Smile Point Dental Victoria

4109 Houston Highway, Suite 200, Victoria, TX 77901
Dental care

How Invisalign Fit

Invisalign uses a series of custom-made aligners that are designed to fit tightly against your teeth. It is important that your aligners fit well so that your treatment processes as quickly as planned. Invisalign fits snugly to the shape of teeth with no gaps between your teeth and invisalign. Cleaning the teeth before placing invisalign makes sure that there is no food particle caught in your mouth that could change the contour of invisalign fit. It also makes sure that no bacteria is found underneath. Invisalign can treat most of the orthodontic issues like an overbite, underbite, gaps between teeth and crooked teeth.

Invisalign is an important procedure that will affect the quality of your life. Therefore, it is important to choose a dentist who has expertise in undergoing invisalign treatment successfully. You can connect with our dentist to find out how they proceed with the treatment. Your office visit will help our dentist determine whether Invisalign is right for you. Your treatment plan will be prescribed based on your specific needs.

The treatment involves scanning of the data that is collected by your dentist to create a unique 3D model of your teeth and mouth. This model will further be used by your dentist to guide further in the treatment process. In the latter stages, your dentist will start by moving the teeth step-by-step in the desired position.

The only reason patients choose invisalign over traditional metal braces is the fit that they offer. Secondly, they can easily be removed when brushing, eating or flossing. Oral hygiene is improved because food doesn’t get stuck in the braces. In general, Invisalign treatment is done faster than traditional braces.

Invisalign gets you straight teeth with a properly aligned bite. So, if you want to know whether you are the right candidate for invisalign and whether attachments are required for your treatment, connect with our dentists today. Schedule a consultation. We can help answer any question you might have and get you started with a smile that you have always wanted.

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Dental care

How Dental Implants Affect Your Oral Health

We have been reading and listening a lot about how dental implants change the way damaged teeth look or function. But there’s much more to it. Dental implants share a bigger picture when it comes to the oral health. Listed below are some reasons that dentist suggest. These reasons clearly depict how dental implants affect our oral health. Let’s figure out how:

Improves nutrition
Eating your food should not be painful. If you still experience discomfort or pain when eating, it is recommended to contact your dentist. After tooth loss, patients are recommended to go for a light diet and this keeps them away from nutrient-rich food. Teeth, jaw bones and gums are an important part of your overall health and not being able to eat a balanced diet increases risk for tooth decay and jawbone deterioration.

Prevents tooth decay
A missing or damaged teeth puts you at an increased risk for tooth decay. Proper brushing and flossing also becomes difficult when teeth lean towards empty sockets. These empty sockets are great at trapping food particles, bacteria and plaque. There are multiple oral health issues like gum disease that is caused when a dental plaque is left untreated. The best way to maintain a great oral health is to replace a missing teeth by using dental implants and practicing great oral hygiene. Our dentists can help you in getting an implant done based on your tooth health.

Keeps away jaw deterioration
A tooth implant functions as a natural tooth replacement option that helps to stimulate the jawbone tissue. To stay healthy, your jawbone tissue would require pressure from the tooth roots. If this does not happens, your jawbone will start to dysfunctioning and might also lead to facial collapse. It also drastically modifies the shape of face along with overall appearance. So, the sooner you will opt for dental implant surgery, the greater will be chances of improvement.

Prevents further tooth loss
Teeth are held properly in place by the roots and surrounding teeth. This means on losing a single tooth, you are at an increased risk for losing subsequent teeth. The best way to prevent tooth loss from getting worse is to opt for a dental implant process.

Dental implants prevent tooth loss by supporting and strengthening the nearby teeth.

So, these are some top ways that show how dental implants affect your oral health. These proven ways have shown quite fruitful results in the long run. Dental implants are therefore responsible not only for the overall functioning but also play an important role in improving aesthetics and oral health. Still have questions about your oral health, get in touch with our dentists to find the right solution.

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Dental care

Can Dentist Whiten Your Teeth

A big, bright smile not only enhances your beauty but also boost up self-esteem. If your teeth have lost their luster, teeth whitening is something you should consider. Teeth whitening treatments are in vogue these days. This treatment can only be administered by a professional dentist and has gained huge popularity. Professional dentists are easily able to whiten your teeth via a process that involves fitting mouth for special trays. These trays have a safe whitening agent that whitens your teeth while wearing them. Professional teeth whitening treatment guarantees a dramatic change.

How to decide whether teeth whitening is right for you?
Before deciding whether teeth whitening is right for you, our dentists will do a thorough checkup or oral examination. They will go over your medical history along with any antibiotics or supplements you have taken over the last few years. Our dentist uses a small mirror to check for gingivitis, plaque, tartar or other signs of poor oral health.

There are some candidates who have great oral health but still need teeth whitening treatments. But, teeth whitening is not the only option. The kind of teeth whitening treatment your dentist opt for strictly depends on the type of staining, predisposition to sensitivity or how quickly you wish to acquire results.

The process of teeth whitening involves

  1. Application of a special guard to your lips and gums. This helps to protect your teeth from a teeth whitening agent.
  2. In the next step, our dentist will apply a teeth whitening solution and allow it to settle down for about 15 minutes.
  3. UV light is passed that helps to speed up the chemical reaction and quickens the teeth whitening process.
  4. In some situations, your dentist would like to repeat the process based on the shade you are looking to opt.
  5. Once the desired shade is applied, our dentist will rinse away the product and instantly offer a whiter and brighter smile.

The entire process takes almost 1-2 hours. Results from the teeth whitening treatment are long lasting though you need to take extra care by avoiding stuff like coffee, red wine, dark beer or soda. To keep stains and tooth discoloration away, you must brush and floss regularly and avoid using over-the-counter whitening strips.
Being one of the most common cosmetic treatment, teeth whitening help patients achieve a brighter smile that magnifies the overall facial aesthetic. Connect with our dentists today and ask about the other teeth whitening options for a confident and beautiful smile.

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Dental care

What Are Dental Implants Made Of

Dental implants act as a replacement for missing teeth and are comprised of 3 parts, namely:

Crown: Crown is the tooth-like part of an implant that is usually made of ceramic material. It is made to look like a natural tooth.

Connector: Also referred to as “abutment”, connector secures the tooth-like crown of the implant to its base. It is either hexagonal or octagonal in shape.

Base: A titanium screw fuses with the natural bone to offer a safe and stable base.

Titanium dental implants are successful when it comes to stability. They are known to function stronger and are also versatile. Titanium used in dental implants has the potential to be fused in the bones. The process is referred to as osseointegration. It helps the implant to function like a natural tooth. The new tooth is held securely in place and further stimulates the growth in the jawbone.

The section that is visible also called the prosthetic tooth is made of porcelain or another tooth-colored substance. Made of durable material, the prosthetic tooth still needs maintenance to ensure long term success. Therefore, dentists advise brushing and flossing on a regular basis. This keeps food particles away and keeps gums healthy. Visiting your dentist regularly is also something you should practice quite often. Your dentist will be able to evaluate the condition of your gums closely. Since gum disease is quite common amongst people with dental implants, therefore it is advisable to keep a check.

Our dentists also recommend staying away from food and beverages that stain your teeth, chips or breaks them. All you need is diligent hygiene and regular care to make sure that your implants last for long years.

Titanium or Zirconia Implants: Which Is a Better Choice?

Zirconia is not much in vogue in the dental industry. However, it is also a one-piece implant that is inserted in the jawbone. It is a metal-free crystal material and known for being aesthetically pleasing. There is no chance of a metal allergy with Zirconia implants.

When it comes to your dental implant, you should know which one to choose?

Cost: Zirconia is expensive than titanium and the overall cost including the actual procedure would go high with Zirconia implants.

Osseointegration: In this stage, implant fuses to the jawbone, thereby becoming as stable as a natural tooth. During this process, titanium implants fuse securely, lasting up to 20 years or more. Zirconia, on the other hand, is difficult to be judged since they are so new. Zirconia has also been known to crack.

Strength: Titanium is more durable and long-lasting. Zirconia is low-lasting, meaning it could fracture easily.

Aesthetics: Titanium implants fail to attract patients owing to its aesthetics. They leave a grey line under the gums. On the other hand, Zirconia is known for having a realistic color and natural look.

Safety: Both, Titanium and Zirconia are FDA-approved, biocompatible and safe to use for patients. With Titanium, the only concern is that small traces might be found in the bloodstream, however, the effects are nil. Titanium comes with a possibility of metal allergy but Zirconia is hypoallergenic.

Both Titanium and Zirconia dental implants come with a set of advantages or disadvantages, however, choosing between the two is entirely dependent on your situation. So, it is recommended to consult your dentist who can help you come up with the right choice.

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Dental care

Importance Of Mouthguards In Maintaining Oral Health

If you are someone who is involved in sports or athletics, you probably might be wearing a mouthguard. But there are many who do not have a fair idea about the functionality and benefit a mouthguard offers for maintaining your oral health. Yes, you have heard it right, Custom mouthguards do have an important role in restoring your smile. The major purpose of a mouthguard is to prevent the teeth from being chipped or dislocated. By acting as a barrier between the braces/teeth and your cheeks, mouthguards eliminate the risk of soft tissue damage.

Mouthguard is a removable soft plastic that is designed to cover the top teeth. It functions to protect the teeth from injury during athletic activities. They are quite helpful during contact sports and allow to speak and breathe clearly during sports games.

Type of Mouthguards:
Mouthguards are available in 3 different types:

Mouth-formed Mouthguards: They can either be of boil-and-bite kind or shell liner. Shell liner is lined with acrylic gel that molds around the teeth and keeps it in shape. On the other hand, boil-and-bite is made of thermoplastic. Before using, it is placed in boiling water and molded to the contours of teeth using tongue or biting pressure. Both the types can be reheated and refitted if they are not placed comfortably. They also offer a better fit and provide protection as a custom-fitted mouthguard.

Custom-fitted Mouthguards: Custom-fitted Mouthguards are a bit expensive than any other type but offer the highest degree of comfort, fit and protection. A dental impression done via custom mouthguards is relatively similar to getting an impression for dentures. They are made to cover all the teeth and are important for the prevention of oral and facial injuries.

Stock Mouthguards: They offer the least amount of protection and are made for use without any adjustment. This makes them uncomfortable to wear. Another drawback is that they are not custom fit for an individual’s mouth. The composition is quite bulky. Therefore, athletes may alter them, which, in turn, reduces the level of protection offered by them.

Importance of Mouthguards When Wearing Braces
The most common sports injuries affect areas like teeth, mouth and jaw. However, when you wear braces, the chances of getting injured gets minimized because braces prevent the loss or displacement of teeth. The risk of injury goes negligible if you wear mouthguards along with braces because they help to protect lips, cheeks and also tongue from mouth tearing.

The use of mouthguard also prevents damage to brackets. They are useful particularly when playing contact sports like volleyball, soccer, football, hockey, wrestling and so on. Mouthguard is also quite useful when indulging in recreation activities like mountain biking, horse riding, trampolining, martial arts and wrestling. Mouthguards are one of the most protective pieces of equipment for both the teeth and jaw.

Mouthguard For Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea is a serious sleep disorder that causes a person to temporarily stop breathing while being asleep. This prevents the brain from receiving sufficient oxygen and increases the risk of heart attack or stroke. It also leaves you feeling dizzy or numb the next day. However, those suffering from mild sleep apnea can take help of custom-made mouthguard that pushes your lower jaw and tongue forward, thereby keeps the airway open.

So, whether you are suffering from a sleep disorder or active at playing sports, mouthguards offer the best possible solution. If you are not sure about choosing the right type, consult our dentists. They will suggest you a custom mouthguard based on your needs.

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