Smile Point Dental Victoria


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How Long Do Tooth Abscesses Last?

A tooth abscess is a pocket of pus that accumulates when a bacterial infection seeps down to the pulp inside the tooth. It is noteworthy to highlight that tooth abscesses are the natural defense mechanism that aims to block the injection from reaching other areas of the dental pulp. But, the buildup of pus can be very painful, resulting in severe toothache. 

Tooth abscesses need to be treated by dentists immediately after they are identified. Likewise, being vigilant about one’s dental health is also fundamental in preventing painful conditions like abscesses in the first place. But, we have to underline that dental abscesses can last for months and even years if untreated. When the infection continues unfettered, there is an enormous risk of losing the tooth altogether. An abscess may transition from an acutely painful stage to a chronic one embodied by near-irreversible damage done to the body. 

Symptoms of Dental Abscesses
To treat dental abscesses, it is imperative to recognize the symptoms, which are:

  • Facial swelling
  • Swelling of gums
  • Redness of skin over the abscessed gum
  • Bleeding gums
  • Fever
  • Toothache
  • Loss of appetite
  • A rush of foul-tasting and pungent-smelling liquid in the mouth 

Thus, if you observe the symptoms mentioned above, visit your dentist at the earliest. It is imperative to remember that the susceptibility to dental abscesses increases with dental decay, the prevalence of chipped tooth or broken tooth, periodontal conditions, and likewise. You can follow good habits like avoiding too much sugar, using fluoridated toothpaste and water, and opting for a proper oral hygiene routine to keep dental abscesses at bay.

The longevity of tooth abscesses ranges from several months to years if they remain untreated. But with proper treatment, they can be controlled and dealt with at the right time.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!