Smile Point Dental Victoria


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Which is better, braces or retainer?

Braces and retainers both are orthodontic tools and serve different purposes. You can not use one in exchange for another.

Braces are used for correcting various dental issues like crossbite, misalignment, uneven positioning, or crowding between the teeth. Braces are effective in correcting serious dental issues that are causing problems with your smile.

Retainers, on the other hand, are used to prevent any dental relapse. Retainers are used after the braces. Once you are done with braces, you have to wear retainers. Retainers help teeth to stay in their new position. They prevent teeth from shifting back.

Once braces have corrected the posting or alignment of your teeth, braces keep them in their new position so that you can maintain a beautiful smile all your life. Both retainers and braces are equally important in teeth straightening treatment; you can complete the treatment if you skip any of them.

How do brace and retainers work?

To know which one is better, you must understand how they both work:


  • Braces apply pressure on your teeth and shift them to their new position over time.
  • Braces can also rotate or move your teeth accordingly in severe dental impressions.
  • Braces also cause the bone under your teeth to change shape.
  • Braces are made up of small wires and brackets that are fixed in the front of each tooth.


  • Retainers hold the teeth in their new position after braces have corrected or straightened them.
  • Retainers are made up of either metal, plastic, or acrylic.
  • Retainers run at the back of your teeth; they are not as visible as braces.
  • Retainers are fixed on the upper or lower teeth.
  • Retrainers can not only correct serious dental imperfections.
  • There are two types of retainers: permanent and removable.

These were some of the traits of retainers and braces. Hope it will help you decide which one is better. Furthermore, make sure to consult your dentist if you face any issues with your retainers.