use of interdental cleaners such as waxed floss, interdental picks, and interproximal brushes (Piksters) is beneficial for removing debris between teeth. Plaque and debris are easily removed with these tools.
  • Use A Water Flosser: Some debris may remain in your mouth despite brushing and flossing. Consider investing in a water flosser to remove any remaining food, bacteria, and plaque. A device pushes water through a tube to flush around your teeth and braces. 
  • Regular Orthodontic Visits: Orthodontists are there to assist you in your treatment, so it is important that you attend your regular adjustment appointments. Their expert advice will help you to identify any problem areas and maintain a bright smile. Additionally, you should keep going to your general dentist for routine checkups every six months.

Hence, if you are considering orthodontic treatment, follow the appropriate procedures to ensure you receive the desired result. For more valuable information about cavities while wearing braces, visit a trusted dental clinic and get all your queries resolved. 


Dental care

Can Orthodontics Help An Impacted Tooth?

There are a lot of people who don’t know what an impacted tooth is. Hearing about it for the first time can be a little confusing. An impacted tooth doesn’t usually cause pain or change your bite. Therefore you might not notice you have one.

If an orthodontist handled imperfect teeth, he or she could fit braces on the teeth and obtain proper alignment over time. However, in most cases, it is not that easy.

Impacted teeth are caused by several factors, and they can be treated in several different ways.

In this article, you’ll learn more about impacted teeth, why it’s necessary to take care of them, and how professional orthodontic care can help.

What is an impacted tooth?

There is still a lot of confusion regarding impacted teeth, and it is very important to have the correct information regarding them to be able to treat them. So, let us know about it in more detail.

During tooth impaction, the emergence of a tooth is inhibited by the presence of another bone, tooth, or soft tissue. The treatment of impacted teeth is important because, if left untreated, they can cause serious health problems in the future.

Teeth or bones block them, and they are pressed against the tissue as they erupt, leading to jaw pain. There are a number of problems associated with impacted canine teeth in particular.

An unfavorable eruption of canines can lead to an adult tooth falling out. In addition, it may cause mouth spaces to form, roots to be damaged, teeth to function improperly, and sinuses to be negatively affected.

What are the symptoms of an impacted tooth?

Once the symptoms of the impacted teeth are clear, orthodontists can also help cure the issue easily and quickly.

Here are some common symptoms that you should look for and take advice from a trusted orthodontist to treat the problem:

  • Inflammation of the gums or pain
  • Headaches that last a long time
  • Inflammation of the gums and redness
  • An inability to open the mouth or jaw

If you see any of the above-mentioned signs being persistent you must not wait to get it checked by a dentist.

In addition, different types of impacted teeth require different treatments. To give you more proper knowledge about the same let us see what those types are.

  • Horizontal impaction: Impaction teeth grow at about a 90-degree angle from their neighboring teeth.
  • Vertical impaction: A condition where a tooth is erupting correctly but is developing too close to the neighboring teeth, which stops the other teeth from growing properly.
  • Angular impaction: This happens when the teeth grow at an angle, causing them to stop growing above the gum line.

How can orthodontics help in curing impacted teeth? 

Well, there are various ways to cure an impacted tooth, and taking help from professional orthodontics is the way to go. Here are some ways in which a dentist can help you correct a misaligned tooth:

  • Expanders– They are used to improve the eruption path of teeth by creating necessary space.
  • Open forced eruption– The impacted tooth is uncovered by an oral surgeon using a flap and a bracket or button is placed on it.
  • Closed Forced Eruption- This involves placing a button or braces on impacted teeth to close the flap just like open-forced eruption.
  • Surgical Repositioning- This method is helpful for treating impacted teeth that have proven challenging to treat otherwise. The tooth is precisely positioned in a semi-erupted position so that it can grow into its correct position even if it is developing in the wrong direction.
  • Extraction– This involves extracting the tooth. The removal of the teeth leaves a space that can be filled with a dental implant or closed by orthodontics.

Even after all these methods, the orthodontic response to an impacted tooth is based on your age, the direction, and the angle of the teeth.

The dentist will see all the possibilities of bringing the misaligned tooth to the arch successfully before starting any treatment.

Dental care

What Are The 5 Good Oral Habits?

The importance of good oral hygiene cannot be understated, not only for the appearance and first impression associated with good teeth but also for the health of your overall body. It’s no secret that poor dental care can also lead to a number of medical and teeth-related problems.

Not only can it lead to gum disease and infection, but it can also cause bone loss, heart disease, strokes, and other serious health problems. But there is no need to panic because with a few simple and good dental care habits you can prevent all these serious issues from arising. 

Keeping our teeth and mouths clean is only one benefit of routine dental care. You can suffer from painful dental problems as a result of neglecting dental care and you can also face problems chewing your food properly. 

But thanks to factors such as advancements in dental technology, better access to information, and a healthier lifestyle, access to quality dental services has improved significantly in recent years. Therefore, we have illustrated a few oral care habits that are really good for you!

5 oral care habits that are very important for your dental health

Here are some of the dental care practices that you can follow to upgrade your overall health: 

Focus on basic dental care:

Regular tooth brushing and flossing are the cornerstones of good oral health. This removes food particles accumulated between your teeth and cleans your mouth. We often focus on doing tons of things but we forget to follow the basics which can impact our overall dental health. In addition to preventing gum disease and tooth decay, brushing and flossing prevent the buildup of plaque. It also stops bacteria from growing and thriving in the mouth. Gum disease is one of the major causes of tooth loss in childhood. Therefore, focusing on brushing and flossing acts like a stepping stone toward excellent dental health. 

Clean your teeth more deeply:

Hardened plaque, also known as tartar, can be removed by a deeper cleaning procedure when brushing and flossing are not sufficient. Dental hygienists normally perform cleaning procedures but you can use mouthwash if you can’t visit the dentist for the cleaning. 

The process involves scraping off hardened plaque with a machine and special formulations. To prevent bacteria from adhering under the gum line, hygienists polish the surface of the teeth. Staining of the teeth can also be treated by whitening procedures.

Make healthy eating a priority

The importance of diet in dental care cannot be overstated. The consumption of sugar increases the risk of cavities, which can result in toothache and tooth loss. Dietary fiber, organic fruits, and vegetables are recommended by the dentist to strengthen your dental health. Smoking can also stain teeth and cause tooth decay, so it should be avoided. Keep a regular dental checkup and treatment schedule with your dentist to prevent future problems.

Do not forget your tongue

Cleaning teeth is vital and it is a very good dental care habit to follow. But we often neglect the tongue. Your tongue can also accumulate plaque. The consequences of this can include bad mouth odor, as well as other oral care issues. When brushing your teeth, be sure to gently brush your tongue as well.

To maintain good oral health, use fluoride toothpaste

A toothpaste’s whitening power and flavor are not the most important factors to consider. Choose a fluoride-containing product no matter what. Using fluoride teeth can be a game-changing step in your oral care regime. One of the many important habits you can form to upkeep your dental health is using fluoride toothpaste because it is an ultimate defense against tooth erosion and prevents germs and bacteria. 

Lastly, while adopting the above-mentioned habits you must visit your dental care provider at regular intervals, as he\she can give you a better idea about what is good for your dental health. 

Dental care

Oral cancer screening guidelines

The purpose of cancer screening trials is to demonstrate whether early detection (detecting cancer before symptoms appear) helps a person live longer or decreases their risk of dying from cancer. When cancer is discovered and treated early, there is a greater chance of recovery for some types of cancer.

What is screening?

By screening, a person can detect cancer before they experience any symptoms. In this way, cancer can be detected at an early stage. When abnormal tissue or cancer is discovered early, it may be possible to treat it more successfully. Moreover, it is possible that cancer may have begun to spread by the time symptoms appear.

Researchers are investigating which individuals are at an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer. Moreover, they investigate whether the things we do and the things around us contribute to cancer. Based on this information, doctors can recommend who should be screened for cancer, which screening tests should be performed, and how frequently the tests should be conducted.

When your doctor suggests a screening test, he or she is not necessarily implying that you have cancer. Even if you don’t have any cancer symptoms, you can have a screening test. The results of a screening test may indicate that you need additional tests to determine whether you have cancer. These tests are called diagnostic tests.

General Information About Oral and Nasopharyngeal Cancers

  • Oral cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer are characterized by the formation of malignant (cancer) cells in the mouth and throat.
  • It is imperative to note that the number of new cases and deaths from the oral cavity and nasopharyngeal cancers varies by gender and region.
  • A variety of factors can increase or decrease the risk of the oral cavity and nasopharyngeal cancer.
  • Most oral cavity cancers are caused by squamous cells (thin, flat cells lining the inside of the oral cavity).

Any of the following tissues in the oral cavity can develop oral cancer:

  • The lips.
  • The gingiva (gums).
  • The front two-thirds of the tongue.
  • The floor (bottom) of the mouth, under the tongue.
  • The buccal mucosa (the inner lining of the cheeks).
  • Hard palate (front of the mouth roof).
  • There is a small area behind the wisdom teeth known as the retromolar trigone (the area behind the wisdom teeth).

Risk Of Oral Cancer Screening Tests 

Choosing a screening test can be a difficult decision. There are risks associated with most screening tests, and not all screening tests are helpful. It is recommended that you consult your physician before undergoing any screening test. A patient must be aware of the risks associated with the test and whether it has been demonstrated to reduce the risk of death from cancer.

There are a number of risks involved in screening for oral cancers, which include:

  • Cancer Diagnosis May Not Improve Health Or Prolong Life

A screening test may detect some cancers that do not cause symptoms or are not life-threatening, but they may be treated if the cancer is found early enough. The process of diagnosing these cancers is called overdiagnosis. Most importantly, there is no evidence that treatment of oral cavity cancer would extend your life, and treatments for cancer, including surgery and radiation therapy, may have serious complications.

  • A False-Positive Test Result May Occur

In some cases, screening test results may appear abnormal despite the absence of cancer. The outcome of a false-positive test result (indicating that there is cancer when there truly isn’t any) is likely to cause anxiety and will probably be followed by more tests and procedures (such as a biopsy), which carry their own risks.

  • Test Results Can Be Falsely Negative

Despite the presence of cancer in the oral cavity or nasopharynx, screening test results may appear to be normal. Even if a person is experiencing cancer symptoms, they may delay seeking medical attention following a false-negative test result (one that indicates there is no cancer when there is, in fact, cancer).

  • Misdiagnosis Can Happen

It is necessary to perform a biopsy to diagnose cancers of the oral cavity and nasopharynx. For the purpose of detecting signs of cancer, cells or tissues are removed from the oral cavity or nasopharynx and examined under a microscope by a pathologist. Whenever cancerous cells are reported by a pathologist as non-cancerous, the cancer is incorrectly diagnosed. Additionally, a cancerous cell may be misdiagnosed when the pathologist reports that the cell is cancerous even though it is not. Often, cancer is misdiagnosed, and treatment may not be provided when it is necessary or may be provided when it is unnecessary.

For more information on oral cancer screening, contact a professional. 


Dental care

What are Common Dental Diseases?

It can be difficult to sleep at night when you have dental problems, but fortunately, most dental problems are easily treatable or preventable. Brushing and flossing (ideally twice a day), eating the right diet, and having routine oral health checkups are all key steps in preventing oral health problems. Understanding what causes common oral health complications can help prevent them.

  • Gum Disease

Often referred to as periodontal disease or gingivitis, gum disease is caused by bacteria accumulating in your mouth as a result of plaque buildup. It is estimated that eight out of ten adults suffer from gum disease. An individual suffering from gum disease may experience the foul breath, pain in the gums, sores on the gums, especially while chewing, and red, swollen, or bleeding gums. There is a risk of contracting gum disease for everyone, just as there is with dental cavities. If you experience gum disease symptoms, you should seek treatment from your dentist to avoid further complications, such as tooth loss.

  • Tooth Decay

Dental decay, also known as dental caries or cavities, is a common dental problem in the United States. This condition is caused by the combination of plaque with acidic or sugary foods that you consume. As a result of these acids, your tooth enamel slowly erodes and develops holes. A person’s lifestyle has a direct impact on their risk of developing a cavity. You are less likely to suffer from tooth decay if you practice good oral hygiene. To prevent rotting teeth, prevent plaque from forming. So, whenever you have a dental cavity or any periodontal disease, you should see a dentist immediately.

  • Dry Mouth

An oral health condition known as Xerostomia, or dry mouth, is caused by a lack of saliva. There are several reasons why taking certain prescription medications can result in this adverse reaction. As a result of Xerostomia, your teeth and gums are deprived of essential lubrication, cleaning, and moisture. In order to determine whether your teeth are rotting due to reduced salivary flow, your dentist will examine them. Keeping your mouth well hydrated will help to prevent dry mouth dental problems, in addition to regular dental appointments.

  • Tooth Sensitivity

Many people around the world suffer from tooth sensitivity. In general, sensitive teeth are characterized by discomfort or pain when exposed to cold beverages, sweets, hot beverages, cold air, or ice cream. When flossing and brushing sensitive teeth, some patients may experience discomfort. Fortunately, it is possible to prevent tooth sensitivity by following good oral hygiene practices. You can prevent tooth sensitivity by brushing properly with fluoride toothpaste, using a soft-bristled brush, and minimizing your consumption of acidic or sugary foods. A dentist should be consulted if you have already developed tooth sensitivity. As a result, your dentist will determine the actual cause of the problem.

  • Oral Cancer

People all over the world are affected by mouth cancer, which is a serious and common dental condition. One person dies from oral cancer every hour, according to the Oral Cancer Foundation. The good news is that oral cancer is preventable and treatable in its early stages. Among the risk factors are the use of alcohol and the use of tobacco, especially chewing tobacco. The majority of dental cancers are diagnosed as pinkish growth or lump in the mouth. See a dentist as soon as you notice any growth in your mouth. During a dental examination, your dentist will examine your head, mouth, and ears for indications of potential problems. There is no denying the fact that any form of cancer is fatal. By maintaining regular dental appointments and exams, you can prevent mouth cancer.

All in all, healthy teeth require a lifetime commitment. In order to maintain healthy gums and teeth, you should consult a dentist on a regular basis. As recommended by the dental expert, you should visit the dentist twice a year for a checkup and cleaning of your teeth.

Dental care

How Do I Know If My Toothache Is Serious?

We all love to have great gums, teeth, and overall unproblematic oral health, don’t we? Though Unfortunately, most of us will definitely come across some form of toothache, oral disease, gum discomfort, and other mouth-related issues that deserve a visit to the dentist at least once in our lifetime.

That being said, toothaches are actually more common than you think it is, as it is a pain that comes from or around a tooth. There are so many factors, reasons, and causes that contribute to giving you a bad toothache, and the severity of the pain can make it easy for you to decide if you want to treat it at home or go to a dentist to check out the proper cause and get it treated accordingly.

One will know if their toothache is severe or not depending on the level and duration of pain it causes. For instance, if there is very mild pain for around a week, then a regular home remedial routine should do the trick and help in getting rid of the pain sooner or later.

However, if there is immense pain even for 1 or 2 days, where the pain makes it challenging to consume solids and liquids or even to talk, then you surely need to go visit your nearest dentist as the high level of pain may hint that there sure is something serious behind the aches and drastic measures are required. 

What are the common causes of toothaches?

As mentioned before, there could be a handful of reasons which could cause toothaches. Let’s take a look at some of the most common causes given below : 

  • A previous filling that was damaged or not proper.
  • Tooth/teeth decaying but left unnoticed or unattended.
  • A tooth that was fractured internally.
  • Infected or diseased gums.
  • If any hard food item or anything else is stuck in between the teeth.
  • Grinding or clenching your teeth together too many times without realizing it will cause pain.

Apart from the reasons given above, toothaches also arise due to reasons which can’t be rectified or spotted with the eye. Such as, the pain might be caused by the insides of the tooth, gums or even close to the jawlines and ears. Whatever the case, it is best to get it treated immediately, either by a dentist or through homemade treatments.

What are the natural ways I can treat my toothache without going to the dentist?

Warm water gargling – Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water can do wonders as it will loosen the tension between your teeth, acts as a mild disinfectant, and will soothe your entire mouth from your tongue down to your throat.

Cold bag massage – Not only heat but lower temperatures will also have a surprisingly good effect on your painful areas. All one has to do is wrap ice in a medium-thick cloth or pour cold water into any heating bag and hold it against the area of pain for around 10 to 20 minutes; repeating the process every few hours will soon result in pain reduction and sensations.

Peppermint tea – Like any other green tea, this tea too has a lot of medicinal qualities that can be used to treat toothache either by drinking or just by pressing the tea bag against your jaws.

Hydrogen Peroxide – Just like warm salt water gargling, the same can be done with hydrogen peroxide by mixing 3% of this chemical with a glass of water and gargling it as it also contains a lot of anti-inflammation oxidants and greatly helps in reducing the level of pain. But do not swallow, as that might turn fatal.

After everything, if all the above homemade methods do not work or do not yield the results you were hoping for, it is best advised that the next thing you do is to book an appointment with your nearest dentist and try getting your issue sorted out as soon as possible.

Dental care

Is Invisalign worth the money?

If you have ever gone to a dentist for your teeth concerns involving misaligned, crooked or uneven teeth, then you must have heard about Invisalign. It is also called plastic braces or aligners and is one of the most common dental products. 

To define it in simple language, an aligner is an orthodontic device that is a clear\transparent material made from plastic.  It is an excellent replacement for traditional dental braces. Invisalign works precisely like the standard metal brace. They help adjust your teeth and give you a perfect smile.

There are many benefits of aligners, like comfort, less pain, ease of removal, and faster results, but people still think twice before investing in them and have questions like “is Invisalign worth the money”? So, in this article, we will discuss some benefits/advantages of the same that will help you assess whether investing in aligners is ideal for you. 

Why should you invest in Invisalign?

Before jumping onto the advantages, it is essential to understand one thing. Whether you need aligners or not depends on the condition of your teeth. There are a lot of dental issues that require special attention, and sometimes a traditional brace works better than the Invisalign. 

Therefore, before going for either a traditional brace or modern aligners, you must consult your dentist, who will guide you on which one is best depending on your teeth’ condition. Now that we have discussed this critical point, let us see what benefits make aligners worth investing in: 

  • Aesthetically pleasing teeth: The most prominent advantage of Invisalign is that they offer you an aesthetically pleasing way to make your teeth look perfect. Traditional wire braces force you to advertise to the world that you are in the dental process of strengthening your teeth. It can be embarrassing to wear braces because everyone can see them. Wire braces can significantly influence adults’ decisions to straighten their teeth, and many choose aligners instead. The main advantage of aligners that attracts patients is their invisibility. After all, you can get a beautifully straight smile without anyone knowing!
  • Provides comfort: Another benefit of Invisalign is the amount of comfort it provides.  With aligners, the mouth is much more comfortable than traditional wire braces due to the soft plastic trays. Snags and tears are common problems with traditional braces. It harms the tissues in the lips and cheek causing discomfort and pain. The process of straightening teeth with traditional braces is also more painful sometimes. Your dentist uses a series of plastic trays to slowly move your teeth into a better position, requiring less pressure than traditional braces. 
  • Invisalign is easy to clean: Unlike traditional wire braces, aligners do not require a lot of cleaning. Therefore, taking care of them like a traditional brace is no hassle. If you do not take care of your traditional brace, it can cause poor dental hygiene cause various issues. But with modern plastic braces, you can easily remove and properly clean them. Patients may also feel uncomfortable due to the inability to clean the metal braces. Hence, aligners have become the preferred choice among patients. 
  • Fewer food restrictions: The plastic trays of Invisalign are removable, and you can easily take them out while you eat, so there is no fear of damaging the trays. Traditional metal braces require you to restrict your eating habits to avoid chewing foods that could harm the appliance. Generally, food items like chewing gum, sugary items, and extremely cold or hot food are not allowed with traditional braces because they can stick to the brace and damage its quality. In addition, traditional brace wires can also be damaged by hard-to-chew foods. Wanting to have straight teeth doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your favorite foods!

Lastly,  we hope these above-mentioned points have helped you clear your doubt regarding whether investing money in Invisalign is a good idea. Both aligners and traditional braces have their own benefits, and it depends on your requirements and which one you choose. 

Dental care

What are the pediatric dental care services?

Many people confuse a pediatrician and a general dentist, but a pediatric dentist is someone who deals with children’s oral issues through their adolescence. 

Pediatric oral care services are given by a partitioner who is a child dentist and deals with multiple problems related to the child’s oral health. 

A pediatric dental care service provider gets additional training apart from oral health to understand children’s psychology and emotional development, which helps them give proper oral care treatment to their patients, i.e., kids. 

There are multiple kinds of services that are offered by pediatric dentists. A pediatric dentist is ideal for giving your child the best oral care treatment because they connect with kids more effectively by solving their problems.

In this article, we will discuss various pediatric dental care services that you can avail for your kids if they suffer from any oral care issues.

Different kinds of services offered by a pediatric dentist

Below given is a list of commons services that are provided by any pediatrician to keep children’s oral health on track: 

  • Dental check-ups: We all know a child’s oral health is critical, and who better than a pediatrician who can care for such issues? One of the many pediatric dental care services is regular oral check-ups. Dental check-ups are one of the most vital pediatric services, and they include a complete mouth examination to detect any oral issues before it worsens. Dental check-ups give an upper hand to the pediatrician to cure any developing oral issue.
  • Fluoride treatment: We all know how vital fluoride is for the teeth. Fluoride treatment is essential for everyone, whether it’s an adult or a child. Therefore, fluoride treatment is another standard oral hygiene service offered by pediatric oral care professionals. You must have heard many dentists recommending fluoride toothpaste, and nothing is different for the kids. In fluoride treatment, pediatricians use oral fluoride varnish on kids’ teeth to keep bacteria and plaque away, help enamel to form properly and prevent decay.
  • Restorative services: Tooth decay and cavity are normal in kids. One of the standard services that a pediatrician offers is fillings or crowns for tooth decay or cavities. Tooth decay or cavities are often left untreated in kids, which leads to further infection that spreads all over the mouth. Therefore, pediatricians offer dental filling services to keep this issue at bay, making it easy for kids to keep their oral health on track.
  • Dental X-rays: As you know, pediatric dental services are concerned with children’s oral health, and one of the most common services a pediatric dentist offers is dental x-rays. Dental X-rays detect or find any underlying oral health issues or abnormalities. Generally, kids must get dental x-rays done once or twice a year to prevent any oral issues or treat them before they get too severe. Dental X-rays are excellent in providing exact conditions of any oral condition, which make it easy to treat. 
  • Dental cleaning: As the name suggests, dental cleaning services are very important to keep various oral hygiene issues at bay. Dental cleaning refers to the complete cleaning process of the mouth to remove plaque build-up, germs, and bacteria from the teeth. This cleaning is also ideal for giving teeth a pearly white finish. Every pediatric dentist offers oral cleaning services to kids to ensure their gums stay more robust and healthier in the longer run.

Most of the services that a pediatric dentist offers are similar to general dentistry services but a pediatrician is a specialist in a kid’s oral care issue and helps them treat any teeth-related issues. Consulting a pediatrician for your kid’s dental health issues is your best bet because they have a cure for everything.

Dental care

What are general dentistry services?

General dentistry services are very common, and all dentists provide these services. Taking general dentistry services is very important because it keeps many dental care diseases at bay. 

Taking proper care of your teeth starts with essential oral care treatment. If you need clarification about general dentistry services, we are here to help you. In addition, if you take proper care of your teeth with regular dental check-ups, you can keep many life-threatening oral diseases away. 

There are many things about dental health that are related to our overall body health. And to keep your body strong, you must take essential dental care. So, hang on tight and keep reading about the general dental services that almost all dentists offer. 

What are the different types of general dentistry services?

Most people don’t know, but our teeth are the strongest part of our body. They help us chew the food and endure harsh treatment. Your teeth work constantly, and to give them an ideal treatment so they would last a lifetime, you must know different types of general dentistry services: 

  • Dental Cleaning: Dental cleaning is one of the most common general dentistry services every dentist offers, and you can avail of these services to keep your teeth healthy. In dental cleaning, the dentist will clean your overall teeth and remove plaque. Dental cleaning is an ideal way to remove germs that your toothbrush can not reach. 
  • Root Canal: Many specialist dentists offer root canal services as a part of their general dentistry services. In the root canal, the dentist repairs the infected tooth rather than completely removing it. Root canal treatment is best for anyone suffering from decay that has crossed the dentino-pulpal junction & approached the pulp of the tooth. General dentistry treatments like root canals help keep inflammation and infection away. 
  • Dental Fillings: Dental fillings also come under general dentistry services. In dental fillings, a drill or other equipment is used to remove the damaged parts of the tooth. If you have a damaged tooth, you should go for dental fillings. Once your dentist has completed the filling process, the dentist uses filling materials to restore the tooth for basic functions.
  • Teeth Whitening: Who doesn’t like pearly white smiles? If you want one, you can take a general dentistry service where you can ask your dentist to provide you with a teeth whitening treatment. Teeth whitening treatment is done to make your teeth appear white, and it also helps remove plaque build-up and other germs. 
  • Dental implants: Dental implants are also one of the most common general dentistry services in which a missing tooth is replaced by an implant. The dental implants are inserted in the place of the missing tooth with the help of a screw-like structure or device to work as a real tooth. Therefore, you can get dental implants if you have a missing tooth. 
  • Tooth Extraction: As the name suggests, tooth extraction is performed when the tooth is decayed in a way that no restoration is possible. Tooth extraction is another general dentistry service that many dentists provide. Tooth extraction is performed for various reasons; you can ask your dentist for tooth extraction treatment if you suffer from gum disease. 

Apart from the treatments mentioned above, dentists offer patients many general dentistry services, such as teeth X-rays, cosmetic surgery, partial denture treatment, and many more. General dentistry services are offered by a general dentist to diagnose and prevent many oral hygiene-related diseases. You can take any general dentistry service from your nearest dentist to prevent multiple dental abnormalities.

Dental care

Can a Tooth Infection Make You Sick?

Do you know bacteria can cause a tooth infection if they get inside the pulp, which is the tooth’s nerve or soft tissue? Some common causes of tooth infection are trauma, cavity, or prior dental work. Let’s know how you can get sick from tooth infection and what precautions you should take to be healthy.

How Can Tooth Infection Lead You to Sickness?

Tooth infections can also spread to other body parts if they are not treated properly, resulting in serious and even life-threatening problems. A person with a tooth infection should get treatment as soon as possible to lower the risk of consequences. Tooth infections are typically uncomplicated to cure. However, postponing treatment increases the chance of the following complications. Here are some of the common diseases you can get because of tooth infection:

  • Osteomyelitis: is an infection of the tooth’s jawbone.
  • An infection of the blood arteries inside the sinuses is called cavernous sinus thrombosis.
  • Cellulitis: an infection of the fat right under the skin and the skin itself.
  • A back-of-the-mouth abscess is referred to as a parapharyngeal abscess.
  • The most severe illness, sepsis, occurs when the immune system overreacts to a blood infection.

When Is It Absolutely Necessary to Visit a Dentist?

Not all toothaches develop into major medical issues. However, it’s best to seek care if you have a toothache before it worsens. In the event that your toothache persists for more than a day or is accompanied by additional symptoms like:

  • Fever, edema, breathing problems, and difficulty swallowing red gums
  • Discomfort during biting or chewing

Visit your dentist as soon as possible if a tooth is fractured or falls out. You might get relief while you’re waiting to visit the dentist by:

  • Avoiding eating or drinking anything hot or cold 
  • Refraining from chewing on the side of your mouth that is giving you pain


Dental care

Which is better, braces or retainer?

Braces and retainers both are orthodontic tools and serve different purposes. You can not use one in exchange for another.

Braces are used for correcting various dental issues like crossbite, misalignment, uneven positioning, or crowding between the teeth. Braces are effective in correcting serious dental issues that are causing problems with your smile.

Retainers, on the other hand, are used to prevent any dental relapse. Retainers are used after the braces. Once you are done with braces, you have to wear retainers. Retainers help teeth to stay in their new position. They prevent teeth from shifting back.

Once braces have corrected the posting or alignment of your teeth, braces keep them in their new position so that you can maintain a beautiful smile all your life. Both retainers and braces are equally important in teeth straightening treatment; you can complete the treatment if you skip any of them.

How do brace and retainers work?

To know which one is better, you must understand how they both work:


  • Braces apply pressure on your teeth and shift them to their new position over time.
  • Braces can also rotate or move your teeth accordingly in severe dental impressions.
  • Braces also cause the bone under your teeth to change shape.
  • Braces are made up of small wires and brackets that are fixed in the front of each tooth.


  • Retainers hold the teeth in their new position after braces have corrected or straightened them.
  • Retainers are made up of either metal, plastic, or acrylic.
  • Retainers run at the back of your teeth; they are not as visible as braces.
  • Retainers are fixed on the upper or lower teeth.
  • Retrainers can not only correct serious dental imperfections.
  • There are two types of retainers: permanent and removable.

These were some of the traits of retainers and braces. Hope it will help you decide which one is better. Furthermore, make sure to consult your dentist if you face any issues with your retainers.

Dental care

Should I brush my retainer with toothpaste?

After you have finished your orthodontic treatment, it is time for you to wear retainers. Retainers are a vital dental tool that ensures you can flaunt your prominent and straight smile lifelong. But to ensure your retainers can work effectively in holding your teeth back, you must clean them properly.

There are various ways of cleaning your retainers properly at home, but you must have the proper knowledge and tools to clean them so they can stay new and you do not have to replace them before time.

There are a few things to keep in mind while cleaning your retainers. If you are new to retainers or are too young to clean your retainers, you should always take help from someone older. You can use any harsh toothpaste or abrasive to clean your retainers as they can scratch them, decreasing their quality.

On the other hand, you should not soak your retainers in hot water or any chemical or alcohol rubbing solutions as these chemicals can melt or destroy your retainers. Using any kind of mouthwash to clean your retainers can tear them off and harm your teeth’ progress.

Here are tips to keep in mind to keep your retainers as good as new

Following these tips will help you increase the life of your retainers:

  • Keep your retainers in the box after you take them out; do not keep them open.
  • Wash your retainers with lukewarm water after every meal.
  • Make sure to remove your retainers while drinking or eating extremely hot or cold foods.
  • Do not use a hard bristle brush to clean your retainers.
  • Make sure you do not eat any artificial coloring foods as they can harm the quality of your retainers.

Lastly, if you experience any issues with your retainers, make sure to visit your dentist for proper treatment.

Dental care

How long do plastic retainers last?

There are different types of retainers in the market. Mainly there are three types of retainers: removable wire retainers, removable plastic retainers, and bonded permanent retainers. Retainers are given to hold your teeth in the palace so that you can have a straight smile for life. 

Various factors contribute to the fact of how long your retainers would last. In particular, plastic retainers can last for 4-5 years if you take proper care of them. Understanding that your oral hygiene routine plays a key role in keeping your retainers up-to-date is vital. 

Plastic retainers are custom-made, just like your Invisalign. They are more delicate and require daily care to prevent them from damage. Apart from oral hygiene, the fitting of your retainers also determines how long they will last.

If you cannot floss your teeth properly due to the fitting of your retainers, it can reduce the span of your retainers to up to 2 years. Moreover, you can not wear one retainer for life no matter how much good care you take of them; it is necessary to replace them after 3-5 years.

Steps to follow to keep your retainers in good condition

Here are a few steps that you can follow so that your plastic retainers last long:

  • Floss and brush your teeth properly to avoid plaque build-up in your teeth and retainers.
  • Visit your dentist for your weekly oral checkups to ensure there are no signs of bad teeth and retainer damage. 
  • Do not wear retainers while drinking or eating any food.
  • In the case of removable plastic retainers, do not keep your retainers outside of your case when you are not wearing them.
  • Stay away from hot drinks as they can wrap your retainers which can affect their fitting, and eventually, you have to replace them before time.

Lastly, make sure to visit your dentist for proper treatment in case facing any trouble with your retainers. 

Dental care

Do Retainers Yellow Your Teeth?

Retainers sometimes help align teeth with a small degree of irregularity that can be straightened without braces. Even people with braces are likely given a retainer after removing braces to prevent shifting.

Retainers are strong, but with time, they show wear and tear. Gradually, many patients struggle with the yellowing of their retainers. The retainer keeps collecting bacteria, plaque, and tartar from the mouth while you wear it. Over time, it may even smell or taste funny if you don’t clean it often enough. This can occur due to the buildup of plaque and stains from certain types of foods. 

Some bacteria are naturally found in the mouth, but when too many bacterias build up, they can cause severe damage to teeth or certain illnesses. Retainers can shelter dangerous bacteria like Streptococcus, including S. sanguinis, S. mitis, S. salivarius, Lactobacillus, and Veillonella

Retainers quickly accumulate plaque and begin to yellow if they are not properly cleaned after each wear. Collected plaque on retainer can lead to yellowing of teeth. It is essential not to skip dental hygiene. Make sure to clean your retainer regularly, just like you brush your teeth. It would help if you floss at least once or after every meal, to avoid food stuck between your teeth.

How to keep your retainer clean and avoid yellow teeth?

  • Do not use harsh cleansers to get a squeaky-clean retainer.
  • Do not use toothpaste, mouthwash, or hot/ boiling water to clean aligners or retainers.
  • Soak retainer for the time it takes to clean it or as specified on your cleaning tablets.
  • Clean your retainer case regularly.
  • With time, all retainers will show signs of age; make sure to replace your retainer within the specified time.

Visit your orthodontist if you experience any pain or feel something is stuck. These small issues can cause potential damage to your teeth and tissues. Even if you notice yellow teeth, you can get them cleaned by your dentist. 

Dental care

Can you chew gum with retainers?

After you are done with your Invisalign treatment, your dentist will give you a set of retainers to wear; a retainer is the last step of your Invisalign treatment. After completing your teeth straightening process, you have to wear retainers to ensure your teeth stay in place.

Retainers are similar in appearance to aligners. They are also transparent and custom-made to fit your teeth. But unlike aligners, you don’t have to wear your retainers 22 hours of the day. Your dentist might suggest you wear your retainers while sleeping or during the day.

The main job of your retainer is to keep your teeth in the same position after the Invisalign process. Your teeth tend to shift back to their original position even after the teeth straightening treatment, and wearing retainers prevent the same. 

There are certain restrictions and rules that you have to follow while wearing retainers, such as eating and flossing, and brushing precautions. Your dentist will guide you about these precautions, which are vital to follow; otherwise, they can harm the quality and the treatment process of the retainer. 

Precautions to take with retainers

You take these precautions while wearing Invisalign:

  • You can not eat sticky or chewy food like gum or candies with the retainer.
  • You should not eat food with artificial coloring as it will stain your teeth and retainer.
  • Brushing and flossing your teeth before and after wearing your retainers is vital.
  • Avoid eating any beverage or food while wearing your retainers.
  • Do not keep your retainers out of the box when you are not wearing them.
  • Wash your retainers with lukewarm water after you put them back. 

You should follow these things to keep your retainers in good condition and for effective results. Furthermore, if you experience any problem with your Invisalign treatment, you must consult your dentist for proper treatment.

Dental care

What is the last stage of Invisalign?

The time and process of the Invisalign treatment depend on your tooth condition. It can take up to 6 to 12 months for your Invisalign treatment to finish. Once you are done with the Invisalign treatment, you will notice a more straight and prominent smile. Invisalign is one of the most used teeth straightening treatments that helps reposition the teeth.

After you finish the refinement process, the last of the Invisalign treatment is to wear retainers. Retainers are a part of orthodontic treatment. It is mandatory to wear retainers after the Invisalign or teeth straightening treatment to ensure your teeth do not shift back to their previous position. Just like any other dental treatment, you also need to take precautions and prevention, so the treatment does not relapse. Therefore, to avoid dental relapse as a last step in the Invisalign treatment, you must wear retainers.

People often ask if it is important to wear retainers as the last step in their Invisalign treatment and the answer is yes. The teeth tend to shift back to their original position even after the orthodontic treatment; therefore, to avoid the shift wearing retainers is vital. Your dentist will give you custom-made, clear retainers and guide you on how long you need to wear retainers to ensure your teeth stay in place.

How does retainer work?

In most cases, people must wear retainers for 3-6 months after the Invisalign treatment. The main job of your retainer is to combat the mesial drift, meaning to prevent the movement of your pearly whites by applying force on the gums, which holds back the teeth while the tissues are fully settled or formed. To have a perfect-looking smile for a lifetime, it is vital to wear retainers as a mandatory step after the Invisalign treatment.

Lastly, if you face any problem with your Invisalign treatment, you must consult your dentist for proper treatment.

Dental care

What does overcorrection mean in Invisalign?

In simple terms, overcorrection is known as the tooth movement beyond the ideal final position that is built into the aligner to compensate for the lag in tooth movement. Overcorrection helps in moving the tooth to reach the desired final position.

Overcorrection aligners, also known as refinement aligners, are used to adjust specific teeth in your mouth into a position just past perfect alignment.

Now and again, certain teeth are bound to become misaligned quickly after orthodontic treatment. These aligners ensure they remain in better alignment if they begin to shift.

Are overcorrection aligners effective?

It is advised that you ask about potential overcorrection needs during your appointment with your orthodontist. It is critical not to skip overcorrection aligners that have been provided, as they help to stabilize the teeth in need of refinement, which supports long-term stability for the smile you need. Most teeth reciprocate well to this type of treatment.

In the event that your teeth are not answering completely to treatment with the existing trays, your orthodontist may provide overcorrection aligners to help.

Do you need overcorrection aligners?

If you have moderate or severe dental misalignment, you shouldn’t avoid overcorrection treatment, which can extend your overall orthodontic treatment for several weeks. However, if you do want to reduce your need for overcorrection trays, it is always best to follow the customized treatment plan your orthodontist has set for you.

Dental care

Can I wear my retainers during the day?

Retainers are a vital part of your orthodontic treatment. With braces or Invisalign, your teeth move to the optimum position, and a retainer will stabilize that position. 

Rebuilding the bone and securing teeth in the new position takes at least twelve months. That is why the first year of orthodontic treatment is very crucial. A retainer will retain the teeth in position, preventing relapse.

How long should you wear a retainer?

Once you are introduced to retainers after completing orthodontic treatment, you will have to wear retainers full time, approximately 22 hours each day.

That means you will have to sleep with retainers on. During the initial phase of your treatment, you can remove retainers only while eating or brushing your teeth.

After the first three months, retainers have to be worn for at least 12 hours for the next nine months, day or night, depending on what your orthodontist suggests. 

Wearing a retainer makes sure you have a straight and beautiful smile for the rest of your life. After the first year, your doctor might ask you to wear the retainer for 8 hours daily.

Can I wear retainers during the day only?

The duration and schedule for your retainers depend on the phase of treatment you are currently in. If you have just started using retainers, you must wear those for at least 22 hours. As the treatment progresses, your doctor will be in the best position to help you schedule your retainer timing.

Patience is the key

Retainers, or braces for that matter, seem like a big commitment. But it gets easier once you know that you have a beautiful smile waiting for you at the end of the road.

Understand that your orthodontist can help you in the best way possible. In case of any doubts or requests regarding the retainer schedule, reach out to your orthodontist.

Dental care

Is 20 Hours a Day Enough for Invisalign?

Invisalign or clear aligners will only work if you wear them correctly and as guided by your dentist. Invisalign treatment is done to give you a better-looking and straight smile. The main job of your Invisalign aligners is to apply pressure in different areas of your teeth so that they can move into the next better position. Your Invisalign can only apply proper pressure on your teeth if you wear it for 20 hours or more almost every time.

Why is it Important to Wear Invisalign for 20 Hours?

To better understand how Invisalign treatment works, it is necessary to know why you need to wear your Invisalign tray for 20 hours or more. It is vital to wear Invisalign aligners as directed by your dentist because aligners nudge the teeth through micro- movement into a better position. For these little shifts or micro-movements to happen correctly, you must wear your aligners for several months; the process causes minimal pain, which is necessary for the treatment to work.The Invisalign aligners are only effective when you wear them properly and when they physically contact your teeth. This is why wearing your Invisalign is enough for 20 hours because they will get enough time to put pressure on your teeth to move them into a better position. The Invisalign tray is designed in such a way that failing to wear it for 20 hours can cause various complications and discomfort during your teeth straightening process.

What Could Happen If You Don’t Wear Your Invisalign Properly?

Many complications can occur if you don’t wear your Invisalign as directed. Some of the reasons to wear aligners for more than 20 hours  are listed below:

  • For your treatment to stay on track and avoid discomfort, it is vital to wear your Invisalign for at least 20 hours.
  • To avoid repeating your previous Invisalign tray, it is necessary to wear it for at least 20 hours.
  • For your upper and lower teeth to align properly, you must wear your Invisalign for 20 hours.

Lastly, if you face any problem with your Invisalign treatment, it is essential to consult your dentist for proper treatment.

Dental care

Does Invisalign move back teeth first?

A lot of people use Invisalign aligners to improve their smiles. Clear Invisalign aligners are a dental treatment used to shape your misaligned teeth better. While using Invisalign aligners, you will see a difference in the position of your teeth because Invisalign helps your teeth to move to a better place to give you a perfect smile.

Invisalign aligners or invisible braces are nearly invisible, and people can’t tell you are them if they don’t look closely. Compared to traditional braces, Invisalign is a more comfortable and easy way to correct your smile. First, they will move back your teeth and then align them properly with the shape of your Invisalign.

How does Invisalign move your teeth back?

After a week or two, you have started your Invisalign treatment; you will notice that your teeth are moving slightly. Invisalign treatment uses the natural processes that are already happening in your mouth to move back the teeth to a better position so they can look less crowded and congested.

First, your Invisalign trays gently capture the forces and compression and manipulate your teeth so that they can reposition gently over time. In addition, Invisalign aligners put constant pressure on your teeth to gradually move them into an alignment that matches the position of your Invisalign tray. Not only this, but Invisalign treatment also helps to create or fill gaps between your two teeth to make them look more aligned and less crowded when you close your mouth. Later after your teeth are moved back to a better position, the movement is followed by the deposition of new bones.

Once you are done with your first set of Invisalign trays, you have to wear your second tray, which will help bring the front teeth slightly forward so you don’t have a problem closing your mouth.

Lastly, if you face any problem with your Invisalign treatment, it is important to consult your dentist for proper treatment.

Dental care

Does Invisalign give you perfect teeth?

If you want to give your teeth a perfect shape and a straight smile, then going for Invisalign is the best option for you. Invisalign or clear aligners are orthodontic devices that are transparent. It is a plastic form of dental braces used to adjust teeth. It is different from the traditional metal braces. In addition, Invisalign is a sophisticated treatment for teeth straightening.  

Does Invisalign make teeth perfect?

When you get started with your Invisalign treatment, you will be required to wear a series of clear, plastic aligners. These clear plastic aligners will help you get a perfect smile and help straighten your teeth. Not only this, but Invisalign cab also fixes crooked teeth and various bite problems. In addition, you will see long-lasting and desirable results if you wear your Invisalign as suggested by your dentist. Invisalign treatment gives your perfect teeth because it uses the natural processes of gently capturing the force and compression and manipulates the teeth to reposition gently and slowly over time. The bone and cementum precede Invisalign clear aligners; it deposits the new bone and fills the gaps between the teeth.

In addition, Invisalign aligners are designed to solve your unique dental problems. Depending on your diagnosis, you may have to wear an aligner that covers both your upper and lower teeth. After wearing your Invisalign aligners, you will notice your teeth move into different positions over time, giving you a straight and perfect smile.

Tips for wearing Invisalign to get perfect teeth

  • Put your Invisalign back properly after flossing your teeth
  • Don’t adjust or touch your Invisalign too often, as it can cause dental issues. You get used to it with time.
  • Make sure to wear your Invisalign consistently, even when you’re sleeping. 

Lastly, if you face any problem with your Invisalign, it is advised that you should get it checked with your dentist for proper treatment.

Dental care

What does Dental DHMO mean?

Dental DHMO is a type of dental coverage insurance. The complete form of dental DHMO is Dental Health Maintenance Organization. DHMO is prepaid dental insurance that focuses on minimizing dental expenses. In dental DHMO, you are provided with in-network dentists where you can choose any dentist that comes under your insurance network for various dental services.

The main focus of the dental DHMO plan is dental health maintenance. In this insurance plan, customers are nudged towards treating and preventing less dental severe problems. In addition, DHMO insurance drops the advance treatment coverage because it is not needed for more minor dental issues.

However, you should not confuse dental DHMO with HMO. HMO covers medical care expenses, while a dental DHMO focuses explicitly on dental health care expenses. Dental DHMO offers prevention and maintenance of various dental health-related issues. This makes it easier for you to afford regular checkups, and it lowers the risk of serious dental problems that will later cost your insurance company more.

Coverage of Dental DHMO

Each Dental DHMO insurance covers several dental care services though it will vary depending upon the insurance company. Some dental care services covered under DHMO are preventative care, X-rays, teeth cleanings, fillings, crowns, root canals, and other dental examinations.

Benefits of a dental DHMO

There are different benefits of a dental DHMO insurance; some of them are listed below:

  • Dental DHMO insurance is cheaper than insurances like PPO plans.
  • A DHMO insurance plan doesn’t have deductibles and annual maximums. In addition, it also has lower premiums.
  • DHMO focuses on prevention and dental maintenance
  • Dental DHMO is cost-effective dental care that offers a limited range of in-network specialist dentists.
  • DHMO insurance plans prioritized essential health prevention services.
  • DHMO is aimed at helping you cut costs while providing flexible treatment.

Get enrolled faster with major dental insurance companies with our Dental Credentialing Services

Dental care

Can Invisalign fix really crooked teeth?

Yes, Invisalign helps in fixing really crooked teeth. You will wear a series of clear plastic liners over your teeth while undergoing Invisalign treatment. These liners can be used to straighten teeth and address other dental issues. If your teeth are severely crooked, you may feel that this non-invasive, low-cost therapy will not help you. But this procedure, on the other hand, can cure extremely crooked teeth as well as a variety of other serious dental problems.

How is Invisalign an ideal solution for crooked teeth?

Invisalign can sometimes be more effective than braces in fixing severely crooked teeth. In case your teeth are very crowded or crooked, fixing metal brackets to your teeth might be a difficult task. You will not receive any brackets if you use aligners to straighten your teeth. As a result, this procedure can be an excellent approach to straightening extremely crooked teeth.

How will Invisalign improve my teeth condition?

You will wear transparent aligners in your mouth for the duration of your treatment. Non-BPA plastic is used to make these personalized devices. In addition, your aligners will be custom-made to treat your specific tooth concerns. You may wear an aligner that covers your top teeth, a device that protects your bottom teeth, or two of these devices at the same time, depending on the type of dental issue.

Some specialized attachments are also glued to your teeth that help to keep your teeth intact. These attachments are removed once your treatment is completed.

When your teeth are close together, it can be difficult to get a toothbrush between them. Invisalign can be used to reposition crowded teeth into better positions in your mouth. These modifications will improve the appearance of your smile while also making brushing and flossing easier.

If you need more guidance, visit your orthodontist soon!

Dental care

Can I drink alcohol with Invisalign?

While wearing your detachable aligners, dental specialists advise you to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages such as red or white wine. However, if you can’t resist the desire, you should take your aligners out while drinking. More importantly, before placing the aligners back on, fully rinse your mouth or brush your teeth if feasible. You should wear your aligners for a maximum of 22 hours every day for the best results. If you don’t wear your aligners for the necessary time, it can slow down your treatment.

If you’re intending to drink alcohol and won’t be able to remove your Invisalign, consider the following suggestions:

  • Make use of a straw: Although it’s nearly difficult to avoid all tooth-aligner-liquid interactions, straws allow the liquid to skip your teeth and aligners.
  • Drink clear drinks: The least sugary are gin and vodka; mix them with tonic or sparkling water instead of fruit juices or carbonated beverages.
  • Bring a toothbrush and toothpaste with you on your trip: If you’re going to an event where you’ll be drinking, wash your teeth whenever you get a chance. Brushing with your Invisalign removed makes things simpler to avoid plaque and tartar buildup.

What Effect Does Alcohol Have on Invisalign Braces?

Although drinking alcohol will not directly alter the fit or function of your aligners, it will have an aesthetic impact. It stains your teeth and aligners when you drink soda, red wine, beer, or other sweet beverages. Another reason to avoid consuming alcohol while wearing Invisalign is that the amount of sugar in these beverages can cause tooth decay, especially if you don’t rinse your mouth or clean your teeth afterward. This is because the drinks’ sugars and high acidic content lead your teeth to lose minerals more quickly, making them weak and more prone to cavities. Make sure to visit your dentist if you seek further guidance.

Dental care

What toothpaste is best with braces?

If you visit the store to purchase a toothpaste to use while you’re wearing braces, you’re going to see as many as eight to ten brands, with dozens of flavors, and a mix of ingredients.

Different types of toothpaste have different purposes, with formulas for whitening, freshening, tartar control, and sensitivity.

You may be wondering: What kind of toothpaste is best for me with dental braces on?

You must brush three times a day and floss after meals because food can easily get stuck in braces, possibly leading to decay if the food isn’t brushed or flossed away properly.

The following are the pointers you should know so that you can keep your teeth clean while letting the braces do their job.

Use fluoride toothpaste

Any toothpaste that you pick should have fluoride in it. Fluoride makes the enamel on your teeth extremely strong, making tooth decay less likely and minimizing acid damage from acid erosion that’s caused by certain foods and drinks.

Even though you have fluoridated water where you live, you should still consider using fluoride toothpaste thrice daily.

Tartar control is essential

Your toothpaste should always promote tartar control. Tartar is a hard substance that is caused by consistent plaque build-up, which can prompt tooth rot and periodontal disease.

A toothpaste that helps to brush away plaque and prevent tartar from forming is essential for teens and adults with braces.

Never use teeth whitening products

Many sorts of toothpaste are made to whiten teeth. If you’re wearing braces, in any case, you have pieces of metal or ceramic cemented to your teeth that the toothpaste wouldn’t touch. 

Your teeth would whiten unevenly, and once the braces are removed, the enamel would be several different colors which can be embarrassing.

Rather, you should continue to visit your general dentist for twice-a-year cleanings for good overall oral hygiene.

Ideal sort of toothpaste for braces

Even though there is no one specific brand of toothpaste that is best for braces, there are certain things to look for when considering your options. When purchasing toothpaste, make sure to look for a brand with an American Dental Association (ADA) seal of approval.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

What is the best type of braces?

Typically, braces can be used to treat underbites, overbites, crooked teeth, crowded teeth, and teeth with large gaps. In terms of braces, they offer just as many options as the problems they solve. That’s why deciding whether to have braces can seem difficult. Considering all the orthodontic treatment options out there, you might not know where to turn. Most people are concerned with comfort and appearance when choosing braces. Other factors could include the duration of treatment or dietary restrictions. Fortunately, there is a solution for everyone.

Types of Braces

The most common types of braces are:

Metal Braces

High-quality stainless steel is used to make these traditional braces. With brackets on the teeth attached to an archwire, even pressure is applied to move the teeth in the right direction.

Ceramic Braces

Most patients are attracted to ceramic braces because they use tooth-colored brackets instead of metal and white wires. These braces are practically invisible. Compared to metal braces, they are a popular choice for adults who prefer the subtle look.

Furthermore, ceramic braces are very convenient for patients who enjoy taking their photos or attending important events while wearing braces.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces, also known as inside braces, are made to fit the contours of the insides of each tooth. A wire connects the brackets and pulls the teeth into position by pulling from the inside. These braces are just as effective as standard outside braces but require more time to install since each bracket is custom made.


Invisalign is one of the most recent orthodontic treatment options. Patients are instructed to wear a series of custom plastic bite trays for two weeks each to move their teeth into a better position slowly. The aligners are virtually invisible and more comfortable to wear with no metal parts to irritate gums and inside the mouth.

After knowing all the common types of braces, it becomes easy to pick the best fit for you.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

What happens if you don’t floss with braces?

Brushing twice a day is recommended by dentists to protect teeth from bacterial infection and plaque buildup. And with braces, it becomes essential to clean and floss your teeth to prevent dental disease. Read about the importance of brushing and flossing with braces.

The Importance of Clean Teeth

Brushing for at least two minutes twice a day should be part of your daily routine for oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing safeguard against tooth and gum disease. Brushing removes plaque, which is the primary cause of tooth decay and cavities, and it also prevents the production of plaque.

Flossing is also essential once a day. Dental floss is useful for cleaning places that your toothbrush can not reach. Little gaps and tight crevices between teeth trap food waste as well as sugars and acids from liquids. If food and these sugary particles are left alone in the mouth, it could lead to plaque and bacteria buildup, causing periodontal disease.

Flossing is a simple and efficient practice to prevent all these oral issues.

Brushing and Flossing With Braces

With braces, it becomes more vital to take care of your teeth. Food gets easily stuck in braces while or after eating. Flossing and brushing are essential during treatment. If you do not floss your teeth daily with braces, you might get plaque and cavities, which will lead to tooth decay and other kinds of disease. Flossing may get a little difficult with braces, but it only takes a few minutes and is one of the most effective tools for keeping your gums clean and healthy.

Make it a habit to floss your teeth on a regular basis. Remember to brush twice a day, floss once a day, and keep visiting your dentist for regular checkups.

Dental care

How painful are braces on the first day?

Teeth alignment treatment uses braces to get desired teeth shape and a pleasant smile.
When your braces are first installed, you might experience little to no discomfort or pain. Read more about the first few days’ experience with braces.

Day 1 with braces

Although you may have some discomfort for the first few hours or a day, it can also cause soreness in the mouth. Therefore, doctors advise avoiding eating hard, crunchy, or sticky foods during the first several days after brace implantation. Instead, it would be best to eat a soft and liquid diet such as mashed potatoes, macaroni and pasta, yogurt, soups, and other soft drinks and foods that don’t require you to touch or chew much of your teeth.

Day 2nd and 3rd with Braces

It’s possible that the first two to three days after braces feel uncomfortable and continue to cause a little pain and soreness. The archwire and brackets are putting pressure on teeth to change position. Over-the-counter pain relievers can reduce this pain to help feel better, and Saltwater can also be beneficial to reduce the discomfort and pain.

Importance of Regular Appointment

You will have regular sessions with the orthodontic to adjust the braces. Depending on the requirement of braces for your teeth, it can take three months to a year-long. Braces tightening will be done every 4-6weeks. Your doctor might ask you for frequent visits to check on your progress. Brace wire and brackets are adjusted with gentle pressure to get the desired shape in every session.

The first few days after an adjustment or when a new wire is implanted might cause discomfort, but less than the previous one. All the discomfort, soreness, and pain due to braces are temporary and will reduce as you get accompanied with them. Follow doctor’s guidelines carefully.

Dental care

How do braces widen your smile?

Invisalign and Braces are dental equipment to treat abnormalities in your teeth, such as crowding, crooked teeth, or unaligned teeth. People prefer to straighten their teeth. They are commonly used by teenagers, adults, and youngsters. Many dentists utilize dental braces in orthodontic treatment for various tooth issues. Overcrowding, misalignment, spacing, and even malocclusion problems like overbites and underbites can all be addressed with braces.

How to fix Smile with Invisalign or Braces

Nowadays, everyone wants to restore their crooked teeth because a smile depends on how perfect their teeth are.

  • When lips, cheeks, and even your chin become disproportionate due to dental issues. Dental Braces and Invisalign improve asymmetrically caused by unaligned teeth and the face. 
  • Braces and Invisalign assist in getting your teeth into appropriate and proper alignment of your teeth over one another. The jaw extends outward due to conditions like an underbite or an overbite because the teeth are misaligned. It can help improve the look of your face and improve the alignment of your jaw.

Invisalign is partially invisible, comfy, and easily removed. However, they can not be used for all issues. It is effective at treating mild to moderate crowding, gaps, and crookedness. For extensive malocclusions and severely crooked teeth, braces are usually preferred. A doctor might assess which one is a better option for you.

How do braces and Invisalign work?

Braces and Invisalign are used in the following process during treatment:

  • First, they are fixed on the teeth with wire and ring-like bands to hold them on. 
  • Then they are adjusted by the dentists regularly to obtain the alignment.

This process can cause soreness for a few days. Braces are often kept for 4 to 6 months to a year, depending on the time required for treatment. Even after treatment, patients must preserve them with maintenance.

They provide a long-lasting, pleasing, symmetrical expression. Braces give people their smiles back and encourage them to live with confidence around people.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Can braces cause a gummy smile?

A gummy smile is a smile that shows a lot of gum line, causing embarrassment and insecurity for those who have it. 

Gummy smiles, also known as excessive gingival display, can be caused by a host of issues with your mouth like jaw development issues, incorrect bite, hyperactive or overly short upper lip, and orthodontic treatments. 

After orthodontic treatment your teeth are straight and your smile is beautiful. Unfortunately, there are times when gums can be swollen and bleed during orthodontic treatment due to poor brushing and a genetic predisposition to having inflamed gums. 

A long-lasting inflammation of your gums can lead to what is called gingival hyperplasia or gingival enlargement. Brushing and frequent cleanings during braces treatment are key to avoiding this issue.

Swollen gums make teeth look short, your gums can surround the braces causing cavities under this extra tissue. It is a common issue that needs to be resolved during and/or after braces. A periodontist is one that specializes in reducing your gummy smile during and after treatment.

Improved oral hygiene and prevention of gum disease are some of the things to keep in mind to treat gummy smiles.  

The following are some of the dental treatments that can help treat gummy smiles.

  • A dental treatment called gingivectomy will fix a gummy smile most of the time. 
  • Crown lengthening is yet another technique that is opted in the more severe cases.
  • Root planing and scaling is also an option; in the process the dentist removes plaque from the tooth all the way to the root, including under the gum. Subsequent to scaling the teeth, your dentist will then, at that point, smooth out your tooth’s roots to help your gums reattach. This is a decent choice to both deep clean your teeth and change your gum line.
  • Botox is also a popular option for treating gummy smiles. If the underlying cause of your gummy smile is a hyperactive upper lip, you have to go for botox. Whenever you inject Botox into your upper lip, it will restrict the range of movement for your upper lip, which will restrict the amount of your gums that show when you smile, ultimately helping reduce gummy smiles.

So the bottom line is if you wish to treat your gummy smile or the underlying issues that are causing your gummy smile, make sure to consult your dentist or orthodontist about your issues. They’ll be the right ones to discuss treatment options with you as well as determine whether your issue is purely aesthetic or if there’s an underlying issue. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Do braces make your breath stink?

Do braces make your breath stink?
Bad breath happens to everyone occasionally, and you should usually be able to fix it by brushing and flossing regularly. However, if you have braces, you will need to keep your mouth fresh by changing your routine.

Why do braces cause bad breath?
Your braces do not smell bad – it’s your mouth bacteria that does.

People who wear braces often experience problems with food getting trapped in their braces. Whenever food particles are left in your teeth, they become a source of nutrition for bacteria, and this leads to an unpleasant smell developing in your mouth as bacteria build up.

You likely have bad breath with braces if you don’t clean your braces after eating regularly.

Listed below are some tips for keeping your breath fresh while wearing braces:

Maintaining good oral hygiene is the key to keeping your breath fresh when you have braces. For the best results, brush your teeth every morning, each time you eat, and before going to bed.

Flossing with water or dental floss can help remove trapped food particles. Brushing your tongue or using a tongue scraper may be necessary.

You can also try these other ways to freshen your breath:

  • Use mouthwash
  • Stay hydrated
  • Replace your toothbrush more frequently
  • Take sugarless mints
  • Avoid strongly scented foods

Making changes to your daily routine is necessary when you get braces. Luckily, these easy tricks will help you keep your breath fresh while you undergo orthodontic treatment.

Ask your dentist about other questions you may have about living with braces.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

What is Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology?

Oral and maxillofacial radiology, also referred to as dentomaxillofacial radiology, is a branch of dentistry that uses radiography to treat illnesses, abnormalities, and ailments. Imaging techniques such as MRI, X-Ray, and CT scans are used to diagnose and treat problems with the teeth, mouth, and jaw, among other things.

Techniques in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology use diagnostic imaging to examine craniofacial and dental structures. Imagining techniques include

  • Digital Imaging
  • Computed Tomography (CT) and plain films
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Ultrasound (US)

Oral symptoms usually have a bone and skeletal base under the soft tissues. Because radiographs can reveal non-clinically visible structures: the imaging technology helps dental practitioners to deal with many unidentified issues.

Advantages of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology

  • Preparation for surgery in the affected area
  • Diagnosis and treatment of oral cancer
  • Making a treatment plan for orthodontics
  • Planning for dental implants
  • Visualizing abnormal teeth
  • Evaluation of unusual pain in your face or jaw,
  • Assessment of cavity formation
  • Diagnosis of unidentified dental problems

Practicing Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 
A degree in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology takes 4-5 years. Starting with a dental degree, followed by postgraduate studies, and then passing the state licensure exam. Training includes procedures and interpretation of maxillofacial CT, CBCT, MRI, ultrasound, and other imaging modalities.

Oral and maxillofacial radiology is gaining popularity everywhere. Its precision and comprehensive interpretations to help with the diagnosis are very helpful and essential parts for dentistry.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

How do you clean dental implant abutment?

The implant recovery abutment should be lightly wiped clean with a gentle brush and toothpaste. If you choose to use an electric-powered toothbrush, flip the motor off while cleansing the uncovered recovery abutment because the vibrations might not facilitate implant recovery. You can mouth rinse or use any toothpaste.

How is the abutment connected to the implant?
To place the abutment, the surgeon will reopen your gum to expose the dental implant. He or she can connect the abutment that closes your gum tissue around it.

What has to be consumed after abutment healing?
Some meals encouraged after implant surgical operation are boiled or mashed potatoes, tender culmination like bananas, peaches or melons, macaroni and cheese, soup, eggs, pudding, applesauce, and cakes without nuts or seeds.

How do you deal with an abutment?
You do not have to wash or wipe with pressure, meals and plaque will come away easily. Continue to rinse with salt water during the whole day. You may also lightly brush the restoration abutment while sweeping your teeth. You do not have to brush harshly as you may harm the gum tissue and implant.

What is the right manner to clean dental implants?

  • Clean at least two times an afternoon with a soft-bristle toothbrush.
  • A low-abrasive toothpaste should be used.
  • Brush beneath and across the implant crown.
  • Use nylon-lined interdental brush to clean hard-to-attain places.
  • Floss each day with unwaxed tape or implant-precise floss.
  • An advocated oral irrigator should be used.

Do implants require special cleaning? 
There is no special way to clean an implant and it must be cared for in the same way as a natural tooth. Great oral hygiene is essential to prevent bacteria from generation around implants.

How to brush the healing abutments? 
Be as gentle as possible while brushing your teeth. You do not have to brush the restoration abutment for the primary week. Use the PeridexTM rinse to clean the implant area as directed, twice daily.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Can Chewing Gum Prevent Cavities?

Most of the time, chewing gum is perceived as a dirty or annoying habit, but do you know it may help prevent cavities?

Notwithstanding regular dental exams and proper at-home hygiene, chewing gum may likewise be vital to remember for your daily practice.

Before you judge the next person you see blowing bubbles, ensure you find out with regards to how chewing gum can help prevent cavities with the below-listed information.

How does chewing gum prevent cavities? 
When you chew on sugarless gum, your mouth builds its flow of saliva. Saliva washes away food and debris from your teeth, kills acids from bacteria, and also provides substances that fight diseases in your mouth.  Furthermore, increased saliva carries phosphate and calcium to strengthen tooth enamel which is liable for safeguarding your teeth.

The gum likewise cleans your teeth. Food particles and bacteria from your teeth. After you bite it for ten minutes, a piece of gum has caught around 100 million bacteria from your mouth. That is the reason you want to try to discard it when you’re done-it may clean your mouth, yet the gum gets extremely filthy.

How often do you chew gum?
Before you go overboard with chewing gum, there’s a time and place to chew it that will help your dental health. For best possible results, chew gum after eating a full meal or drinking something other than water. Chewing the gum in the wake of eating or drinking will assist with washing away the debris and sugar from your teeth.

If you chew too much gum, you could begin experiencing jaw pain. On the off chance that this occurs, it’s a great idea to cut back. Studies have linked gum chewing to TMJ, particularly in teenagers. Also, sugarless sugars here and there cause an upset stomach if a lot is consumed.

Keep brushing & flossing 
While chewing sugarless gum is a feasible method to prevent cavities, it should never be a replacement for brushing and flossing your teeth. It’s as yet critical to brush and floss no less than two times every day, once toward the beginning of the day and once before hitting the bed. Brushing and flossing are the best method for preventing cavities, however, it’s unlikely you’re going to brush after every meal and drink.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

What is Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate?

A cleft lip or cleft palate describes a separation or opening in the roof of the mouth (palate) or both of the upper lip and the roof of the mouth (umbilicus). In unborn babies, cleft lip and cleft palate occur as a result of the facial structures that are developing during development not completely closing.

One of the most common birth defects are cleft lips and cleft palates. As a whole, these birth defects are most commonly found to be isolated, but they can also occur in conjunction with many inherited genetic disorders.

A child born with a cleft lip or cleft palate can certainly be upsetting. However, these conditions can be corrected. Most babies can be restored to their normal function and appearance with few scarring following a series of surgeries.

Clefts in the lips or palate are often immediately visible at birth. A cleft lip or cleft palate may look like:

  • It may affect one or both sides of the face and occurs in the lip and the roof of the mouth (palate).
  • Various types of splits in the lip, ranging from a small notch which appears on the lip to a split that extends from the lip through the upper gum and palate into the lower lip.
  • If the split does not affect the appearance of the face, it is not a facial fracture.

The soft palate muscles (submucous cleft palate) are covered by the mouth lining and less commonly undergo clefts. Often, signs of a cleft may not be apparent at birth or diagnosed for some time afterward. Cleft palate with submucous symptoms may display the following signs and symptoms:

  • Feeding difficulties
  • Having difficulty swallowing, which may result in liquids or foods being expelled
  • Nasal speaking voice
  • Infections of the ears

When to see a doctor?
Most people are aware of a cleft lip or cleft palate at birth, and their doctors may begin coordinating services at that time. Consult your child’s doctor if your child displays signs or symptoms of a submucous cleft palate.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

What are symptoms of needing a root canal?

Trying to figure out whether you need a root canal is like trying to work out whether you need a filling. In the early stages of a problem, it can be hard to tell if better oral hygiene will resolve the issue or if a visit to a dentist is necessary. As a result, many of the signs can be determined only by a dentist. 

In case of any of the following symptoms, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist: 

  • Cold and heat sensitivity: It is possible to have sensitivity to cold and heat without needing a root canal. Those with root canals experience sensitivity and pain long after consuming hot or cold drinks or foods.
  • Having tender gums: A tender gum, even without touch, may indicate root canal pain. Be sure to tell the dentist about your tender gums when you visit.
  • Gums that are swollen: Your gums may swell if you have an infected tooth. Inflamed gums can sometimes occur after flossing or brushing too hard, but this is different. It is normal for the swollen gums to be tender and to feel a little painful to the touch.
  • Intense Pain: There is no need to ignore any pain in your mouth, but certain types may indicate root canal pain. An infected or dead tooth may need a root canal if it is causing you spontaneous pain like a wave.
  • A painful abscess: Abscesses show up as dark spots on x-rays. A hole in the jawbone results from an infection because bone won’t grow around it. 
  • Discoloration of the gums: A darkened gum is a sign that the gums are decayed. Gums begin to decay if there is an infection and the tooth is dying. It may be time to get a root canal if you have this symptom.

If you have any of these above symptoms, schedule an immediate appointment with your dentist.
Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

How long is root canal recovery?

Treatment of an inflamed or infected root canal is done in order to save the innermost and nerve-controlled part of a tooth, the root canal, which contains the tissue and nerves that cause hot and cold sensations. An infected root canal is accessed by drilling into the tooth, removing all the infected tissues, and filling the canal to restore optimal dental health. There are no other options to prevent complete decay of a tooth if the bacterial infection has spread to the pulp chamber.

You need not be afraid if your dentist recommends a root canal. This recommendation saves or treats millions of teeth each year, as it offers an opportunity to save an infected tooth. It can be relatively quick and painless, depending on the level of decay. The experience has become more comfortable and smooth thanks to advances in technology, tools, and anesthetics.

Healing Time for Root Canals
With most medical or dental interventions that require anesthesia, some discomfort is to be expected when the anesthesia wears off. Although there may be some discomfort, the level is generally quite mild, and over-the-counter medications and good oral hygiene can easily manage it. A root canal will numb your tooth for up to four hours. If you have any discomfort during the first 24 to 48 hours after the surgery, an anti-inflammatory pain reliever may reduce your discomfort. A typical recommendation for healing time is to allow three full days for recovery, mild discomfort, and sensitivity.

The First to Third Days After a Root Canal
Your root canal-treated tooth may be sensitive. Brushing and flossing the area around the tooth should still be done gently. Your dentist may recommend specific oral hygiene products. By using these products and maintaining a thorough oral hygiene routine, you can protect the tooth that has been treated, as well as keep your other teeth and gums healthy. You should contact your dentist if you are experiencing pain that lasts more than four or five days. It may be necessary to schedule a follow-up appointment to ensure the tooth has healed properly.

Schedule your appointment with a Victoria dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Can You Get a Filling Instead of a Root Canal?

Tooth decay is a common dental problem with 26 percent of the United States population with untreated tooth decay. There are various manifestations of untreated dental decay, one of them being root canal infection. 

Root canal therapy is an excellent alternative to tooth extraction and can help people keep intact their beautiful smiles without much hassle. However, having talked about the good parts of root canal therapy, it is essential to acknowledge that many people are afraid of it as it has a bad reputation for being excruciatingly painful. 

So, let us try to answer the lingering question of whether a dental filling is a feasible alternative to a root canal.

Is Dental Filling a Viable Substitute to Root Canal Therapy?

A dental filling is a more straightforward treatment than a root canal, and the former is more preferred by patients. However, the viability of a dental filling to treat a decayed tooth depends on the severity of the infection. If the infection has seeped into the tooth’s pulp, then root canal therapy becomes unavoidable. 

On the contrary, fillings can be used instead of a root canal if the tooth has a smaller cavity or a minor decay, which has not yet reached the pulp. Likewise, it is imperative to remember that the objective of root canal therapy is to prevent further damage to tissues. In contrast, a dental filling primarily aims to restore the function and appearance of the tooth. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Can Amoxicillin Treat Root Canal Infection?

A root canal is a treatment designed to eradicate bacteria from the infected root canal, prohibit further re-infection, and save a person’s natural tooth. 

The process entails removing the inflamed or infected pulp inside the tooth and carefully cleaning and sealing the area. Now that we have talked about the basics of root canal treatment, let us examine further a root canal infection.

What is a Root Canal Infection?
Despite being incredibly safe, a small proportion of the population may suffer from tooth infection after a root canal procedure. A little pain is normal after a root canal. But, if the discomfort and tenderness continue for prolonged periods, then you might be suffering from a root canal infection. 

A tooth that does not fully heal after a root canal can become diseased for months and even years. Some of the causes of root canal infection are:

  • The shape of your root canal is complicated, and some affected areas may go unnoticed in the first root canal procedure. 
  • An infection may occur if the crown placement is delayed after the root canal treatment.
  • New cavity or damage after root canal treatment.
  • Your tooth may have narrow canals that were not thoroughly cleaned during the root canal procedure.
  • Your tooth may have an extra canal that houses bacteria and re-infect the tooth.

Can Amoxicillin Be Used As A Remedy For Root Canal?
Most antibiotics like Amoxicillin are not viable to cure a root canal infection. Once the disease has reached its roots, it means the blood vessels with antibacterial defenses have broken down. Hence, antibiotics cannot penetrate inside the tooth into the root where the problem lies. A feasible way to deal with a root canal infection is to see your dentist as soon as possible. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

What is the alternative for a root canal?

It’s the new year, and that of course means your insurance has been refreshed. New Year is the best time to plan any major dental procedures you need, such as a root canal.

This can be extremely expensive, however, and your insurance may not cover the full procedure. Popular theories proliferate about alternatives to root canals, yet be careful: not all of them are effective.

Learn about the root canal treatment
A root canal treatment is highly recommended when an infected and significantly damaged tooth needs repairing to save it.

This degree of damage is often a result of cracked tooth enamel, a deep cavity, or trauma.

The dental procedure includes a lot of steps, beginning with X-rays followed by the removal of the damaged section of tooth pulp under local anesthesia, also known as a pulpectomy.

The inside of the tooth is cleaned and disinfected and filled with gutta-percha material and sealed. A crown will restore the tooth after the root canal treatment is done.

Alternatives for root canal

  • The most obvious alternative to a root canal is basically extracting the tooth. Most dentists will tell you that it is always best practice to save the tooth whenever possible.
  • Extraction is a more horrendous procedure; it likewise leaves you without a tooth and the consequences of tooth loss can occur. Such as drifting, tipping, and movement of other teeth.
  • Another alternative is pulp capping. In this particular dental procedure, a sealant is used to close off the entrance to the pulp. This isn’t generally effective, and you may ultimately still be needed to have the root canal treatment. It may just delay the inevitable.
  • A bridge denture can be an alternative if you elect to remove the tooth and replace it with this option. Your dentist is the best person to explain the pros and cons of choosing this dental replacement over a root canal.
  • A dental implant can provide a similar alternative. Just your dentist can guide you to the right choice for you, relying upon whether the nerves have not yet been infected and the severity of the infection or inflammation. Dental implants can replace teeth however always remember an implant is a replacement for a tooth it is not a tooth so it additionally has a few things to consider. It is additionally more expensive than a root canal treatment.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

How Long Do Tooth Abscesses Last?

A tooth abscess is a pocket of pus that accumulates when a bacterial infection seeps down to the pulp inside the tooth. It is noteworthy to highlight that tooth abscesses are the natural defense mechanism that aims to block the injection from reaching other areas of the dental pulp. But, the buildup of pus can be very painful, resulting in severe toothache. 

Tooth abscesses need to be treated by dentists immediately after they are identified. Likewise, being vigilant about one’s dental health is also fundamental in preventing painful conditions like abscesses in the first place. But, we have to underline that dental abscesses can last for months and even years if untreated. When the infection continues unfettered, there is an enormous risk of losing the tooth altogether. An abscess may transition from an acutely painful stage to a chronic one embodied by near-irreversible damage done to the body. 

Symptoms of Dental Abscesses
To treat dental abscesses, it is imperative to recognize the symptoms, which are:

  • Facial swelling
  • Swelling of gums
  • Redness of skin over the abscessed gum
  • Bleeding gums
  • Fever
  • Toothache
  • Loss of appetite
  • A rush of foul-tasting and pungent-smelling liquid in the mouth 

Thus, if you observe the symptoms mentioned above, visit your dentist at the earliest. It is imperative to remember that the susceptibility to dental abscesses increases with dental decay, the prevalence of chipped tooth or broken tooth, periodontal conditions, and likewise. You can follow good habits like avoiding too much sugar, using fluoridated toothpaste and water, and opting for a proper oral hygiene routine to keep dental abscesses at bay.

The longevity of tooth abscesses ranges from several months to years if they remain untreated. But with proper treatment, they can be controlled and dealt with at the right time.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

What Are The Pros and Cons of The Implant?

Dental implants play a crucial role in making millions of people smile, eat, and speak better. Studies illustrate that one in four adults in America loses all their teeth by the age of 74. As such, dental implants are the ideal savior. A dental implant is a screw or frame composed of titanium and other similar materials that support tooth replacement. The first step entails anchoring the implant into the jawbone, wherein the new tooth will be attested. Then, three to six months later, the screw is completely fused with the bone, and a dentist attaches a replacement tooth to a tiny metal post protruding from the implant. Now, let us dovetail into the pros and cons of dental implants so that you can make an informed decision.

Advantages of Dental Implants

  • The first advantage of dental implants is that they are self-reliant. Unlike bridges, implants don’t depend upon the neighboring teeth for support, thereby avoiding ancillary damage. 
  • Bone loss is typically prevented in the case of implants as the tooth is replaced from the root.
  • Implants look as good as natural teeth and don’t produce crass clicking noises while you eat or speak. 

Disadvantages of Dental Implants 

  • Although dental implants are incredibly safe, some complications like bleeding, infection, sinus or nasal cavity injuries, and so forth may accompany a few cases.
  • Dental implants may appear like a long and tiring procedure for some people as the entire process takes as long as six months. 
  • Dental implants may also mandate that you get additional work done. If the jawbone is weakened by osteoporosis, the dental surgeon may graft bone onto the invalid portion. The sinus cavity can be lifted if it’s enlarged and pushed into the area that needs a bone graft. 
  • Dental implants are costly and not usually covered by insurance. So, you might have to pay thousands of dollars for a single dental implant. 

In conclusion, dental implants have various advantages, and you can opt for them safely. 

Dental care

How long after an implant can I get a crown?

Dental implants are prosthetic appliances that act as replacements for missing teeth. They substitute for a person’s natural teeth that require removal due to factors such as severe dental decay, facial injury, periodontal diseases, and so forth. A dental implant is a screw or frame composed of titanium and similar materials supporting tooth replacement. The first step entails anchoring the implant – a screw-like structure – into the jawbone at the position where the new tooth will be attested. After three to six months, the screw is completely fused with the bone, and a dental expert attaches a replacement crown to the tiny metal post protruding from the jaw. Now that we have deliberated upon the basics of a dental implant let’s try and answer the looming question of how many times a crown needs to be fixed on to the implant.

The Crown of a Dental Implant
Most patients receive an implant over several months. Several appointments, surgeries, and diagnostics tests are a veritable part of a dental implant procedure. As we have already mentioned, the dental crown placement atop the titanium implant on the jawbone is the concluding step of the process. It is noteworthy to highlight that it takes between three months to six months for a crown to be attested after the implant is fused into the jaw bone. The underlying criterion is that the titanium implant has to be adequately fused into the overall jaw. The entire place needs to be healed for the placement of the crown. 

In conclusion, opting for traditional dental implants is a long and tedious process, but it is worth all the patience as the culmination is fantastic. But, to counter the longevity of the dental implant procedure, one-day implants have been innovated that can be fixed into a person’s jaw on the day of the appointment. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!


Dental care

Can you get dental implants with gum recession?

Gum recession and dental implants aren’t the ideal combinations due to the loss of support by the  jaw bone and gum tissues. However, with so many advances in implant dentistry, anything is  possible. Any condition that could harm the dental implants gets treated before the placement.  

The gum recession decreases the chances of placement and falls the dental implants. However, it is  possible with an ancillary procedure like bone grafting/soft tissue augmentation to build up the gum  line and restore the strength before implants can make it a viable option. It also lengthens the  timeline of your dental implant treatment.

The grafting procedure adds a supplement bone around the dental implant that supports the  jawbone, therefore, having a significant impact on the success of the implant. The supplement bone  used in grafting gets generated from implant patients, cultivated from a cadaver or a synthetic  material best for your particular needs. 

Before you get dental implants, discuss with your dentist and identify the cause of the gum  recession to prevent future damage. 

Causes of Gum Recession 

  • Periodontal disease: refers to the infection in the gum tissue. The oral bacteria naturally occurs in  the mouth if the substance between the teeth is left untreated. Later stages can cause gum recession  as well as other dental problems. 
  • Tobacco products: the sticky residue makes it prone to gum diseases. 
  • Bruxism or Teeth Grinding: stress on the jaw joints, gums, and teeth. 
  • Poor oral habits- Brushing or flossing with pressure can lead to gum recession over time. 

How to prevent receding of gum after dental implant? 
Preventing measures like practicing good oral health in addition to brushing and flossing for overall  gum health. If you are struggling with receding gums, get consistent dental care linked to gum recession to improve the success rate of the dental implant and aesthetic value. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!


Dental care

Advantages of dental implants

When it comes to replacing teeth that are missing or damaged, you have a lot of options in today’s era. Notwithstanding, one option that stands out apart over the rest is dental implants. Dental implants offer advantages that other tooth replacement options such as dentures or bridges, just can’t offer. 

Advantages of dental implants
The following are the pointers that signify advantages of dental implants.

  • Prevent bone loss: When you lose your teeth, you also tend to lose bone mass in your jaw. Your jawbone needs the stimulation it gets when your teeth connect to keep up with its mass. Dental implants are the only tooth replacement option that additionally replaces that jaw bone stimulation, helping to prevent bone loss.
  • Matches your natural teeth: Dental implants have a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Your dentist will work with you to design implants that match the shade of your surrounding teeth and fit completely in the gap. Nobody however you and your dentist will know which teeth are implants.
  • Allows natural speech: Some tooth replacement options such as dentures can impact your ability to pronounce words appropriately. Missing teeth can also alter your speech. Notwithstanding, dental implants feel and function actually like natural teeth, they allow you to talk effectively and normally.
  • Easy to care for: Dental implants don’t expect you to purchase any extraordinary items to clean or care for them. There’s no requirement for cups, cleansing tablets, adhesives, or special flossers. You simply brush and floss, the manner in which you would with your normal teeth.

A permanent solution to your tooth loss
Other tooth replacement options will need to be repaired or replaced occasionally, however dental implants are intended to keep going for the rest of your life.

On the off chance that you’re needing a tooth replacement option, you should definitely consider dental implants. To see whether you’re a decent candidate for dental implants, schedule a consultation.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Is it better to take your dentures out at night?

No matter what kind of dentures you wear, removing them regularly allows the gums and other tissues supporting the dentures a chance to rest, recover, and acquire antibacterial effects from saliva. It is healthiest to remove your dentures for at least five to six hours every day. At what time should you remove them? The recommendation used to be always to remove dentures at night.

Other concerns also exist. When worn continuously, especially at night when salivary flow naturally decreases, dentures can result in a condition known as denture stomatitis. Tissues under dentures may become inflamed. This condition usually occurs under upper full dentures that cover the palate, which become reddened, swollen, and infected with yeast. An infection of the mouth usually accompanies this by yeast, called angular cheilitis, characterized by cracks at the corners. To treat denture stomatitis, dentures are left out at night and cleaned diligently. If you have a yeast infection, your dentist can prescribe you chlorhexidine prescription rinses and/or anti-yeast or anti-fungal medications.

Steps To Denture Care
Denture-wearers should maintain good oral hygiene by following these steps:

  • Dentures should be rinsed after eating.
  • Use a soft toothbrush, nailbrush, or denture brush to clean your dentures at least once a day and use dish soap, liquid antibacterial soap, or denture cleanser to remove any debris. If you use toothpaste, it will abrade the dentures.) An effervescent (fizzing) tablet can’t replace this type of manual cleaning, and it might be necessary to remove some of the plaque.
  • Keep your dentures moist or, better yet, use a solution based on alkaline peroxide.
  • Your gums and tongue should be brushed every day using an extra-soft toothbrush (not your dentures’ toothbrush) or cleaned with a damp washcloth.
  • Be sure to rinse your dentures before replacing them in the mouth.

You still need to keep your mouth healthy even if you no longer have your natural teeth. Keeping your dentures on all the time will prevent you from maintaining good oral hygiene, thereby compromising your health.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

How Do You Fix Dentures That Are Too Big?

Dentures are artificial appliances that can fix dental anomalies that arise out of tooth decay, tooth loss, facial injury, and other similar problems. Despite being near-permanent solutions, your dentures may get loose in the future. The natural aging process alters the size and shape of your teeth and jaw, causing your dentures to become wobbly and loose. But worry not, as there are several ways to deal with dentures that are too big for you.

Ways to Fix Dentures That Are Too Big For Your Teeth

  1. The first and foremost solution of dealing with dentures that are too big is relining. The initial steps that experts take in fixing a bigger-sized denture are to reline them. But, if the dentures are too big, then a replacement becomes the only viable solution.
  2. Another way to fix dentures that are too big includes adding more dental implants for support. Placing fixtures on the downside of dentures that snap onto two or more surgically fitted implants into the jaw provides extensive stability and comfort. They are a better solution that is relining and even replacement.
  3. Thirdly, a crucial yet drastic way to deal with big dentures is the up-gradation to implant-based dental restoration. Ill-fitting dentures that look unappealing are wobbly and uncomfortable can take a toll on both a person’s physical and mental health. It is in such a context that implant restorations come into the picture. Dental implant-based restorations don’t become loose over time and don’t slip or slide in untoward circumstances. Their fun and function remain immaculate for years on end.

In conclusion, there are viable and doable solutions to deal with dentures too big for you. If you feel uncomfortable with your dentures, go to your dentist immediately and ask for a solution.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Can you live a normal life with dentures?

It seems like you’ve just had dentures fitted or are planning to get dentures shortly and are concerned about them not being comfortable. The answer is yes; you can feel normal with dentures. Modern technology has made it easy; dentures can feel as if they are part of the mouth. You need your dentures to feel like part of your mouth because they play an important role in your life, including how you look and feel when you smile.

Dentures: Are they uncomfortable?
The opposite is true because as technology advances, dentures become increasingly comfortable. The purpose of a denture is to give you the feeling of having a natural tooth. Humans have used dentures for centuries as a replacement for teeth, and technology continues to improve at an unprecedented rate.

With the advancement in digital technology, dentures are fitted and designed using digital scans and CAD technology to ensure they fit perfectly. Digital dentures are made by taking a digital scan of the mouth and then using CAD software to fit it in the mouth. Dentures made digitally eliminate the possibility of errors and ensure a perfect fit.

When your dentures are designed, your denture technician will fine-tune the fit to ensure that they are comfortable. The belief that dentures are uncomfortable may have originated with the old dentures that rubbed and caused discomfort. Due to advances in denture technology, digital design, and fit technology, today’s dentures are incredibly comfortable and easy to wear.

Losing a tooth is possible at any age. Even young people can lose their teeth. It’s okay if you’re going through this. Dentures are an excellent option for you only if your dentures fit you well, and you should be comfortable enjoying them. Your dentist can assist you in the best possible way by placing your dentures at the right place with the perfect fit in your mouth. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Are dentures noticeable?

People who are missing teeth can replace them with dentures, which are affordable, noninvasive, and long-lasting. Nevertheless, some patients are hesitant to consider this option due to common myths about dentures. Many dental patients are concerned about their dentures looking bulky and obvious. In contrast to a few years ago, dentures are fitted today by professionals. What people will notice is that you have a bright, confident smile! 

So now the question is, are dentures noticeable? No, they are not noticeable. Thanks to modern technology, dentists can make dentures look so real that no one will be able to distinguish them from your natural teeth. A good set of dentures will give you a natural appearance when designed and fixed correctly. A natural-looking set of dentures include the following factors:

  • Tooth appearance
  • Base appearance
  • Fit 

Modern Day Dentures
Traditionally, denture false teeth were made from plastic or porcelain. Compared to today’s dentures, they were more fragile, unnatural looking, and wore down faster – usually requiring replacement every five years or less. The majority of modern dentures are made from acrylic resin, which is hard and durable. Patients benefit from their durability, long-lasting qualities, and customizability. The base that holds the false teeth is created out of similar resins or flexible polymer materials so that it closely resembles a natural gum line and allows the dentures to fit snugly in place. There are a variety of materials used for dentures, and your dentist may provide you with options and recommendations.

The fitting process enables dentists to make dentures that look natural. Your dentist will take impressions and x-rays of your mouth to create custom dentures. Furthermore, they will consider the color and shape of any natural teeth you still have so that your partial dentures blend in perfectly with the rest of your teeth.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

What Does Tooth Grinding Do To Your Teeth?

Teeth grinding is a dental condition wherein people grind or clench their teeth from time to time. Medically known as bruxism, teeth grinding does not cause harm when done occasionally. But, if bruxism continues for prolonged periods, it can cause damage to the teeth and lead to other oral complications. But, before hopping on to the details of what teeth grinding can do to our teeth, let us explore the various causes of the problem.

Causes of Bruxism or Teeth Grinding
The medical community is not sure of the causes of teeth grinding. Still, there is a pervasive assertion that it is caused due to a combination of physical, psychological, and genetic actors. There are two types of bruxism:

  • Awake Bruxism: It may be caused by intense emotions such as anxiety, anger, stress, frustration, and so forth. Awake Bruxism may also be a coping mechanism or a habit during deep concentration.
  • Sleep Bruxism: It may be caused due to sleep-related chewing activity associated with arousals while sleeping.

After talking about the causative factors of the two main types of bruxism, some risk factors are also associated with the problem. As mentioned above, stress, anxiety, and frustration are some leading causes of teeth grinding. Likewise, bruxism is also common among children and goes away by adulthood. Moreover, in a few cases, teeth grinding may manifest as a side effect of medications. The problem is also associated with specific mental health disorders like dementia, night terrors, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, sleep apnea, and so forth. 

Now that we talked about the causes of teeth grinding let us examine the condition’s problems.

Teeth Grinding and its Impacts
It is noteworthy to highlight that bruxism does not cause severe complications in most scenarios. But, at times, it can damage the teeth, dentures, restorations, crowns, and so forth. Extreme cases of teeth grinding can also result in damage to the jaw. Teeth grinding can result in tension-type headaches as well. Intense facial or jaw pain may also arise due to bruxism. Lastly, disorders that occur in the temporomandibular joints can also manifest due to bruxism. Let us now move forward to the various treatments and symptoms of bruxism. Untreated bruxism can also cause the enamel to erode and result in cracks and chips on the teeth.

Symptoms and Treatment of Bruxism
The common symptoms of bruxism include:

  • Grinding or clenching of teeth
  • Worn, fractured, or chipped teeth
  • Tired jaws
  • Increased toothache and sensitivity
  • Erosion of teeth enamel
  • Sleeping problems
  • Mild headaches that originate around the temples
  • Neck, facial and jaw pain

The most common way of dealing with bruxism is to use a mouth guard while sleeping to don’t damage your teeth. Other methods include coping with stress and anxiety, counseling sessions, muscle relaxants, and so forth. Although mild bruxism is not harmful, it is essential to be vigilant as severe teeth grinding can cause significant disruptions to our oral health.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Does Diabetes Affect Dental Health?

Diabetes is a disease that has, unfortunately, engulfed the human population in its clutches. In the USA alone, 29.1 million people, 9.3 percent of the total population are diabetic. Furthermore, 1.7 million new cases are registered each year, and 8.1 million people living with diabetes are not even minutely aware that they have the disease. 

If defined in simple words, diabetes hampers the human body’s ability to process sugar. 
All the food that we eat is turned into sugar and then utilized as energy. But, in Type I diabetes, the body doesn’t produce enough insulin – the hormone that carries sugar from the blood to the cells. And, in Type II diabetes, the body stops responding to insulin itself. Both types of diabetes cause high blood sugar levels that can consequently result in problems related to the eyes, nerves, kidneys, heart, and so forth. It is essential to note that looking after teeth and gums is crucial for surviving diabetes. Dental problems are widespread among diabetic patients. Now that we have briefly discussed the nitty-gritty of diabetes let us examine how diabetes affects dental health.

Dental Health and Diabetes
It is undeniable that people who have diabetes and don’t control their blood sugar levels appropriately are more likely to deal with teeth and gum problems. The various dental issues that can increase due to a diabetic condition are – 

  • Dry Mouth: Diabetes can slow down the production of saliva, thereby causing doctor mouth or xerostomia. The saliva and its enzymes attack bacteria, and in their absence, there can be a proliferation of plaque inside our mouth causing tooth decay. Moreover, dry mouth can also lead to sores and ulcers.
  • Infection: A fungal yeast infection called thrush is also widespread among people with diabetes. The condition manifests as white or red patches on the tongue, cracking of the skin at the corner of the lips, and open sores. 
  • Gingivitis: It is the initial stage of gum disease caused by an inappropriate oral health regimen. The condition is characterized by the presence of red, tender, and swollen gums that can bleed while brushing. 
  • Periodontitis: Although gingivitis is a reversible condition and can be treated with a proper dental health routine and some help from the dentist, the prolonged presence of gingivitis can result in mild periodontitis. The conversion of gingivitis and periodontitis is typical among diabetic patients. In simple terms, periodontitis is a dental condition wherein the gums and bones supporting the teeth begin to wear away and recede. 

Therefore, the dental problems facilitated by diabetes are many. But, the good news is that by following a robust dental health regime, you can keep various teeth and gum diseases at bay. Also, it is crucial to maintain a proper diet and keep the blood sugar levels under control. Lastly, exercising and quitting smoking are essential if you have diabetes and want to keep it under check. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

An attractive smile does not need to take months or years to achieve. The right kind of dental veneers can solve chipped, discolored, unevenly spaced, and misshapen teeth with ease. It is one of the best procedures performed in cosmetic dentistry. This is  because of the potential benefits offered by dental veneers. If you’re considering veneers, we can help you decide if they’ll be a good fit for you. 

Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

A veneer is a simple and easy way to improve the appearance of teeth.
Dental veneers are thin pieces of porcelain bonded to the surface of a tooth to improve its appearance. They are custom-designed to achieve the most attractive look for each patient. A veneer is tooth-colored and reflects light just the way natural teeth would. They do not stain easily, making them a great choice for those who want to look perfect.

Veneers give a natural look to your teeth.
This type of dental restorations might take more than one appointment to complete, but the results look natural! An imprint of your teeth is taken at your first appointment. This impression is sent to a laboratory where veneers will be made. Veneers are custom-made to mimic the color and shape of natural teeth and match the enamel color.

A dentist sculpts each veneer exactly on the mouth to create a natural-looking smile when the veneers arrive from the lab, and it is time to place them. 

Porcelain veneers are minimally invasive.
A dental veneer is a less invasive restoration option than other options offered by a practitioner. To place them, the dentist first removes 1/2 millimeters from the surface of the treated tooth, instead of 20 millimeters needed for a crown. A special cement is used to set each veneer overlay after the tooth’s surface is shaved down. During the placement and management of the veneers, the dentist may make small adjustments to their size or color to ensure that the veneers look and feel as natural as possible.

A veneer is a long-lasting and durable material.
The porcelain veneers are permanent and resist decay and staining more effectively than normal teeth. Did you know this? Due to the non-porous nature of veneers, they are more resistant to staining and cavities compared to your natural tooth enamel. Dental veneers will typically last between 10 and 15 years as long as they are properly cared for.

In the case of enamel loss, veneers are a viable option.
Although your teeth’s enamel is extremely strong, it can still wear away by too much tooth brushing, acid reflux disease, or acidic foods. It is believed by most people that once the tooth enamel wears away, it can never be replaced. Using veneers to replace enamel is aesthetically pleasing and provides durability.

A dental consultation could be the best solution if you are conscious about your smile. You can receive porcelain veneers for many years, and they are easy to care for. Compared to your natural enamel, they provide your teeth with additional strength and durability. Plus, the benefits to your social and aesthetic lives are enormous. 

Dental care

What are the Alternatives to Root Canal Treatment?

We can define a root canal as a dental treatment that entails removing the soft center of the tooth, also known as pulp. The pulp of the teeth comprises connective tissue and blood vessels that foster the growth of the teeth. A root canal treatment is needed when a tooth’s pulp is inflamed, infected, or compromised in one or the other ways. Some typical damage inducing factors to the pulp is:

  • Deep dental decay because of an untreated cavity.
  • A chip or crack on the tooth.
  • Multiple products done on the same tooth over some time.
  • An injury to the tooth that seeps into the pulp.

A root canal is a painful procedure. Depending on the person, the process can be mildly painful or excruciatingly painful. Therefore, many people are always on the lookout for alternatives to root canal treatment. In case you are one of them, then continue reading ahead.

Top 4 Alternatives to Root Canal Treatment 

  1. Direct Pulp Capping: It is a dental treatment that can be utilized among people suffering from severe damage or decay exposing the pulp. The process involves placing some inert substances directly above the exposed pulp to produce a mineral barrier, which protects the exposed pulp and promotes tissue repair. Some of the common substances used in Direct Pulp Capping are calcium hydroxide and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA).
  2. Indirect Pulp Capping: It is a procedure that protects a decayed or damaged tooth that does not have any exposed pulp. The dentist treats the cavities and protects the dentin by using a protective lining. Moreover, the dentist may also remove decayed dentin and leave the decay that is near the pulp. 
  3. Pulpotomy: It is a procedure wherein the pulp of a tooth is removed. It is done when the pulp has been exposed and overly compromised. The main difference between a root canal treatment and Pulpotomy is that the root canals and the tooth nerves are preserved in the latter. The infected pulp is removed during a Pulpotomy, and inert material is added inside the tooth to facilitate faster healing and prevent bacterial infection. After that, the tooth’s inside is filled, and a crown is placed on top to restore and protect it from damage. Pulpotomy is commonly done on children, and it is performed on adults as a temporary substitute for a root canal. 
  4. Extraction: A dentist recommends extraction in cases of severe damage to the teeth or irreversible tooth decay impacts. Mostly, extractions are done when the root canal seems ineffective. Some extractions are simple, and we can do them at a dentist’s office. In contrast, others need to be overlooked by an oral surgeon. After a tooth is removed by extraction, some ways to deal with the space include dental implants, dental bridges, and partial dentures.

A root canal may be painful and seem intimidating, but it is a crucial procedure necessary for the long-term health of your teeth and gums. But, you can also go for the alternatives mentioned above if there is scope.

Book your appointment now and get your dental issues resolved!

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Is Chewing Gum Good for Dental Health?

Chewing gum can have positive or negative impacts on your health, depending on who you ask. As a result, chewing gum serves as an imperfect combination of health benefits for your teeth and overall health. Getting to the bottom of this important question, we will need to understand how chewing gum affects both your mouth and your entire body.

Chewing Gum Ingredients: Are They Safe?

Gums are generally considered safe to chew. A chewing gum can contain some ingredients that are controversial. However, some brands contain only a small amount. There are still many cases where the quantities are much lower than those considered to harm.

Chewing gum has the following effects:

  • Artificial sweeteners most commonly found in chewing gum have a negative impact on health whether or not the gum contains sugar.
  • According to a 2013 research study on eating habits, chewing gum reduces the consumption of healthy foods like vegetables and fruits and increases consumption of unhealthy foods like potato chips and candy. Tooth decay can result from eating less healthy foods.
  • By chewing gum, mercury amalgam fillings can be released.
  • The chewing of sugar-sweetened gum can also cause tooth decay and erosion. You are essentially soaking your gums and teeth in a bath of sugar when you chew sugar-sweetened gum for a prolonged period of time.

Dental health benefits of chewing gum

It has been proved that sugar-free gum can help prevent caries; however other benefits to oral health are less clear. By chewing sugar-free chewing gum, you can stimulate the flow of saliva, which is good for your teeth in many ways. 

  • Sugars are more rapidly cleared from the body when the flow rate is higher.
  • As a result of saliva’s high pH and buffering capacity, plaque pH is neutralized after a sugar challenge.
  • Studies have shown that chewing sugar-free gum enhances the remineralization of early caries-like lesions as well as reducing the incidence of caries in kids. 

What’s the deal with sugar-free gum?

It is helpful for parents to share this tip with their children and teens, as they often chew gum. It would be best if you only let them choose sugarless gum instead of sugary bubble gum, which can have the reverse effect and build up plaque. Many types of sugarless gums bear the American Dental Association seal of approval on their packaging. When buying gum for yourself or your family, look for the seal in case you are unsure about which gums promote oral health best.

It’s important to remember (and to remind children) that gum-chewing is not an alternative to a regular oral hygiene routine of twice-daily brushing and proper flossing using quality dental products.

Chewing gum comes in many varieties, including sugary, sweet candies. Rather than reaching for an indulgent packet of gum that could damage your teeth, be sure to read the package and look for one that is sugar-free and contains ingredients that can help fight plaque and tooth decay. It will be beneficial to your teeth.

Dental care

How to Fix a Bad Bite?

A bad bite, alternately known as malocclusion, is a condition wherein the upper and lower teeth are not appropriately aligned. A poor bite is one of the most prevalent dental disorders, and ironically the most neglected as well. A bad bite can be congenital, or as a result from childhood habits like thumb sucking. There exist numerous adverse consequences of a bad bite, and some of them are:

  • Speech difficulties
  • Dry mouth
  • Tongue biting
  • Early wearing down of the enamel.
  • Swallowing issues
  • Cosmetic alteration of the face
  • Interference with chewing
  • Upper teeth bite into the lower gums, or the lower set of teeth may bite onto the mouth’s roof. Both of them can happen simultaneously, as well.

Types of Bad Bites

There are several types of bad bites. The most common ones are:

  1. Overbite: It occurs when the top row of teeth extends beyond the booth row, resulting in a misaligned jaw. Overbite also manifests as the exaggerated protruding of the front teeth.
  2. Underbite: It is a problem in which the lower set of teeth is not aligned with the top row.
  3. Crowded Teeth: As the name suggests, it is a condition of inadequate space in the mouth for permanent teeth to grow straight.

Symptoms of a Bad Bite

The outward substantiation of a bad bite is expected but not universal. Many people may suffer from malocclusion and not experience cosmetic facial altercations. Therefore, it becomes essential to look out for other symptoms that may emerge.

Pain in a specific tooth is generally due to a cavity, but it could also imply that one tooth is bearing the brunt of your poor bite and consequent disheveled chewing. Furthermore, if biting and chewing cause pain in the jaw up to the ear, then it is a massive warning sign of malocclusion or a bad bite. It is noteworthy that a rapid and noticeable wearing down of teeth could be a strong indicator of a bad bit.

Treatments of a Bad Bite

There exist several dental procedures to correct a bad bite. From therapy to orthodontic appliances, the paths to achieve a healthy set of teeth are many.

Braces and clear aligners are the go-to solutions when it comes to fixing a bad bite. The dentist may also opt for retainers in case of a mild malocclusion. A procedure called neuromuscular dentistry is increasingly being utilized by experts to fix a poor bite. It is centered on the careful balance and cooperation of all the muscles and tissues that make up the mouth and jaw. Other standard fixing methods include surgery, teeth removal, etc.

It is noteworthy to mention that early treatment is always advisable in case of a bad bite. The chances of fixing the malocclusion inflate when treatment is meted out at a younger age. Although experts can resolve the condition among adults, it usually takes longer, and the procedure becomes more expensive. Furthermore, the chances of requiring surgery increase when an adult suffers from a poor bite.

Dental care

Gum Graft: What All You Should Know

Good oral health entails many things. If you thought restoring pearly whites, fighting tooth decay, preventing cavities, and aligning crooked or impacted teeth were the only things you needed to worry about, then you are missing out on something. 

Gums’ health is the most overlooked part of dental care. We mostly do not pay attention to the appearance of our gums or whether they are infected and inflamed. 

Most Common Gum Problem

Gum recession is one of the most common complications that can affect your periodontal health. There are many reasons for gum recession like aggressive brushing, orthodontic treatments, having thin gum tissues, etc.

If you have had a history of gum diseases due to bacteria resulting from poor oral hygiene or gingivitis, then gum recession could pose serious issues. If gum recession is left untreated, it will expose the roots of your teeth, which can cause sensitivity and make your teeth prone to decay and abrasion.

A gum graft can reverse these ill effects and restore the health of your gums. 

What Exactly is Gum Tissue Graft?

Do not panic if your dentist said that your gums need grafting, as gum surgery is simple. This dental procedure corrects the gum recession by grafting either your gum tissue (from the roof of your mouth) or a donor’s tissue to build back the receded gum line.

There are a couple of ways the gum graft procedure can be performed, which depends on the severity and extent of damage and the patient’s needs.

The periodontist will first administer local anesthesia before gum surgery so that the area is numbed and does not hurt. Your gum doctor might also require you to lift some of the existing decayed gum and clean your teeth.

  • Connective tissue graft – One of the most common methods of treating gum recession is a connective tissue graft.
    • Dental professionals cut a flap of skin from the roof of your mouth.
    • Tissue is taken out from under the flap, which is known as subepithelial connective tissue.
    • This tissue is stitched to the gum tissue around the exposed root.
    • The flap which was removed, is stitched back.
  • Free Gingival Grafts – This also involves tissue from the mouth’s roof and is needed by people with thin gums to enlarge their gums.
    • The periodontist removes the tissue directly from the roof of the mouth.
    • This tissue is attached to the gum area, which is being treated.
  • Pedicle grafts – In this procedure, the tissue is taken from around the tooth, which is being repaired and can only be done for people who have a good amount of gum tissue near the affected tooth.
    • The flap (pedicle) is partially removed, with one end still attached.
    • Gum is pulled down to cover the exposed root and sewn.

Apart from the methods mentioned above, few patients prefer using graft material from a tissue bank. Your dentist might also use tissue-stimulating proteins that enhance your body’s ability to grow tissues and bones. The success of the gum grafting procedure depends a lot on the right grafting procedure for your needs. An experienced periodontist is critical in deciding which approach is suited for you. Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Can acid reflux erode your teeth?

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is popularly known as acid reflux and is a disease leading to chronic heartburn. But, how is this stomach-linked condition related to teeth erosion? During acid reflux, the stomach contents, including stomach acid, leak into the esophagus and reach the mouth, resulting in a burning sensation in the digestive tract. GERD occurs when the muscle at the lower portion of the esophagus does not shut correctly or randomly remains open for a while, thereby allowing the stomach’s contents to leech back into the mouth.

Can GERD cause tooth erosion?

The wearing down of tooth structure or enamel is known as tooth erosion. One very typical indication that a person may be suffering from severe acid reflux is tooth erosion. A dentist may be able to identify GER by examining the patterns of teeth erosion.

Although tooth erosion is dangerous, it is avoidable. Some of the ways to avoid tooth erosion by acid reflux are:

  1. You must avoid brushing your teeth for an hour after an acid-reflux episode. The optimal alternative is to rinse your mouth with tepid water.
  2. You should avoid highly acidic foods such as citrus fruits, spicy food, fried food, and very hot or cold beverages.
  3. Avoiding enamel-corrosive food items such as vinegar
  4. Products like chocolate and dairy can also aggravate tooth erosion by acid reflux. Hence, it is advisable to shun them.
  5. You should always carry sugar-free antacids and dissolve them inside your mouth. Make sure that you do not chew the tablets.
  6. Saliva is the best defense mechanism against acid reflux. Thus, chewing sugar-free gum encourages saliva production to neutralize and wash away the acids inside the mouth.
  7. You can also opt for toothpaste with good fluoride content to strengthen the tooth enamel.
  8. Avoiding alcohol and smoking and refraining from eating three hours before bedtime may considerably reduce the frequency of acid reflux episodes.

Steps to identify tooth enamel erosion

Acid reflux can wear down your precious enamel as well as the chewing surfaces of your mouth, and you may be completely unaware. Precaution is always better than cure within the domain of health. Some of the signs and symptoms of enamel erosion are –

  • Sensitivity of tooth pain while drinking hot, cold, or sweet beverages.
  • Yellowish discoloration of the teeth
  • In case you have fillings, you may observe changes in them.
  • Tooth loss, in extreme cases
  • You may also develop abscesses in severe cases. 

After erosion grapples your teeth, you may require fillings, crowns, a root canal, or even tooth removal.

Acid reflux, indeed, causes tooth enamel erosion. The best solution is to avoid severe episodes of acid reflux by making positive dietary and lifestyle changes. Lastly, regularly visiting the dentist is an all-around answer to steer clear of any dental problems.

In case you have discomfort or pain in teeth or gums, please visit your nearest dentist at the earliest.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.

Dental care

Dental Care For Children With Special Needs

A special needs child is someone who requires special attention and other related assistance that other children do not. In clinical diagnostic and functional development, children with special needs may have medical, mental, or psychological conditions. Special needs can range from autism, Asperger syndrome, Down syndrome, dyslexia, blindness, deafness, and so forth. Cleft lips and missing limbs are also included within the category of special needs. A student is engulfed within the umbrella of ‘special needs’ if their IG is between 20 and 35. The types of special needs differ in terms of severity, and provisions are made to support them in every domain of life. ‘Special Needs’ is also a legal designation in some countries and can be of significance during adoption and foster care procedures.

Obstacles In Dental Care For Children With Special Needs

Dental care for children with special needs is often challenging as their oral hygiene takes a back seat owing to other pressing health concerns. The mouth is very much a part of the human body and taking good care of it is vital. To understand the nuances of dental care for these special children, it is imperative that we first grasp the obstacles.

  1. It is common to witness children with Down’s syndrome and other genetic disorders get delayed tooth eruption. The consequence is that their teeth are poorly aligned and crowded. Hence, extra care is needed while brushing.
  2. Misaligned tooth results in several gum problems as a lot of pressure are put on the gums while chewing. The gums, therefore, are weakened, and gum bleeding is a common condition among special needs children. If ignored, gum issues cause bone damage and loosening of teeth. The habit of flossing can be hard to teach among special needs children but is very helpful in maintaining a good dental regimen.
  3. Numerous children with special needs have dry mouth because of incomplete mouth closure. A dry mouth fosters bacteria to stick to teeth and attack them, causing cavities. As such, proper rinsing after a meal is essential to avoid tooth decay.

Dental Care For Children With Special Needs

Studies reveal that children with special needs are more likely to suffer from dental problems than children with any disabilities. But, some extra effort can go a long way to help these children achieve immaculate oral hygiene.

The dental visits of the child mustn’t be skipped or ignored. Moreover, sticking to one particular dentist or professional is crucial as it provides the child with familiarity and helps in reducing anxiety. Establishing a good dental routine is vital. Although making the schedule may be demanding, but once established, the child can adapt to it quickly. Flexibility is the key for children with special needs, so allow your child to brush wherever they want and do not adhere to the bathroom only. Lastly, making your child comfortable with oral and dental care is of paramount significance.

In case of discomfort in teeth or gums, please visit your nearest dentist at the earliest.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.

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Autism Spectrum Disorders And Dental Care

We must understand the nexus between autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and dental conditions for a holistic outline of dental care for differently-able children and people. So, let us first attempt to grasp the meaning, signs and symptoms of ASD.

What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Autism Spectrum Disorder, also known as ASD, is a developmental anomaly that influences a person’s communication skills and behavioural patterns. The disorder is known as developmental because its symptoms creep up during the first two years of a child’s life. As per the ‘Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders’, people with ASD find communication and interaction with other people very challenging. They may be restrictive in their interests and showcase repetitive behaviours.

Signs And Symptoms Of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Some of the social communication and behavioural signs of ASD include:

  1. Apprehension in making eye contact
  2. Social awkwardness and an inclination to not listening to people
  3. Slow response at being called or other verbal attempts of grabbing their attention
  4. Unaware of what the other person might be feeling during a conversation
  5. At times, a person with ASD may cohabit with facial expressions and gestures that do not align with what he or she is saying.
  6. A flat or a sing-song like vocal tone

Some of the restrictive behaviours of people with ASD include:

  1. Repetitive or unusual behaviours. For example, the person may repeat words or phrases.
  2. An intense passion for specific topics 
  3. A person with ASD may get upset by slight changes in a routine.
  4. Possessing solid visual and auditory skills
  5. They usually excel in mathematics, science, or arts.

Scientists and medical experts are unclear about the exact causes of ASD. Still, research suggests that genetic makeup and environmental factors can affect development in ways that may lead to ASD.

Autism Spectrum Disorder And Dental Care – The Obstacles
There is a consensus among dental experts that treating individuals on the Autism Spectrum can be complex yet adventurous. People with ASD have a higher probability of being affected by periodontal diseases and caries. The biggest problem is that many dental professionals lack the training and expertise required to deal with these patients and fail at making them feel safe. 

Things To Do
Studies reveal that the best way to take care of patients on the Autism Spectrum is to create a safe space with plenty of hands-on activities and visual stimulation approaches that are not overwhelming. Moreover, the patient must engage with the same dentist or expert as familiarity can help to lower the anxiety levels of the patient. There has been pressing demands for special training in dental schools that educate future dentists on the requirements of specially-abled patients. Lastly, universally prescribed guidelines of care and trained staff are vital in decreasing the high levels of periodontitis and caries in patients diagnosed with ASD.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.

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Advantages for Improving Your Smile with Composite Resins

Even minute defects such as a chip or crack in the teeth can affect a person’s smile and thus confidence. Along with making a person conscious about how they look, such small defects can also pose certain functional problems such as bad bite. Such problems can be solved using tooth bonding techniques where a resin material resembling the tooth is applied. Variations in the resin material such as porcelain or composite are available and can be chosen based on the patient’s requirements. Composite resin is fixed to the outer surface of the tooth to help fix a variety of dental problems.

If you are troubled with any cosmetic problems related to teeth and are seeking a way to improve your smile’s appearance, here are the reasons why you should consider composite resins.

Composite Resins are inexpensive
The most significant advantage of composite resin over porcelain is that it is quite inexpensive. This is an affordable treatment option, and the amount spent would vary based on the number of teeth that have to be treated.

Quick treatment
Another reason why several people prefer cosmetic resin bonding is that the whole procedure is quite quick and painless. The installation can last from thirty minutes to an hour.

Blends well
Unlike silver amalgam fillings, the composite resin is prepared to match the colour of the patient’s teeth. This means that it blends well and does not appear out of place.

Other advantages
Some other benefits of composite resins that make it more popular than other restorations are:

  • It is safe and less invasive than other types of restorations, such as veneers.
  • It can reduce teeth sensitivity.
  •  It is reversible, i.e. it can be removed as per requirement.
  • It can be repaired if destroyed.
  • It can help people get rid of stained teeth.

Caring for composite resins
With proper care and maintenance, cosmetic resins can last up to ten years. For this, you need to take care of your oral health and hygiene. Habits such as biting on hard objects, eating sticky food and grinding teeth during sleep can cause wear and tear of the resin since it is not as hard as original teeth. Therefore, you have to be careful about your eating habits and oral hygiene if you want the cosmetic resins to last for a long time.

Although the procedure is not much beneficial for treating major cosmetic problems, minor issues related to the appearance of the teeth can be solved effectively using composite resins. You should seek the consultation of your dentist to find out other advantages of composite resins and how to properly care for them. It is also advisable to visit the dentist regularly to monitor the condition of the teeth and find out ways to improve your oral hygiene regimen. If your restoration has been damaged as a result of grinding and clenching, you can seek the help of a cosmetic dentist to repair it back to normal.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.

Dental care

A complete guide to wearing retainers

Getting rid of braces is a long-awaited moment for everyone. But as soon as you think you will now be free, the dentist tells you about retainers. While the thought of wearing it might frustrate you, since you recently got rid of the braces, it is important to provide you best results in the long run. After your braces are removed, the teeth require support to stay in their new position. This is achieved with the help of retainers. You can choose an invisible type to make it more discreet.

You can choose fixed or removable retainers as per your convenience. Fixed retainers are stainless steel wires that are present behind the teeth. They require you to be extra careful while brushing. Removable retainers can be taken out and put in as per your liking, though you should have them on for as long as possible. You might experience some discomfort in speaking for the first few days. Once your mouth adjusts to the retainers, you will be able to carry out your daily activities easily.

How long do you have to wear it?

You will need to wear the retainers throughout the day and night in the beginning. The only time you can remove it is while eating.

The longer you wear the retainer, the better chance for your teeth to get adjusted. You can wear it less often after some time has passed, but it is better to have it on for as long as you can. Reduce the time gradually as this will give your teeth the chance to adjust. You can start wearing it at night after wearing it full-time for a considerable amount of time.

Wear the retainer for a little while longer than you had to wear your braces. After that, you can start wearing it a few nights every now and then to ensure that the teeth remain straight.

Caring for retainers

Just like any other orthodontic wear, retainers have to be properly cleaned and maintained in order for them to function. When the food that you consume remains stuck in between your teeth, it can give rise to the formation of plaque which is a sticky layer formed by the action of bacteria in your mouth.

Use a dental cleaning solution to properly clean your retainers. Every time you take it out of your mouth, wash it using warm water. Do not leave any crevice any while cleaning as it could have some food particle stuck in it. Use a retainer case to keep it while you are not wearing it.

Retainers are useful in treating several other conditions, such as a gap in teeth or any other jaw-related disorder. You can learn more about the types of retainers from your dentist. While wearing it is not much fun, it is extremely important to keep your beautiful smile intact. If you are wearing retainers, you need to go for regular cleaning sessions to a dentist who can perfectly clean your retainers to keep your mouth healthy.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.

Dental care

How to Care for Your Dentures

A lot of people require wearing partial or full dentures. These are prosthetic devices which help replace missing teeth in your mouth. Dentures can be worn for a single tooth or for an entire set. Although it significantly improves the way you look, wearing dentures comes with its own share of responsibilities. Just like plaque develops on normal teeth, dentures are also susceptible to it. Therefore, you need to properly care for your dentures in order to avoid any harm.

Some ways in which you can care for your dentures:

Always handle with care
Before you get the dentures, ask your dentists about ways to care properly for it. Learn the right way to put and remove the dentures to ensure that no harm comes to them during use. Be extremely careful not to drop the dentures while washing them as it can break them.

Rinse the dentures after eating
Just like some part of the food you eat remains stuck in the teeth, which leads to the development of cavities, the food stuck in your dentures can also cause harm to your oral health. It is crucial to remove the dentures and clean them with water after every meal.

Brush dentures daily
Proper care for dentures also requires brushing them daily using a soft brush. Don’t use toothpaste for cleaning the dentures as it can be abrasive and cause deterioration of the denture.

Soak overnight in water or cleaning solution
Special cleaning solutions are also available for dentures. You can also use water to soak the dentures overnight. This ensures that they remain clean. Using diluted vinegar is recommended if the dentures have undergone staining.

Remove dentures overnight
Removing the dentures while sleeping is also important for your oral health. It takes off the stress from the gums and gives them the necessary rest.

Regular check-ups
Visiting a dentist routinely is important for everyone, but it becomes even more crucial for people who wear some orthodontic device. A dentist can help find out if the dentures are being properly cared for ot not. The dentures also require to be refitted after a few years.

Never force them in
Wearing and removing dentures should also be done carefully. You should always be gentle with them and take time to fit them inside your mouth properly.

Be careful while eating
If you wear dentures, you also have to be careful while eating. Only take small bites of the food and gently chew it. This is important to ensure that the denture does not break due to too much pressure.

With daily cleaning with a cleaning solution and proper maintenance, you can keep your dentures clean and safe for a long time. If your dentures have stained or you are having problems with its fitting, immediately visit a dentist. You might need a replacement in case there is some inflammation under the denture, or it no longer fits, or if the denture has been a few years old.

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Dental care

Do Wisdom Teeth need to be Removed?

There are many tales and stories around wisdom teeth, in almost every culture around the world. But for most of the people who encounter it, it can only be explained as a “painful surprise”. Many people describe their experience of having a wisdom tooth as an unexpected series of pain, potential cysts, or tissue tear.

Now, all this makes one wonder whether the first and the most favorable alternative to having a wisdom tooth is to get it removed. Well yes, that sounds like a plan, but what if we tell you that not all wisdom tooth cases require its extraction? Sometimes wisdom teeth can be your unexpected but happy new neighbors, who don’t really do you much harm.

Read this blog to know all about wisdom teeth and what to do once you get them!

What are Wisdom Teeth?

The wisdom teeth are the last of the permanent teeth that are to appear in an adult’s jaw. In some cases this can be painful as the structure of the teeth in the jaw is already set, and to make space for the new one there is a painful re-adjustment.

What to do When You Get Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth can be unexpected, and the age at which one gets them varies from person to person. But the fact is that you need not get them removed until they are a real cause of worry. If your wisdom tooth is not concerning you with any issue, then you need to avoid getting them extracted.

Here are some of the plausible scenarios, where getting your wisdom tooth removed is the best alternative:

  1. If your wisdom tooth has caused harm to your teeth, is damaging the ones that are nearby, or has the potential to harm them later, it is better to get it removed immediately.
  2. If the wisdom tooth has appeared at a time the other teeth are in their development process as well, an analysis has to be made whether it is affecting the development of the other teeth. In case that is the case, extracting the troubled wisdom tooth is the best option.
  3. In an alternative scenario, if the teeth have fully developed and the wisdom tooth came at a later stage, then it can interfere with the structure of the jaw, or other alignment or reconstruction procedures that would have been planned for a later stage. If your wisdom tooth has appeared amidst such a scenario, it is best to get it removed before you begin with further procedures.
  4. The most important is to check whether the surgery procedures of getting the wisdom tooth removed are going to impact you in the long term.

Wisdom tooth extraction itself comes with multiple after-effects. Some of which are swelling and pain in the region where the tooth was extracted. A potential infection in the wound that occurred where the tooth was extracted. Or damage to the nerves and the blood vessels in the infected area. Therefore, it is essential to visit a dental practitioner and get an assessment of the position of your wisdom tooth and its extraction needs. The proper medical care and expertise can help make getting a “wisdom tooth” a truly enlightening experience for you!

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.

Dental care

Does Fluoride Harm Your Toddler?

We want to give our kids the healthiest start to their lives. It is the same when it comes to their oral health. It is known that treating cavities is important, but preventing cavities is the best. Giving your kids a healthy smile is the biggest gift you can give them right from the start. But, to ensure this happens, we need to discuss the elephant in the room and that is “Fluoride.” Most of the water resources in the United States are devoid of natural fluorides present in them. But it is also an essential remineralizing agent for the tooth enamel. Complete absenteeism of fluoride from your child’s dental routine can be harmful to the upkeep and the overall health profile of their teeth.

Why Is Fluoride Important in Kids?
Cavities are most common in toddlers. Fluoride is essential in keeping this issue at bay and providing your teeth with the required protection they need. Studies have shown that swallowing the fluoride present in the toothpaste and other such alternatives can be harmful to your child. But, if taken in a small amount and in the medically prescribed quantities, that shouldn’t be a problem. This fluoride is important as it helps fight the acid that is created because of the food we eat.

Things to Keep in Mind While Using Fluoride for Your Toddlers:
There are some things to keep in mind while exposing your kids to fluoride in their daily oral healthcare routine.

  • Use toothpaste with low fluoride content.
  • While helping your toddlers brush their teeth, make sure you tilt their heads so that they automatically spit the toothpaste once done.
  • Kids develop the ability to spit by the age of 3; in such a case, they can easily spit the toothpaste once done.
  • In case the kids do swallow fluoride toothpaste in a large quantity, then there are chances that their stomach might get upset. Therefore, you need to see a medical practitioner as soon as possible.

How Will Fluoride Help Your Toddlers
It seems that most of the things that Fluoride does for your toddler’s oral health are positive. The protection that it offers so that the acid content built by the food eaten can be fought with easily. Although, in an ideal scenario, you should not expose your kids to soft drinks and sugary foods, but in case they are in the habit of eating sugar in some part of their diet, then fighting it with some exposure to fluoride is imperative.

Having said that, Fluoride is not the only element that can work to protect your toddler’s teeth effectively. Fluoride in union with Phosphate and Calcium is equally important. These elements can be incorporated into your child’s oral health not only through external support but also through food.

Speak to your dental practitioner to get an idea about what amount of fluoride is imperative for your child in the different stages of their age and how to introduce it in their oral health care routine.

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Dental care

What are the best teeth whitening products

With the passage of time, your teeth lose their original white shine and get stained. This discoloration process gets speeded up with the consumption of food and beverages that cause staining like coffee or wine. Professional whitening treatments are not accessible to a vast majority of people as they are expensive. If you are looking for an affordable way of getting the pearly white teeth, read on.

Whitening is not recommended to children and people with some allergies. Sensitive teeth also require special treatments to whiten. Knowing which product is best suited for your teeth type is thus the first and foremost step of whitening. Many at-home products are available to give your teeth a whiter finish. Some brands have started using organic ingredients in these whitening products to improve their quality.

You might have heard of a lot of toothpaste brands using the term whitening. Such specially designed types of toothpaste have polishing agents that help remove stains from the teeth due to their abrasive action. They do not bleach the teeth but only whiten the outer surface. This is the least expensive out of all teeth whitening methods.

Whitening gels are more effective in removing stains as they contain peroxide. These can be easily applied to the teeth using a small brush. It is important only to use the amount of gel specified to avoid any harm to your teeth. Some specially designed pens or brushes are available for applying the whitening gel on your teeth.

Repeated use of whitening strips can help apply the peroxide-based gels easily. These effective strips are invisible. They can improve your teeth by many shades in just a matter of a few weeks. The effectiveness of this method comes from the fact that the teeth are exposed to the whitening agent for a longer time.

Plastic trays or even molds are used to apply the whitening agent on your teeth. Readymade trays that can adapt to your teeth are also available.

These work just like any other mouthwash but have an added whitening formula. It is one of the easiest methods to whiten your teeth, but it takes the most time. These rinses have the additional benefit of helping in removing plaque and provide fresh breath.

These use LED lights to increase the penetration of the whitening gel into the teeth. The process of whitening is quite effective and quick.

After the procedure, your teeth remain sensitive for some time and are more vulnerable to stains. Avoiding staining food and activities like smoking can maintain your bright smile. For people with sensitive teeth or some other existing dental conditions, it is better to take counsel from a professional before adopting any whitening regimen. Visiting your dentist regularly and taking proper care of your dental health can go a long way in delaying the staining or yellowing of your teeth.

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Dental care

How to treat exposed tooth root?

Oral hygiene is a part of a more significant spectrum of health. You need to understand its significance and take care of it accordingly. If not, it leads to much bigger problems like gum recession, hypersensitivity, cavity and many other unpronounceable medical terms.

Many times, in a hurry to get started with the day, you can brush your teeth too aggressively, or sometimes you forget to brush your teeth in the night. This practice leads to many serious problems. One of them is an exposed root of a tooth.

What is an exposed root?
Gums are protectively attached to your teeth. These gums can start to recede due to simple reasons like intense brushing, poor oral hygiene, or it could be caused by bruxism; i.e., tooth displacement. Another primary reason can be a gum disease, medically known as a gum recession or periodontal disease. The gum tissues slowly fade away wearing down the gum, exposing the roots of the tooth. An exposed root if left untreated and cause unidentified is an invitation to many other dental issues.

Why should you take care of an exposed root?
One of the most common oral diseases which follows gum recession is tooth sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity increases simultaneously with gum recession. The severity of tooth sensitivity calls for a treatment as soon as possible. The gum disease can also lead to inflammation in the gum and aesthetic or functional deficiencies. You need to get them treated immediately before it gets severe and costs you big bucks and discomfort.

How can you treat it?
Since gum recession involves wearing off the gum tissue, the treatment requires covering up the exposed portion. Gum grafting or gingival grafting is the procedure applied for the same. It helps in restoration of gum tissues and treating exposed roots. There are three ways to go about this procedure.

  • Pedicle graft: In this procedure, the dentist takes tissue for replacement near the area of treatment. A flap is partially cut and is stretched over to the exposed area.
  • Free Gingival graft: Under this, a flap of tissue is taken from the palate or the roof of the mouth. It is then stitched over the exposed area.
  • Connective tissue graft: This is a much more complicated process than the other two. At first, a flap of tissue is taken from the roof. The connecting tissues are removed and then stitched over the exposed area.

The kind of procedure a patient needs depends on the extent of the exposure of the roots.

How to prevent it?
The primary aspect is to take good care of your oral hygiene. It prevents any gum disease, which is the reason for exposed roots, followed by tooth sensitivity.

  • Make a habit of brushing at least twice a day with a soft-bristled brush and lighter chemical formula toothpaste to avoid sensitivity and gum recession.
  • Floss every day followed by a thorough rinsing of the mouth with a mouthwash.
  • Avoid sugary and acidic food for healthier teeth.
  • Last but not least, don’t forget to visit your dentist regularly to keep a tab on your oral health.

A Simple set of a few practices done right avoids you suffering from severe dental issues and undergoing elaborate and expensive dental surgeries.

Book an Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.

Dental care

Why shouldn’t you use activated charcoal teeth whitening?

Let’s be honest! No one likes a trip to the dentist. It is scary, and the pain is unimaginable, leave alone the cost of it. People often resort to home remedies and oral hygiene routines to avoid the same. In this digital world, everyone has a platform to put out health practices and habits. Most of the time, these practices don’t have scientific backing and can even carry severe long term adverse effects.

What is the Charcoal Teeth Whitening Trend?
One such recent trend is the substitution of regular toothpaste with activated charcoal powder or toothpaste containing the same. This very trend is catching up at a swift pace in countries like the UK, the US, Japan, India, Thailand, China, etc. Here, the production of charcoal induced toothpaste is at a high. Before getting into further details about the effects of activated charcoal on your teeth, you need to understand how this trend came about.

Activated charcoal has been in use from the time of Egyptians and Ancient Indians who discovered its antiseptic properties to treat intestinal ailments and purify the water. The 1800s brought out its medical usage. Its absorbent nature made it the primary ingredient for removing any toxins from the body. Since then, it has been used in cosmetics, medical facilities, and now toothpaste.

Even if you are not a so-called social media bee, you might have come across people boasting about whiter teeth by using activated charcoal. So, before you impulsively decide on falling for this trend, let’s dissect the reasons why you shouldn’t.

Your Tooth Enamel Protects You
Activated charcoal is abrasive. Yes, it’s been proven that it cleans off old stains of wine, coffee, etc. But, you also need to understand the underlying effects of its long term use. Your tooth enamel is a protective coating that is stronger than your bones itself. This protects your teeth from decaying. Regular use of charcoal can corrode this and leave your teeth unprotected, leading to more severe issues like plaque and decay.

One Way Ticket to More Yellow Teeth
As mentioned above, once the activated charcoal works, it charms and cleans the extrinsic (surface) stains off your teeth, it does leave them whiter. But, with regular use, it eventually spoils your tooth enamel, exposing the dentin; a calcified yellow tissue that lies under the enamel. Moreover, charcoal doesn’t work on cleaning intrinsic (internal) stains.

Your Teeth Need the Fluoride
Often people substitute the regular toothpaste with a charcoal one. It leaves teeth deprived of a vital mineral called Fluoride. This mineral helps in breaking off the enamel and forming a new layer of the same which is more resistant to acid—thus avoiding tooth decay. It also helps in the remineralization process.

Due to activated charcoal’s adsorbent nature, charcoal-based toothpaste often doesn’t contain Fluoride. This eventually leads to the cavity and permanent tooth decay and several trips to the dentist.

Reverses Its Short-term Benefits
Made of coconut shells, olive pits, slowly burned wood, and peat, activated charcoal can actually lead to staining of the teeth. It can fill up the crevices of older teeth and can also leave dental restorations like veneers, crowns, fillings, and bridges with a black outline.

Although activated charcoal has been the first choice of your ancestors, it doesn’t have to be ours. Moreover, there’s no scientific backing to the teeth whitening property of activated charcoal. Until then, try to stick to your regular oral hygiene routine of brush, floss, and rinse. When it comes to teeth whitening, refer to your trusted dentist, and stay clear of social media trends for healthier and stronger teeth.

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Dental care

How to keep your gums healthy

Managing your oral hygiene is one of the best gifts one can give to themselves. It not only does good for the teeth but also to the overall health of the person. Now, most people think dental hygiene covers only the teeth, but it will not be wrong to say that it’s also about the health of your gums. When you overlook your gums, you belittle a critical component of your dental health.

What are gum diseases?
To understand the importance of gum care, one must know about gum disease and its severity. Gum disease begins with the buildup of the plaque beneath and along the gum line. To be clear, plaque is a strict substance filled with bacteria. It is not at all useful and can cause pain and infection in the gum and bone, further leading to tooth decay and gingivitis( first stage of gum diseases.) Following are the symptoms of gingivitis:

  • Inflamed gums
  • Redness and swelling
  • Pain
  • Bleeding gums

In some later stages, constant bad breath and receding gums are inevitable signs of gums disease.

Top 5 ways to keep the gums healthy
Fortunately, gum disease is preventable and curable if diagnosed early on time. You only need to follow some healthy habits and be consistent with the periodic dental checkup. Nonetheless, the worsening conditions of the teeth and gums can be a leading cause of other health issues like heart problems, kidney disease, diabetes, and oral cancer. To prevent all these situations, go through the top 5 ways to take care of the gums:

Brush and floss properly
Proper brushing is always key to excellent dental hygiene. It is the primary demand of the dental routine and needs to be followed with utmost sincerity. These are the following points to keep in mind regarding the brushing:

  • Brush at least twice a day for at least two minutes. It should have soft bristles and with the Fluoride toothpaste.
  • Change the brush every 3-4 months.
  • Make the brush movements short and gentle.
  • Together with this, do not forget to floss once a day.

Get regular dental cleanings
The dentist can easily detect the symptoms of gum diseases if you visit them regularly. Moreover, having a dental checkup periodically helps you with cleaning the tartar, which can otherwise create severe dental problems.

Say no to smoking
‘Smoking is injurious to health’ has been a common saying amidst all. But what for mainly? So, it not only affects the lungs but also poses difficulty in the healing of any gum disease. It weakens the immune system, creating many related issues. Thus, it would be best if you quit smoking before it worsens the dental health.

Have a nutritional diet
Quality food and balanced diet can have a high impact on dental health. That is why you must include fiber-rich food, dairy products, foods containing Fluoride, etc. in your diet.

Use mouthwash
A mouthwash makes the dental cleanliness complete. Thus, it is good to good to keep a suitable mouthwash with us and rinse with it whenever required.

Only we are responsible for our dental health, nobody else. Thus, follow the above guidelines to give your best shot at maintaining dental hygiene.

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