Smile Point Dental Victoria

Dental care

Easy Ways To Reduce Your Dental Anxiety

Many people have a high rate of dental anxiety, and some studies suggest that up to 60% of individuals suffer from the same and do not visit dentists.

Various factors may contribute to anxiety, such as previous negative experiences, fear of pain or needles, or general anxiety disorders. Avoiding oral appointments makes you more susceptible to developing long-term health problems and fear of dental procedures. 

Individuals can reduce their dental anxiety and feel more comfortable during oral procedures using several simple yet effective techniques. This article will explore some easy ways to reduce oral procedure fear and make visiting the dentist more comfortable and stress-free.

Ways To Reduce Your Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety can be a massive barrier to proper oral care. Fortunately, several easy ways exist to reduce it and make visits to the dentist more comfortable and less stressful. Here are the top six ways to decrease the fear of oral care procedures: 

  • Communicate with Your Dentist

Communicating with your dentist is one of the most effective ways to reduce oral anxiety. Dentists often understand and are sympathetic to patients with dental fear. You can work with your dentist to make oral appointments less stressful and more comfortable by being honest about your worries and concerns. You can learn what to expect beforehand from your dentist during the oral care procedure. Sedation dentistry may also be available, making dental procedures more relaxing.

  • Practice Relaxation Techniques

Dental anxiety can be effectively reduced through relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and visualization. When you breathe deeply and visualize a pleasant image, you can distract yourself from the oral care procedure and calm your nerves. To practice deep breathing, breathe in slowly through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and breathe out slowly. Repeat this process several times until you feel more relaxed. To practice visualization, close your eyes and picture a calming scene, such as a beach or a mountain. It can help you distract, and the dentist can perform the procedure quickly. 

  • Use Distraction Techniques

Fear of oral care procedures can be reduced through distraction techniques as well. While having your dental checkup, you can listen to music or an audiobook. Distracting yourself during an oral care procedure can also be accomplished by counting backward from 100 or playing a mental game. You can also bring your headphones and listen to calming music before the treatment. 

  • Choose the Right Time for Your Appointment

Your dentist can also help ease your fear of dental procedures by scheduling your appointment at the right time. The morning appointment can help you relax, so you won’t have time to think about it, and your anxiety won’t build up. You can also schedule your appointment when you feel more relaxed and less stressed. Avoid scheduling appointments during high stress, such as during exams or when you have a big deadline at work.

  • Bring a Support Person

Bringing a support person to the dentist can also be useful. A friend or member of your family can provide reassurance and comfort during dental procedures. If you are anxious, they can distract you with conversation or give you a hand to hold.

  • Practice Good Oral Hygiene At Home

Finally, practicing good oral hygiene at home can help reduce the fear of dental procedures. Caring for your teeth at home may make you feel more confident about your oral health and less anxious about oral checkups. Keep your teeth clean by brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and flossing at least once daily. You can freshen your breath and prevent cavities by using mouthwash. Dental visits can be minimized, and you don’t have to visit the dentist often if you care for your teeth at home.

Lastly, communicating with your dentist and taking care of your teeth is vital to your overall health, and it can significantly help reduce your fear of oral care procedures. 

Dental care

6 Home Remedies To Stop Gum Bleeding

Bleeding gums is a common oral issue and denotes poor gum health, and it also is an early sign of gum disease. When plaque accumulates in your oral fissure, it leads to swelling and inflammation of the gum or gingiva, causing gingivitis. 

When plaque is not removed regularly, it turns hard into something called tartar, which increases blood shedding and develops into a more severe gingiva disease called periodontitis. Periodontitis affects the soft tissue and bone surrounding the teeth, which hold our pearly whites in place.

Apart from plaque buildup, there could be several reasons for blood coming out of rima oris (another word for gum), such as harsh brushing, pregnancy, injury, and inflammation. If blood oozes out of your gum regularly, it could indicate critical underlying issues and should not be ignored. 

You can remedy bleeding gingiva by maintaining good oral hygiene, quitting smoking, consuming a well-balanced diet, avoiding sugary foods and beverages, and consulting your dentist regularly.

If your gum bleeds and you are looking for home remedies to rectify it, this article will acquaint you with the six most common and effective ways of doing that.

Note On What Home Remedies Can Do & Cannot Do

The most common reason for your oral fissures to bleed is gingivitis. The starches and sugars in your food lead to a buildup of a sticky film of bacteria on your teeth which is known as plaque. When this plaque stays in your mouth long, it hardens into a substance called tartar. When there is tartar in your mouth, you need help from your dentist and cannot take them out at home.

Home remedies help with bleeding gums but are not a cure-all. Some of your gingiva issues can be taken care of with home remedies, but some parts are impossible to treat at home.

  • Rinsing using any home remedy solution can get only as deep as three millimeters under the gums. 
  • People with periodontal disease develop small pockets around their teeth that exceed 3 millimeters. They usually are five to six millimeters deep; if the disease has advanced, it could even be seven to eight millimeters deep.
  • You can not rely on home remedies and rinsing alone to reach that far down. Therefore, visiting your dentist timely is vital.

Six Home Remedies to Help With Blood Coming Out Of Gums

To stop blood coming out from your oral fissures, here are a few home remedies that would help you immensely with fighting this issue:

  1. Practice good dental hygiene- Poor oral hygiene can give you gingivitis. Brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes and flossing at least once a day will help you keep away from any sort of oral problem.
  2. Saltwater rinses- Saltwater rinse is a good old home remedy that aids in drying up bacteria. To make this rinse even more effective, you could add two more ingredients to it which are hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. All of them together would help clean the area by destroying bacteria. Salt contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that combat infections and swelling which are the two primary reasons for bleeding gums. Take equal quantities of salt and baking soda and mix them. Dip your toothbrush into hydrogen peroxide and brush your teeth while massaging your gums.
  3. Oil pulling- Oil pulling has been practiced since ancient times and has gained popularity recently due to its many health benefits. You need to take oil into your mouth and squish it around for one to twenty minutes. This procedure helps not just with gingivitis but also other health issues such as diabetes, migraines, etc. Use sesame oil or coconut oil for this process.
  4. Honey- You can take some raw honey on your fingertips and gently massage the gum area. Honey contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties which can kill the bacteria that cause the oozing of blood from oral fissures. 
  5. Turmeric- Turmeric is again an age-old remedy to fight and heal infections as it has a multitude of therapeutic properties. The curcumin compound in turmeric is known for its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties that can stop the flow of blood from the gingiva. You need to mix some mustard oil and turmeric together and then gently massage this mixture on your oral tissues.
  6. Increase vitamin C intake- Eating foods rich in Vitamin C strengthens your immune system and combat the infection in your gingiva which is causing blood to come out. Even if you practice good oral hygiene, Vitamin C deficiency can still cause gum bleeding. Some of the foods that have loads of Vitamin C in them are oranges, red peppers, sweet potatoes, and carrots. You could also check with your doctor about taking Vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and protects the lining of your gums along with strengthening connective tissues. The recommended daily intake of Vitamin C for adults is around sixty-five to ninety milligrams.

Maintaining good oral hygiene is the number one solution to keep your teeth and gums healthy. If you find that blood is oozing out from your oral cavities then you could try some of the home remedies described above. But you must also visit your dentist to rule out any severe conditions such as periodontitis.

Dental care

What Is The Difference Between Overbite And Underbite?

Do you or your child suffer from a less-than-normal bite that leads to a not-so-perfect smile? Teeth misalignment is a common issue in over seventy-five percent of the human population, and orthodontics can treat almost all the issues or malocclusions. 

The way your upper and lower teeth align not just impacts your appearance but your overall health too. With misaligned teeth, you may face difficulties with some of the vital functions of our mouths, such as chewing, eating, and even speaking. Misaligned teeth are also prone to more wear and tear and tend to become crooked over time.

Two of the most common malocclusions are overbites and underbites, and many of us have this issue to some degree. In this article, we will learn in detail what overbites and underbites are, the difference between the two, the problems associated with these two dental misalignments, and some of the ways they can be rectified.

Overbite Explained

Normally your upper teeth overlap the lower one, but if there is excessive overlap, it results in an overbite. Overbite is also termed buck teeth.

  • It is considered an overbite if your upper teeth extend over your lower teeth by four to ten millimeters.
  • You can figure out if you have this issue by just looking in the mirror. If you do have an overbite, you will find your upper teeth wholly or partially covering your bottom teeth.
  • Your dentist could also take dental X-rays to identify if you have buck teeth and the degree of overbite.
  • When the overlap is too large, it is considered a deep bite.
  • If this malocclusion is severe, you might even find the roof of your mouth irritated by your bottom teeth.
  • Buck teeth are different from overjet, even though people use them interchangeably. You could have both these problems simultaneously, but overjet is when the horizontal distance between the upper and lower teeth is more than normal. In contrast, overbite occurs when the vertical space between the upper and lower teeth is huge.

Underbite Explained

When you have an underbite, your lower jaw is a little forward with respect to your upper jaw.

  • The lower front teeth are placed outside the upper teeth in an underbite.
  • Underbites are mostly skeletal, i.e., related to abnormal jaw growth (too long lower jaw or too small upper jaw.)
  • People with severe underbite issues often have protruding chins.
  • Underbite is different from crossbite even though the lower teeth are biting in the front of the top teeth in both conditions. With an underbite, the whole lower jaw is forward, while in crossbite, one or lower dentitions are in front of the upper pearly whites either at the back of the mouth (known as posterior crossbite) or the front of the mouth (called anterior crossbite)

Difference Between Overbite and Underbite

The salient thing that differentiates an overbite from an underbite is whether it involves the upper or lower jaw and teeth.

  • If you have both types of malocclusions, you would have one arch of teeth too far in front of the other arch of the teeth. It occurs mostly due to discrepancies in jaw growth.
  • Underbites are known to have more severe consequences than buck teeth, but neither condition should be ignored.

Reasons for Overbite

A very small lower jaw is usually the reason for buck teeth or overbites.

  • A small lower jaw is usually genetic.
  • If you have chronic habits like teeth grinding or teeth clenching, that can also cause overuse of chewing muscles and overbite.
  • Excessive nail biting can also cause this condition.
  • NNSB (non-nutritive sucking behavior) or thumb sucking past three can result in an overbite.
  • Using a pacifier after three years of age can also cause buck teeth.
  • If you habitually thrust your tongue, i.e., the tongue presses too forward into the mouth; you might develop buck teeth.
  • If you have missing lower back teeth, your bite might collapse, giving you a buck teeth appearance.

Reasons for Underbite

Underbites are mostly genetic and depend on the skeletal and dental traits you inherit from your parents.

  • Prognathism occurs when the upper jaw does not grow enough, or the lower jaw grows too much. It could also be a combination of discrepancies in the growth of both jaws.
  • A few oral habits can also give you underbite, such as prolonged pacifier use, tongue thrusting, thumb sucking, etc., that interfere with jaw growth.
  • Trauma or injury to jaw or face.
  • Certain congenital disabilities, for instance, cleft palate and lip.
  • Tumors in the jawbone.
  • Mouth Breathing could also result in an underbite,

Complications Due To An Overbite

If the overbite is not treated, it can lead to:

  • Trauma to the front teeth.
  • Speech difficulties
  • Uneven or excessive wear and tear of enamel (the hard protective covering on our tooth.)
  • Headaches
  • Issues with chewing and biting.
  • Damage of soft tissue and gum around teeth.
  • More prone to gum disease and tooth decay.
  • TMJ (temporomandibular joint) and jaw dysfunction and pain. 
  • Cosmetic issues such as receding or weak chin.
  • If the lower teeth keep hitting the sensitive soft tissues behind the upper front teeth, then it could cause painful ulcers or sores.
  • Airway obstruction and sleep disorders.

Complications Due To An Underbite

An untreated underbite can cause the following issues:

  • TMJ (temporomandibular joint) and jaw dysfunction and pain. 
  • Cosmetic problem since a protruding lower jaw gives a bulldog appearance.
  • Speech issues.
  • If the button teeth are sticking out, then there is an increased risk of trauma to those teeth.
  • It is harder to clean misaligned teeth hence underbite makes you more prone to gum disease and tooth decay.
  • Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea.
  • Headaches and earaches.
  • Wear and tear of enamel.
  • Mouth breathing.

How to Fix Buck Teeth or Prognathism 

Both underbite and overbite are treated through similar orthodontic procedures as described below:

  • Metal Braces- These metallic brackets sit on your teeth and are tightened with elastics and wires. They take about eighteen to twenty-four months to get your properly aligned teeth.
  • Invisalign- They are clear or transparent trays custom-made to fit your teeth’s size and shape and are removable.
  • Orthognathic surgery- If your problem is severe, it might require corrective jaw surgery. 

Overbite and underbite are the two most common dental issues which pose many health issues if not corrected. Many options are available to treat these problems, and your dentist can help you decide which treatment you should go for.

Dental care

Natural Teeth Whitening Tips for Children

The importance of maintaining white teeth starts at a young age. Teeth are susceptible to stains and erosion due to foods and beverages. Adults spend a considerable amount of money on commercial whitening products to keep a healthy and white smile. However, for children, maintaining white and healthy teeth is more cost-effective. Many whitening solutions do not require the use of expensive oral hygiene products to maintain a healthy smile. Hence, children can benefit from these types of solutions. They can maintain their enamel, and a healthy smile, without having to continually purchase expensive items.

Key Tips To Maintain Natural White Teeth For Kids

The best way to maintain the whiteness of enamel is to take extra care of your teeth on a daily basis, avoid certain foods and beverages, and adjust your diet to some degree. These products are ideal for protecting and whitening the teeth of children. Below are some tips for keeping your child’s teeth white naturally:

  • Lemon & Baking Soda

Due to their deodorizing and stain-removal qualities, these two items provide excellent cleaning solutions. The same chemical reaction is commonly used to remove stains from the enamel. Brush your teeth with a combination of baking soda and lemon juice. After one minute, brush your teeth and rinse them off with water. The acidity of lemon juice damages enamel and removes stains. Children should only use this whitening treatment once a week.

  • Avoid Sugary & Acidic Foods

Some several foods and drinks contribute to tooth decay and staining, including those high in sugar and citric acid. A helpful way to help preserve enamel and keep kids’ teeth white is to limit or eliminate these foods from their diets. It may be difficult for kids to reduce their intake of soda and other acidic foods. However, it is imperative for their long-term dental health that they do so. Maintaining a low sugar and acid intake in the diet will help preserve enamel and keep teeth white.

  • Stay Hydrated

Keeping kids hydrated will help reduce the amount of sugar in their teeth caused by various foods and drinks. If you have access to drinkable or potable tap water, it is a better option as it contains fluoride, which can develop your child’s enamel and teeth. Also, fluoride prevents tooth decay and cavities. Additionally, drinking water throughout the day keeps your kid hydrated and helps him keep a bright smile.

  • Visit The Dentist Regularly

Dental checkups are recommended at least twice a year. Children can also receive whitening services under the supervision of their dentist. However, whitening services are usually not offered to children under 14 or pregnant women or breastfeeding. Dental professionals offer the best whitening. They have the necessary products, equipment, knowledge, skills, and patience to ensure your child’s teeth are well cared for.

  • Brush And Floss Daily

Brushing and flossing are two of the most basic routines for maintaining good dental health. As your child grows, it is necessary to instill the habit of brushing and flossing at least twice a day in them. Doing so will help develop healthy dental hygiene habits in the future. Flossing and brushing regularly prevent cavities and are more effective than drinking water at removing sugar between teeth and causing enamel erosion.

Today, whitening toothpaste is a standard product, but you should still consult your dentist before giving it to your child. A safer option is to use 6% hydrogen peroxide, but even all-natural products may have adverse effects you are unaware of. For more information about natural teeth whitening tips for children, visit the best dental clinic for better treatment.


Dental care

How to deal with cavities while wearing braces

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is particularly important when you are wearing braces. When you have braces, even careful brushing and flossing can result in cavities. Moreover, braces can make it difficult to brush your teeth properly because of the brackets and wires. Hence, cavities and gum disease are more likely to develop without proper cleaning and dental care. That’s why dentists and oral hygiene specialists recommend following proper steps to maintain dental care during braces.

What Are The Signs Of Cavities?

If you are concerned about cavities, you should look for a number of signs. Any symptoms that may appear should be monitored so you can receive treatment as soon as possible.

  • Toothaches: Sudden or episodic pain should be a warning sign that something is wrong. 
  • Sensitivity: Cold or hot foods may cause a tingling sensation, which can indicate early decay or recession of the gums.
  • Discoloration: Cavities may first appear as white spots, which may darken over time to become brown or black.
  • Visible holes: Cavities can cause your teeth to decay, resulting in pits and holes. Although they may not always cause pain, they should always be taken seriously.

Why Do Cavities Put Oral Health At Risk?

Poor oral hygiene problems are prevalent whether a person has braces or not. However, some problems are worsened when a person has braces and does not brush or floss properly. If left untreated, cavities in teeth can penetrate the enamel and cause infection in teeth, gums, and even throughout the body. Moreover, it can threaten the longevity of your smile. Cavities are simply spots of decay on the tooth where the enamel has become weak and opened. 

By doing so, the sensitive dentin tissue inside the teeth is exposed. It is often responsible for sensitivity to hot and cold or discomfort when chewing. Additionally, cavities allow oral bacteria to enter your mouth, which can lead to infection and discomfort.

How Do You Prevent Cavities When You Have Braces?

When your braces are finally removed, you do not want to see decayed or stained teeth. Here are some key ways to prevent cavities from occurring while wearing braces: 

  • Brush After Every Meal: If you are wearing braces, you will need to pay closer attention to your brushing technique and frequency. To remove the food and bacteria that cling to your teeth and braces, brush your teeth after large meals throughout the day. It is recommended to brush teeth without braces for two minutes, and teeth with braces should be brushed for four minutes.
  • Invest In Interdental Cleaners: Preventive measures include brushing your teeth as the first step. The use of interdental cleaners such as waxed floss, interdental picks, and interproximal brushes (Piksters) is beneficial for removing debris between teeth. Plaque and debris are easily removed with these tools.
  • Use A Water Flosser: Some debris may remain in your mouth despite brushing and flossing. Consider investing in a water flosser to remove any remaining food, bacteria, and plaque. A device pushes water through a tube to flush around your teeth and braces. 
  • Regular Orthodontic Visits: Orthodontists are there to assist you in your treatment, so it is important that you attend your regular adjustment appointments. Their expert advice will help you to identify any problem areas and maintain a bright smile. Additionally, you should keep going to your general dentist for routine checkups every six months.

Hence, if you are considering orthodontic treatment, follow the appropriate procedures to ensure you receive the desired result. For more valuable information about cavities while wearing braces, visit a trusted dental clinic and get all your queries resolved.