Smile Point Dental Victoria


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

What is the alternative for a root canal?

It’s the new year, and that of course means your insurance has been refreshed. New Year is the best time to plan any major dental procedures you need, such as a root canal.

This can be extremely expensive, however, and your insurance may not cover the full procedure. Popular theories proliferate about alternatives to root canals, yet be careful: not all of them are effective.

Learn about the root canal treatment
A root canal treatment is highly recommended when an infected and significantly damaged tooth needs repairing to save it.

This degree of damage is often a result of cracked tooth enamel, a deep cavity, or trauma.

The dental procedure includes a lot of steps, beginning with X-rays followed by the removal of the damaged section of tooth pulp under local anesthesia, also known as a pulpectomy.

The inside of the tooth is cleaned and disinfected and filled with gutta-percha material and sealed. A crown will restore the tooth after the root canal treatment is done.

Alternatives for root canal

  • The most obvious alternative to a root canal is basically extracting the tooth. Most dentists will tell you that it is always best practice to save the tooth whenever possible.
  • Extraction is a more horrendous procedure; it likewise leaves you without a tooth and the consequences of tooth loss can occur. Such as drifting, tipping, and movement of other teeth.
  • Another alternative is pulp capping. In this particular dental procedure, a sealant is used to close off the entrance to the pulp. This isn’t generally effective, and you may ultimately still be needed to have the root canal treatment. It may just delay the inevitable.
  • A bridge denture can be an alternative if you elect to remove the tooth and replace it with this option. Your dentist is the best person to explain the pros and cons of choosing this dental replacement over a root canal.
  • A dental implant can provide a similar alternative. Just your dentist can guide you to the right choice for you, relying upon whether the nerves have not yet been infected and the severity of the infection or inflammation. Dental implants can replace teeth however always remember an implant is a replacement for a tooth it is not a tooth so it additionally has a few things to consider. It is additionally more expensive than a root canal treatment.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!