Smile Point Dental Victoria


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

What Are Dental Implants Made Of

Dental implants act as a replacement for missing teeth and are comprised of 3 parts, namely:

Crown: Crown is the tooth-like part of an implant that is usually made of ceramic material. It is made to look like a natural tooth.

Connector: Also referred to as “abutment”, connector secures the tooth-like crown of the implant to its base. It is either hexagonal or octagonal in shape.

Base: A titanium screw fuses with the natural bone to offer a safe and stable base.

Titanium dental implants are successful when it comes to stability. They are known to function stronger and are also versatile. Titanium used in dental implants has the potential to be fused in the bones. The process is referred to as osseointegration. It helps the implant to function like a natural tooth. The new tooth is held securely in place and further stimulates the growth in the jawbone.

The section that is visible also called the prosthetic tooth is made of porcelain or another tooth-colored substance. Made of durable material, the prosthetic tooth still needs maintenance to ensure long term success. Therefore, dentists advise brushing and flossing on a regular basis. This keeps food particles away and keeps gums healthy. Visiting your dentist regularly is also something you should practice quite often. Your dentist will be able to evaluate the condition of your gums closely. Since gum disease is quite common amongst people with dental implants, therefore it is advisable to keep a check.

Our dentists also recommend staying away from food and beverages that stain your teeth, chips or breaks them. All you need is diligent hygiene and regular care to make sure that your implants last for long years.

Titanium or Zirconia Implants: Which Is a Better Choice?

Zirconia is not much in vogue in the dental industry. However, it is also a one-piece implant that is inserted in the jawbone. It is a metal-free crystal material and known for being aesthetically pleasing. There is no chance of a metal allergy with Zirconia implants.

When it comes to your dental implant, you should know which one to choose?

Cost: Zirconia is expensive than titanium and the overall cost including the actual procedure would go high with Zirconia implants.

Osseointegration: In this stage, implant fuses to the jawbone, thereby becoming as stable as a natural tooth. During this process, titanium implants fuse securely, lasting up to 20 years or more. Zirconia, on the other hand, is difficult to be judged since they are so new. Zirconia has also been known to crack.

Strength: Titanium is more durable and long-lasting. Zirconia is low-lasting, meaning it could fracture easily.

Aesthetics: Titanium implants fail to attract patients owing to its aesthetics. They leave a grey line under the gums. On the other hand, Zirconia is known for having a realistic color and natural look.

Safety: Both, Titanium and Zirconia are FDA-approved, biocompatible and safe to use for patients. With Titanium, the only concern is that small traces might be found in the bloodstream, however, the effects are nil. Titanium comes with a possibility of metal allergy but Zirconia is hypoallergenic.

Both Titanium and Zirconia dental implants come with a set of advantages or disadvantages, however, choosing between the two is entirely dependent on your situation. So, it is recommended to consult your dentist who can help you come up with the right choice.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.