Smile Point Dental Victoria


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

6 Home Remedies To Stop Gum Bleeding

Bleeding gums is a common oral issue and denotes poor gum health, and it also is an early sign of gum disease. When plaque accumulates in your oral fissure, it leads to swelling and inflammation of the gum or gingiva, causing gingivitis. 

When plaque is not removed regularly, it turns hard into something called tartar, which increases blood shedding and develops into a more severe gingiva disease called periodontitis. Periodontitis affects the soft tissue and bone surrounding the teeth, which hold our pearly whites in place.

Apart from plaque buildup, there could be several reasons for blood coming out of rima oris (another word for gum), such as harsh brushing, pregnancy, injury, and inflammation. If blood oozes out of your gum regularly, it could indicate critical underlying issues and should not be ignored. 

You can remedy bleeding gingiva by maintaining good oral hygiene, quitting smoking, consuming a well-balanced diet, avoiding sugary foods and beverages, and consulting your dentist regularly.

If your gum bleeds and you are looking for home remedies to rectify it, this article will acquaint you with the six most common and effective ways of doing that.

Note On What Home Remedies Can Do & Cannot Do

The most common reason for your oral fissures to bleed is gingivitis. The starches and sugars in your food lead to a buildup of a sticky film of bacteria on your teeth which is known as plaque. When this plaque stays in your mouth long, it hardens into a substance called tartar. When there is tartar in your mouth, you need help from your dentist and cannot take them out at home.

Home remedies help with bleeding gums but are not a cure-all. Some of your gingiva issues can be taken care of with home remedies, but some parts are impossible to treat at home.

  • Rinsing using any home remedy solution can get only as deep as three millimeters under the gums. 
  • People with periodontal disease develop small pockets around their teeth that exceed 3 millimeters. They usually are five to six millimeters deep; if the disease has advanced, it could even be seven to eight millimeters deep.
  • You can not rely on home remedies and rinsing alone to reach that far down. Therefore, visiting your dentist timely is vital.

Six Home Remedies to Help With Blood Coming Out Of Gums

To stop blood coming out from your oral fissures, here are a few home remedies that would help you immensely with fighting this issue:

  1. Practice good dental hygiene- Poor oral hygiene can give you gingivitis. Brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes and flossing at least once a day will help you keep away from any sort of oral problem.
  2. Saltwater rinses- Saltwater rinse is a good old home remedy that aids in drying up bacteria. To make this rinse even more effective, you could add two more ingredients to it which are hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. All of them together would help clean the area by destroying bacteria. Salt contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that combat infections and swelling which are the two primary reasons for bleeding gums. Take equal quantities of salt and baking soda and mix them. Dip your toothbrush into hydrogen peroxide and brush your teeth while massaging your gums.
  3. Oil pulling- Oil pulling has been practiced since ancient times and has gained popularity recently due to its many health benefits. You need to take oil into your mouth and squish it around for one to twenty minutes. This procedure helps not just with gingivitis but also other health issues such as diabetes, migraines, etc. Use sesame oil or coconut oil for this process.
  4. Honey- You can take some raw honey on your fingertips and gently massage the gum area. Honey contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties which can kill the bacteria that cause the oozing of blood from oral fissures. 
  5. Turmeric- Turmeric is again an age-old remedy to fight and heal infections as it has a multitude of therapeutic properties. The curcumin compound in turmeric is known for its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties that can stop the flow of blood from the gingiva. You need to mix some mustard oil and turmeric together and then gently massage this mixture on your oral tissues.
  6. Increase vitamin C intake- Eating foods rich in Vitamin C strengthens your immune system and combat the infection in your gingiva which is causing blood to come out. Even if you practice good oral hygiene, Vitamin C deficiency can still cause gum bleeding. Some of the foods that have loads of Vitamin C in them are oranges, red peppers, sweet potatoes, and carrots. You could also check with your doctor about taking Vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and protects the lining of your gums along with strengthening connective tissues. The recommended daily intake of Vitamin C for adults is around sixty-five to ninety milligrams.

Maintaining good oral hygiene is the number one solution to keep your teeth and gums healthy. If you find that blood is oozing out from your oral cavities then you could try some of the home remedies described above. But you must also visit your dentist to rule out any severe conditions such as periodontitis.