Smile Point Dental Victoria

4109 Houston Highway, Suite 200, Victoria, TX 77901
Dental care

Can you get dental implants with gum recession?

Gum recession and dental implants aren’t the ideal combinations due to the loss of support by the  jaw bone and gum tissues. However, with so many advances in implant dentistry, anything is  possible. Any condition that could harm the dental implants gets treated before the placement.  

The gum recession decreases the chances of placement and falls the dental implants. However, it is  possible with an ancillary procedure like bone grafting/soft tissue augmentation to build up the gum  line and restore the strength before implants can make it a viable option. It also lengthens the  timeline of your dental implant treatment.

The grafting procedure adds a supplement bone around the dental implant that supports the  jawbone, therefore, having a significant impact on the success of the implant. The supplement bone  used in grafting gets generated from implant patients, cultivated from a cadaver or a synthetic  material best for your particular needs. 

Before you get dental implants, discuss with your dentist and identify the cause of the gum  recession to prevent future damage. 

Causes of Gum Recession 

  • Periodontal disease: refers to the infection in the gum tissue. The oral bacteria naturally occurs in  the mouth if the substance between the teeth is left untreated. Later stages can cause gum recession  as well as other dental problems. 
  • Tobacco products: the sticky residue makes it prone to gum diseases. 
  • Bruxism or Teeth Grinding: stress on the jaw joints, gums, and teeth. 
  • Poor oral habits- Brushing or flossing with pressure can lead to gum recession over time. 

How to prevent receding of gum after dental implant? 
Preventing measures like practicing good oral health in addition to brushing and flossing for overall  gum health. If you are struggling with receding gums, get consistent dental care linked to gum recession to improve the success rate of the dental implant and aesthetic value. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!


Dental care

Advantages of dental implants

When it comes to replacing teeth that are missing or damaged, you have a lot of options in today’s era. Notwithstanding, one option that stands out apart over the rest is dental implants. Dental implants offer advantages that other tooth replacement options such as dentures or bridges, just can’t offer. 

Advantages of dental implants
The following are the pointers that signify advantages of dental implants.

  • Prevent bone loss: When you lose your teeth, you also tend to lose bone mass in your jaw. Your jawbone needs the stimulation it gets when your teeth connect to keep up with its mass. Dental implants are the only tooth replacement option that additionally replaces that jaw bone stimulation, helping to prevent bone loss.
  • Matches your natural teeth: Dental implants have a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Your dentist will work with you to design implants that match the shade of your surrounding teeth and fit completely in the gap. Nobody however you and your dentist will know which teeth are implants.
  • Allows natural speech: Some tooth replacement options such as dentures can impact your ability to pronounce words appropriately. Missing teeth can also alter your speech. Notwithstanding, dental implants feel and function actually like natural teeth, they allow you to talk effectively and normally.
  • Easy to care for: Dental implants don’t expect you to purchase any extraordinary items to clean or care for them. There’s no requirement for cups, cleansing tablets, adhesives, or special flossers. You simply brush and floss, the manner in which you would with your normal teeth.

A permanent solution to your tooth loss
Other tooth replacement options will need to be repaired or replaced occasionally, however dental implants are intended to keep going for the rest of your life.

On the off chance that you’re needing a tooth replacement option, you should definitely consider dental implants. To see whether you’re a decent candidate for dental implants, schedule a consultation.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Is it better to take your dentures out at night?

No matter what kind of dentures you wear, removing them regularly allows the gums and other tissues supporting the dentures a chance to rest, recover, and acquire antibacterial effects from saliva. It is healthiest to remove your dentures for at least five to six hours every day. At what time should you remove them? The recommendation used to be always to remove dentures at night.

Other concerns also exist. When worn continuously, especially at night when salivary flow naturally decreases, dentures can result in a condition known as denture stomatitis. Tissues under dentures may become inflamed. This condition usually occurs under upper full dentures that cover the palate, which become reddened, swollen, and infected with yeast. An infection of the mouth usually accompanies this by yeast, called angular cheilitis, characterized by cracks at the corners. To treat denture stomatitis, dentures are left out at night and cleaned diligently. If you have a yeast infection, your dentist can prescribe you chlorhexidine prescription rinses and/or anti-yeast or anti-fungal medications.

Steps To Denture Care
Denture-wearers should maintain good oral hygiene by following these steps:

  • Dentures should be rinsed after eating.
  • Use a soft toothbrush, nailbrush, or denture brush to clean your dentures at least once a day and use dish soap, liquid antibacterial soap, or denture cleanser to remove any debris. If you use toothpaste, it will abrade the dentures.) An effervescent (fizzing) tablet can’t replace this type of manual cleaning, and it might be necessary to remove some of the plaque.
  • Keep your dentures moist or, better yet, use a solution based on alkaline peroxide.
  • Your gums and tongue should be brushed every day using an extra-soft toothbrush (not your dentures’ toothbrush) or cleaned with a damp washcloth.
  • Be sure to rinse your dentures before replacing them in the mouth.

You still need to keep your mouth healthy even if you no longer have your natural teeth. Keeping your dentures on all the time will prevent you from maintaining good oral hygiene, thereby compromising your health.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

How Do You Fix Dentures That Are Too Big?

Dentures are artificial appliances that can fix dental anomalies that arise out of tooth decay, tooth loss, facial injury, and other similar problems. Despite being near-permanent solutions, your dentures may get loose in the future. The natural aging process alters the size and shape of your teeth and jaw, causing your dentures to become wobbly and loose. But worry not, as there are several ways to deal with dentures that are too big for you.

Ways to Fix Dentures That Are Too Big For Your Teeth

  1. The first and foremost solution of dealing with dentures that are too big is relining. The initial steps that experts take in fixing a bigger-sized denture are to reline them. But, if the dentures are too big, then a replacement becomes the only viable solution.
  2. Another way to fix dentures that are too big includes adding more dental implants for support. Placing fixtures on the downside of dentures that snap onto two or more surgically fitted implants into the jaw provides extensive stability and comfort. They are a better solution that is relining and even replacement.
  3. Thirdly, a crucial yet drastic way to deal with big dentures is the up-gradation to implant-based dental restoration. Ill-fitting dentures that look unappealing are wobbly and uncomfortable can take a toll on both a person’s physical and mental health. It is in such a context that implant restorations come into the picture. Dental implant-based restorations don’t become loose over time and don’t slip or slide in untoward circumstances. Their fun and function remain immaculate for years on end.

In conclusion, there are viable and doable solutions to deal with dentures too big for you. If you feel uncomfortable with your dentures, go to your dentist immediately and ask for a solution.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!