Smile Point Dental Victoria


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How to deal with cavities while wearing braces

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is particularly important when you are wearing braces. When you have braces, even careful brushing and flossing can result in cavities. Moreover, braces can make it difficult to brush your teeth properly because of the brackets and wires. Hence, cavities and gum disease are more likely to develop without proper cleaning and dental care. That’s why dentists and oral hygiene specialists recommend following proper steps to maintain dental care during braces.

What Are The Signs Of Cavities?

If you are concerned about cavities, you should look for a number of signs. Any symptoms that may appear should be monitored so you can receive treatment as soon as possible.

  • Toothaches: Sudden or episodic pain should be a warning sign that something is wrong. 
  • Sensitivity: Cold or hot foods may cause a tingling sensation, which can indicate early decay or recession of the gums.
  • Discoloration: Cavities may first appear as white spots, which may darken over time to become brown or black.
  • Visible holes: Cavities can cause your teeth to decay, resulting in pits and holes. Although they may not always cause pain, they should always be taken seriously.

Why Do Cavities Put Oral Health At Risk?

Poor oral hygiene problems are prevalent whether a person has braces or not. However, some problems are worsened when a person has braces and does not brush or floss properly. If left untreated, cavities in teeth can penetrate the enamel and cause infection in teeth, gums, and even throughout the body. Moreover, it can threaten the longevity of your smile. Cavities are simply spots of decay on the tooth where the enamel has become weak and opened. 

By doing so, the sensitive dentin tissue inside the teeth is exposed. It is often responsible for sensitivity to hot and cold or discomfort when chewing. Additionally, cavities allow oral bacteria to enter your mouth, which can lead to infection and discomfort.

How Do You Prevent Cavities When You Have Braces?

When your braces are finally removed, you do not want to see decayed or stained teeth. Here are some key ways to prevent cavities from occurring while wearing braces: 

  • Brush After Every Meal: If you are wearing braces, you will need to pay closer attention to your brushing technique and frequency. To remove the food and bacteria that cling to your teeth and braces, brush your teeth after large meals throughout the day. It is recommended to brush teeth without braces for two minutes, and teeth with braces should be brushed for four minutes.
  • Invest In Interdental Cleaners: Preventive measures include brushing your teeth as the first step. The use of interdental cleaners such as waxed floss, interdental picks, and interproximal brushes (Piksters) is beneficial for removing debris between teeth. Plaque and debris are easily removed with these tools.
  • Use A Water Flosser: Some debris may remain in your mouth despite brushing and flossing. Consider investing in a water flosser to remove any remaining food, bacteria, and plaque. A device pushes water through a tube to flush around your teeth and braces. 
  • Regular Orthodontic Visits: Orthodontists are there to assist you in your treatment, so it is important that you attend your regular adjustment appointments. Their expert advice will help you to identify any problem areas and maintain a bright smile. Additionally, you should keep going to your general dentist for routine checkups every six months.

Hence, if you are considering orthodontic treatment, follow the appropriate procedures to ensure you receive the desired result. For more valuable information about cavities while wearing braces, visit a trusted dental clinic and get all your queries resolved.