Smile Point Dental Victoria


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Can you get dental implants with gum recession?

Gum recession and dental implants aren’t the ideal combinations due to the loss of support by the  jaw bone and gum tissues. However, with so many advances in implant dentistry, anything is  possible. Any condition that could harm the dental implants gets treated before the placement.  

The gum recession decreases the chances of placement and falls the dental implants. However, it is  possible with an ancillary procedure like bone grafting/soft tissue augmentation to build up the gum  line and restore the strength before implants can make it a viable option. It also lengthens the  timeline of your dental implant treatment.

The grafting procedure adds a supplement bone around the dental implant that supports the  jawbone, therefore, having a significant impact on the success of the implant. The supplement bone  used in grafting gets generated from implant patients, cultivated from a cadaver or a synthetic  material best for your particular needs. 

Before you get dental implants, discuss with your dentist and identify the cause of the gum  recession to prevent future damage. 

Causes of Gum Recession 

  • Periodontal disease: refers to the infection in the gum tissue. The oral bacteria naturally occurs in  the mouth if the substance between the teeth is left untreated. Later stages can cause gum recession  as well as other dental problems. 
  • Tobacco products: the sticky residue makes it prone to gum diseases. 
  • Bruxism or Teeth Grinding: stress on the jaw joints, gums, and teeth. 
  • Poor oral habits- Brushing or flossing with pressure can lead to gum recession over time. 

How to prevent receding of gum after dental implant? 
Preventing measures like practicing good oral health in addition to brushing and flossing for overall  gum health. If you are struggling with receding gums, get consistent dental care linked to gum recession to improve the success rate of the dental implant and aesthetic value. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!