Smile Point Dental Victoria

Dental care

How to keep your gums healthy

Managing your oral hygiene is one of the best gifts one can give to themselves. It not only does good for the teeth but also to the overall health of the person. Now, most people think dental hygiene covers only the teeth, but it will not be wrong to say that it’s also about the health of your gums. When you overlook your gums, you belittle a critical component of your dental health.

What are gum diseases?
To understand the importance of gum care, one must know about gum disease and its severity. Gum disease begins with the buildup of the plaque beneath and along the gum line. To be clear, plaque is a strict substance filled with bacteria. It is not at all useful and can cause pain and infection in the gum and bone, further leading to tooth decay and gingivitis( first stage of gum diseases.) Following are the symptoms of gingivitis:

  • Inflamed gums
  • Redness and swelling
  • Pain
  • Bleeding gums

In some later stages, constant bad breath and receding gums are inevitable signs of gums disease.

Top 5 ways to keep the gums healthy
Fortunately, gum disease is preventable and curable if diagnosed early on time. You only need to follow some healthy habits and be consistent with the periodic dental checkup. Nonetheless, the worsening conditions of the teeth and gums can be a leading cause of other health issues like heart problems, kidney disease, diabetes, and oral cancer. To prevent all these situations, go through the top 5 ways to take care of the gums:

Brush and floss properly
Proper brushing is always key to excellent dental hygiene. It is the primary demand of the dental routine and needs to be followed with utmost sincerity. These are the following points to keep in mind regarding the brushing:

  • Brush at least twice a day for at least two minutes. It should have soft bristles and with the Fluoride toothpaste.
  • Change the brush every 3-4 months.
  • Make the brush movements short and gentle.
  • Together with this, do not forget to floss once a day.

Get regular dental cleanings
The dentist can easily detect the symptoms of gum diseases if you visit them regularly. Moreover, having a dental checkup periodically helps you with cleaning the tartar, which can otherwise create severe dental problems.

Say no to smoking
‘Smoking is injurious to health’ has been a common saying amidst all. But what for mainly? So, it not only affects the lungs but also poses difficulty in the healing of any gum disease. It weakens the immune system, creating many related issues. Thus, it would be best if you quit smoking before it worsens the dental health.

Have a nutritional diet
Quality food and balanced diet can have a high impact on dental health. That is why you must include fiber-rich food, dairy products, foods containing Fluoride, etc. in your diet.

Use mouthwash
A mouthwash makes the dental cleanliness complete. Thus, it is good to good to keep a suitable mouthwash with us and rinse with it whenever required.

Only we are responsible for our dental health, nobody else. Thus, follow the above guidelines to give your best shot at maintaining dental hygiene.

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Dental care

Can Allergies Cause Sore Teeth?

Allergies are annoying and painful at the same time. Literally! That is why such a beautiful spring season becomes unbearable for many of us. Also sore throat, itchy eyes, and stuffy nose- all these being the inevitable signs of the allergy seems to be the worst things. But some of us also experience sore teeth as part of the seasonal allergy. Are they connected?

Well, actually, they do have some connection, but this sore teeth problem is not the usual one that we face in the case of the regular dental issue. In fact, it creates a temptation to brush or floss the teeth again and again, which is very irritating. So, the pain is not actually caused by the teeth but somewhere around it.

Sinus Pain or Dental Decay?
Sinus pain is a common sign of the seasonal allergy, and it is misunderstood for dental pain often because of the proximity of the maxillary sinus and the upper molars. Now, if you want to find the truth behind the pain, check if it is paining in the nasal passage and the forehead area. If it does, it is the allergy that’s causing it.

Dry Mouth Due to Allergy
People who suffer through the allergy frequently complain of dry mouth, which again leads to dental issues. This is so because saliva is the natural guard against the bacteria and prolonged absence of the saliva, thus causing the accumulation of bacteria around the mouth. That makes us conclude the relation between the allergy and sore teeth.

Solution for the Discomfort
The common signs of an allergy are mentioned above, and it is apparent that allergy can somehow be related to the sore teeth. Now you cannot exactly put a ban on the allergies but still can own a few preventive steps for keeping the pain away. Let us thus have a look at the steps that can prevent us from the attack of such seasonal allergies:

  • Avoid roaming out in the windy and dry weather.
  • If you do, take a shower once you are back.
  • Keep your windows closed on the night as well as the day, especially when the pollen count is high.
  • Use anti-allergy medication or the antihistamines to treat the allergy.

Consult the Best Experts
If the irritating pain doesn’t stop even after these solutions, you must see your doctor and consult with him for the instructions. Moreover, it is understood that the throbbing effect is not at all pleasing, but before taking any medication, you must be sure about the true cause of that ache. This also applies to the sore teeth during the seasonal allergy attacks as a simple pain relief medication for the toothache might not treat this pain effectively. Thus, judge the pain with the help of the information written above and then take the required medication.

Nonetheless, your dentist and the doctor are qualified enough to assess the symptoms and make an accurate decision about the cure. Don’t be in a hurry about getting the medicine as the wrong set of medications may worsen the problem. Instead, consult with him on time and be on the safe side.

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Dental care

Amalgam Fillings vs. White Fillings

The bitter truth about dental issues is that almost all the adults have cavities at some age, and most of them are left untreated, leading to severe issues. The most suffered age group 20-64 years. Now, amongst various ways to treat these cavities, the most common is getting the teeth filled with a solution. But, the choice of fillings becomes a huge dilemma at this point in treatment.

Basic knowledge about Amalgam fillings and white fillings
Silver-colored-fillings, popularly known as dental amalgams, are prepared with the concoction of Mercury such as silver, tin, copper, and mercury. It is a soft, malleable compound, and its surface matches the structure of the tooth. On the other hand, white fillings, also known as composite fillings, are prepared with Plastics and Ceramics. Both these types can be used to repair the cavities, but there are many who prefer silver amalgams above the other. So, what is the difference between the two?

Differences between Amalgam and White fillings
Well, even though any one of the two options can be chosen for the repair, however, the silver filling is comparatively more durable and can withstand a lot of force. The material that is used in these silver fillings toughens quickly, thus easier for the dentists to place them in the damp areas, like those beneath the gum line. In addition to this, the silver fillings are cheaper than the white filling, making them an affordable option.

After so many advantages, one would rightly ponder about the use of selecting the white fillings. Thus, it is to be noted that the main reason behind choosing white fillings is their color. They are tooth-colored fillings and are the best option to repair cavities in a visible part of the teeth. However, the problem lies with the durability of these fillings. People suffering through the issues of recurrent cavities should not go for the white fillings.

Choose the appropriate option
When it comes to the selection of the filling, you need to consider a few aspects and be clear on the myths and truth. Firstly, some people are concerned about the presence of Mercury in Silver fillings. However, you must know that these fillings have been in use for more than 100 years now. Mercury that is used in the filling varies from the regular one that is found in the Tuna or the other fish. Secondly, people are doubtful about the suitability of the silver fillings due to the color aspect. But, one considerable fact is the cavities generally at the sites which are not easily visible, making the color suitability a minor aspect.

Thus, amalgam fillings and white fillings, both are usable in the dentistry. However, if you are looking forward to a long-lasting treatment, you are advised to go for the former option. They are comparatively stronger, easy to place, and affordable. If you are not sure of the choice, let your dentist make this choice for you. He has been dealing with this for years and thus will be the best person to depend upon.

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Dental care

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism): Causes and Treatments

Have you ever woken up with a pain in your jaws or a severe headache? If yes, this must be because your teeth have been practicing grinding overnight. Teeth grinding, also called Bruxism, may not be a critical dental issue, but in some, they can cause misalignment of teeth and even promote gum diseases.

What is Bruxism and what are the symptoms

Bruxism is a condition in which you grind and clench your teeth when you are sleeping or in the consciousness. Sleep bruxism may be accompanied by many other sleep orders like snoring or sleep apnea( pauses in breathing). Now you may be suffering from sleep bruxism and remain unaware of the complications until they become severe. Thus, to seek timely treatment, you need to be aware of the signs and symptoms.

Have a look at the common symptoms

  • Teeth clenching and grinding, sometimes too loud to be heard by the one sleeping next to you.
  • Wearing tooth enamel.
  • Complaints of soreness or pain in the Jaw, neck, or face.
  • Pain and sensitivity in the tooth
  • Headache starting with temples.
  • Sleep disturbances
  • The problem in the opening and closing mouth
  • Fractured, flattened, or chipped teeth.

Causes of Bruxism
Bruxism or teeth grinding is often seen as the main consequence of increasing stress levels in mind. However, there are a few more things like your lifestyle that can create room for it-

  • Stress and anxiety
  • The side-effect of some medicines
  • Suffering through sleep disorders
  • Smoking, drugs, alcohol or lots of caffeinated drinks

How can you treat Bruxism?

Bruxism can be treated, provided you take the desired steps on time. Visit your dentist as soon as you notice the symptoms; Your dentist will examine the symptoms and the reasons behind them and then treat them accordingly.

  • He may give you a mouthguard to protect your teeth from grinding during sleep. These mouthguards are similar to those used in boxing and rugby. They balance the pressure across the jaw and also act as a barrier between both jaws to prevent further damage. Another alternative to the mouth guard is mouth splints, which can last even for more than a year.
  • On the other hand, if the stress is the leading cause, you can ask your doctor for methods to reduce your stress levels. An exercise program, attending counseling sessions, muscle relaxants can be a few methods to minimize the stress levels.
  • Besides, if you are practicing teeth grinding when you’re awake, you can note the frequency or the reasons behind it and then put a check on it. There is no scientific evidence to suggest its effectiveness in preventing teeth grinding, but a simple idea of breaking the chain by simply being aware can work here.
  • Habit reversal techniques can be practiced in the supervision of a therapist or without him, but with your firm determination.

So, the best part of Bruxism is that it can be treated, provided you diagnose it at an early stage, and take the necessary steps. Plus, it would be best if you always remembered to analyze the actual causes to find the best treatment.

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Dental care

Which mouthwash should you use

While brushing and flossing are mandatory to keep the teeth clean and healthy, you cannot belittle the importance of mouthwash for oral rinsing. Though mouthwash is not a substitute for brushing, it can help you deal with dental issues like cavities, bad breath, and much more. As you have so many options available, each promising to give useful results, it becomes challenging to pick the suitable one.

Why mouthwash?

Well, there are numerous reasons to make mouthwash part of your daily dental hygiene. Have a look on few of those:

  • Treat lousy breath- Having bad breath can ruin your confidence and prevent you from meeting people and talking to them. So, cosmetic mouthwash is the best solution to treat it.
  • Address plaque or gum diseases- The accumulation of food causes the formation of the plaque inviting later to the bacterias and infection. Thus, using a mouthwash together with regular brushing can be an assurance to avoiding plaque formation.
  • Dry mouth problem- Mouthwashes are also recommended to the people who are suffering from dry mouth problems due to the medicines they are taking.

Types of mouthwash

Now, mouthwashes have several applications, as mentioned above. Thus, there is more than one kind of this mouthwash, each having the necessary ingredients to address the dental issues. There are two types of mouthwash: namely cosmetic and therapeutic.

Cosmetic mouthwash- These types of mouthwashes are generally made to address short term lousy breath and produce a pleasant taste in your mouth. These are best to use while going for an interview or a date to keep you fresh. Plus, they are not prescribed for addressing issues like plaque, gum disease, or cavities.

Therapeutic mouthwash- These antimicrobial mouthwash are an over-the-counter solution for plaque, bad breath, and Gingivitis. Moreover, therapeutic mouthwash having Fluoride can also be helpful in tooth decay.

How to pick the right mouthwash?

There are multiple brands and categories of the mouthwash in the market. No matter what your requirement is, you need to be clear about the ingredients it has so that you can have the best results for your teeth. Likewise, there are a few points you should consider before buying a mouthwash.

Look what the purpose is- Amongst various problems that a mouthwash can address, you need to be sure of what is your goal to get one. This will help you filter multiple brands and types of mouthwash, and you will be successfully selecting one.

Look for the ingredients- Every mouthwash has various elements to deal with the dental problems they are designed to address. However, there are some ingredients; you should definitely look for. Below are a few-

  • Fluoridedini
  • Cetypyrium chloride
  • Essential oils
  • Chlorhexidine
  • Hydrogen peroxide

Price per ounce- Price may be another factor. Please do not make it the most critical factor, but it can be used to compare two products with the same ingredients.

Besides, mouthwash having Fluoride is a reasonable opinion for preventing tooth decay. After you get the right mouthwash, you need to be careful in its use. Make sure you don’t rinse with it, immediately after brushing your teeth, instead set some other time of the day for it.

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Dental care

When to change your Toothbrush

Most of you know your toothbrushes aren’t meant to last forever, but it can be tough to notice when your bristles are nearing the end of their natural lifespan. It’s quite easy to know when to replace worn-out shoes or faded clothes, but when it comes to toothbrushes, it all depends on your health, usage, and preferences. Before you brush again, check whether it is time for a new toothbrush or not.

When to Get a New Toothbrush?
Many dental experts recommended changing your toothbrushes every 3 to 4 months or sooner if the bristles are worn out. No matter what kind of toothbrush you utilize, its bristles can become frayed and worn out in time. A new toothbrush can remove more plaque compared to the worn out, assuring that your brush is working adequately to keep your teeth healthy and clean.

You can also consider getting a new toothbrush sooner if you get sick, particularly if the toothbrush is stored close to other toothbrushes. If you’re in doubt, check the bristles. Children brush more rigorously compared to adults, and they may require their toothbrushes replaced more frequently.

Types of Toothbrushes
There are mainly two types of toothbrushes available in the market; electric and manual. You should select what feels comfortable and makes you want to brush your teeth properly. A manual toothbrush is highly portable and ready to use any time you need it. It makes no noise, and you can have complete control over the pressure it puts against your teeth and gums.

An electric toothbrush needs changing and is slightly ponderous to carry along when you’re travelling. Although, the proper rotating movement of the bristles makes it quicker and easier to clean between your teeth and at the gum line. Most electric toothbrushes have in-built sensors to ensure your brush long enough and don’t press too harshly.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene
Usually, it’s common for toothbrushes to have a lot of bacteria in between their bristles. You are responsible for your toothbrush, but you don’t know how well other people care for their belongings. If you see your toothbrush touching another toothbrush, it’s better to change it and avoid swapping bacteria with someone else.

Sometimes you’re not genuinely aware when was the last time you bought a toothbrush, during such times, it’s better to get a new one. They are essential for your overall health and not that expensive so you can easily invest in a new toothbrush after noticing these signs, if not every 2 to 3 months.

Moreover, maintain your toothbrush no matter which kind you use and store it in a vertical position. Avoid storing your toothbrush in a closed container as it can lead to building bacteria. It is important to get into the habit of buying a new toothbrush, if you want keep good oral hygiene. Don’t wait for your current toothbrush to be worn out, and keep a new, fresh toothbrush waiting in the bathroom cabinet for every family member.

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Dental care

What is Dental Fluoride

Have you ever wondered what element is differentiating your teeth from those of others, the brighter one, all following the same routine of brushing and flossing? Even after taking care of dental hygiene as much, your parents have taught you, what remains is the inclusion of Fluoride in your oral care.

Fluoride is a natural mineral that is found in the Earth’s crust in many forms like foods and water, varying in amount from area and area. As far as the relation of Fluoride with teeth is concerned, it is part of the remineralization process that means redepositing the minerals to the enamel layer through the foods and water intakes. Without this, the teeth get prone to tooth decay. The positive effects of Fluoridated water have been noted since the 1930s.

What are the benefits of Fluoride?
The basics of tooth decay lie in the formation of plaque and the accumulation of bacteria. These bacterias need to be restricted from the fundamental level, and the teeth have to be saved from any attack. This is where Fluoride comes into the picture. Once the Fluoride is in your mouth, it mixes with your saliva. Whenever your teeth are coated in that saliva, the teeth enamel absorbs the mineral. Then begins the real game, when this Fluoride bonds with the existing Calcium and phosphate and creates fluorapatite, which is a strong material known to combat the cavity-causing bacterias.

These are the ways Fluoride can be helpful:

  • Fluoride makes the tooth withstand acid attacks.
  • It opposes tooth decay at the early stages.
  • Intake of Fluoride in children helps in the development of their permanent teeth.
  • Taking Fluoride causes tooth sensitivity.

What Are the Sources of Fluoride?
Fluoride is safe and has shown the practical results, provided it is taken in the right amount. Like anything taken in an inappropriate amount is harmful, an excessive amount of Fluoride, especially in children, causes discoloration of teeth. The exact term for the results by overuse of Fluoride is dental fluorosis. Thus, you have to be careful about the amount of FluorideFluoride, your children receive.

Now, where can you get this Fluoride from? Apart from drinking water, Fluoride is found naturally in foods like tea, coffee, potato, shellfish, grapes, etc. you can also apply it directly to the teeth through fluoridated toothpaste and mouthwash. However, the intake of a higher amount needs a doctor’s prescription.

In some places, your water has a natural amount of Fluoride, while at other sites, the suppliers add Fluoride to it. In any case, you need to take care that your child receives a small amount of fluoride toothpaste until he or she turns 7.

So, Fluoride is as essential as brushing and flossing to the teeth. Thus, make sure you take enough of it in any form. You can also ask your dentist to apply the Fluoride in the form of a gel, foam, etc. With this, you ensure healthy teeth and a brighter smile.

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Dental care

How Can Bedtime Bottles Lead to Tooth Decay

Baby teeth are very important as they form the basis for the permanent teeth. Any issue with them may lead to a significant effect on adult teeth. The problems include impacted tooth, misalignment, tooth decay, and other life-threatening infections. Baby teeth are also important because they:

  • Help the child to eat and chew comfortably.
  • Help in child’s face formation
  • Assist him in talking clearly
  • Make room for the permanent teeth

So, you need proper maintenance to get shiny, healthy teeth for your baby. Thus, stay conscious and protect his teeth.

Basics of baby bottle tooth decay
It is no more an unusual thing to have a baby with decayed teeth. When the infants invite decay at such an early age, it is termed as baby bottle tooth decay. Well, the reasons leading to the baby teeth issues are many, but one significant cause is the long exposure of the baby to sugary liquids like milk, formula or juices, etc. When you let the baby sleep with the milk bottle in mouth, you are inviting bacteria in his mouth, to prepare acids and attack on the teeth. It is more dangerous at sleep time because of the flow of the decreased flow of saliva. Though the upper front teeth of your baby are more prone to baby bottle tooth decay, other teeth may also get affected.

Symptoms and causes of baby bottle tooth decay
As this baby decay affects adversely on all the teeth of your baby, this needs early attention. The very first symptoms may include white spots either on the surface of their teeth or on the gum line. These spots will be followed by pain. The teeth at this stage may also suffer through sensitivity towards a specific temperature. Severe symptoms in the further stages include:

  • black or brown spots on the teeth
  • bleeding in the gums
  • swollen gums
  • fever
  • bad breath

Though the broad cause of baby bottle tooth decay has already been discussed, you need to know how it processes. It can start with cavity-causing bacteria that are passed through the saliva from a mother to the child when she takes a milk feeding spoon in her mouth. The bacteria may also develop on their own when the baby is left with a milk bottle in his nap time. Keep in mind; if your baby is not receiving an adequate amount of fluoride, he has an increased risk for tooth decay.

Possible preventions
The good news is that it is curable and also can be prevented with some simple rules and steps:

  • Clean your child’s gums after every meal with a soft damp cloth. Make sure, it doesn’t hurt him.
  • Start brushing his teeth as soon as the first teeth appear. Again, use the brush with soft bristles.
  • Limit his exposure to sugary drinks from the very beginning.
  • Don’t make them sleep with a bottle having milk or any other sweet fluid in their mouth.

Do not make any delays, if your child is complaining to you of tooth sensitivity and pain. Your prompt action can prevent him from lifetime pain.

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Dental care

Is a Family Dentist Necessary

Proper dental care and oral hygiene are primary for your health. In a family of 5 or more members, the age group differs from a 6-year old child to probably a 70-year old. It is essential to familiarize a dentist about your family members’ dental needs beforehand. In this way, it becomes easy to explain your tooth issues to the dentist and also builds a trust-worthy relationship. The benefit of having a dental professional among families is that you can schedule various dental appointments at the same convenient time.

Role of a Family Dentist

Usually, everyone has a habit of dragging an ailment until it gets worse, thereby putting a toll on your health. If you have a family dentist, it can be easy to amend things quickly with a relaxed mind. As a family dentist manages both kids and adults, it is vital for him or her to have complete knowledge and proficient skills to handle various dental conditions related to age and maturity. He or she must specialize in both reconstructive and cosmetic dentistry to obtain your trust.

Benefits of Having a Family Dentist

  • Finding a family dentist is the first step towards the process of enhancing your dental health. A family dentist understands the personalities of the family members and tries to build a relationship with each one of them. With them, you can open up about your dental fears and troubles easily. As kids are quite impatient, it is not that easy to understand their provocativeness, which is why you need a family dentist to bond up a friendly-relationship so that the child can submit to his dentist-friend in no time.
  • Having a family dentist allows for early detection and prevention of dental issues in the best way possible. You can maintain your oral health without waiting for a dental problem to occur. At times, when something hurts in your mouth, solutions involve more extensive treatments such as extractions or root canals. A dental hygienist will work with you in enhancing and managing your gums and help you practice good dental habits.
  • As older adults need a lot of support, care, and love, a family dentist will consider those factors in mind and will work with them with patience. To handle them and their ailments requirements, a family doctor can earn their trust easily as they are familiar with them. He or she will get them tuned to the rhythm of the treatment in no time.
  • Moreover, it is vital to have a family dentist because it is consistent and maintains proper records. If you see the same dentist for a while, they will have a history of your dental health, along with other conditions that you may have experienced in the past like allergies, specialised care or needs, and sensitives. Such kind of patient history plays an essential part, especially when you plan to get a new treatment.

It is never too late to have a family dentist as he or she will nudge you and your dental health. He or she will act as a backbone to your bending teeth ailments, so before your teeth condition gets worse, consult a reliable and experienced dentist for a suitable treatment.

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Dental care

What to Expect During Dental Implant Treatment

Dental implant surgery is a process that is performed to replace tooth roots with metal, screw like posts and replaces missing or damaged teeth with artificial ones. They appear and function just like real ones. Implants offer a natural tooth replacement compared to dentures because they’re artificial teeth attached directly to your jawbone. For a successful surgery, you should be in good health apart from missing teeth and have a completely developed and healthy jawbone and gums to support the implants.

Dental Implant Procedure

As there are numerous surgical processes needed in dental implants, your chosen dentist or oral surgeon will perform a complete and thorough evaluation, including X-rays and teeth models to assure the dental implants will perfectly suit your natural teeth. However, the way the surgery is performed depends on the kind of implant and the condition of your jawbone.
If you’re missing one or two teeth and wouldn’t want to have a bridge or full or partial dentures, you should consider asking your dentist whether you’d be a reliable candidate for dental implants. On the other hand, if you have made your decision of getting a dental implant, it can be an intimidating and scary thought for some though it doesn’t have to be. Make sure to look up every aspect of dental implant before you get ready to get one.

What to Expect?

A dental implant is not a surgery where you go inside an operating room with missing teeth and come out with new shiny pearl-like whites. It needs outpatient care, attention and is performed in numerous stages and needs proper time to heal between processes. If the injured tooth is still in your mouth, the dentist will need to remove it. It will need anesthesia and is essentially its own process.

The procedure for placing a dental implant includes various steps:

  • Injured tooth removal
  • Jawbone preparation (grafting), when required
  • Dental implant positioning
  • Bone development and healing
  • Abutment placement
  • Artificial tooth placement

The whole process can take a few months from start to end. A lot of that time is committed to healing and waiting for the development of a new bone in your jaw. As per your situation, the particular process is performed or the materials employed, some steps can sometimes be mixed.

After your jawbone is healed (if you had a bone graft), your dentist will position the metal dental implants in your jaw. It’s normally screwed into the bone to offer the best possible strength. Next, you will undergo another healing period known as osseointegration, which can last a few months. Once you’re completely healed, the expert will attach the abutment to the implant and wait for the soft tissue to heal. Later, a mound of your teeth and jawbone will be made and finally, the placement of the artificial tooth i.e. the dental crown on top of the abutment will be done.

It is better to expect the process will carry for a few months because of the time required for your mouth to heal after every stage. So, make sure to prepare yourself accordingly.

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Dental care

Myths and Facts about Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a procedure which cleanses your teeth and gives them a shiny white appearance. It is one of the most popular dental treatments and gives your face an aesthetic appearance. It is an ideal treatment for the people who have sensitive teeth.

Here, we have tried to unfold some myths and facts that people believe in while getting this treatment. Let’s bust these myths one at a time and see how they affect the treatment procedure as a whole.

Myth: If you want quick results, you need to minimize the duration of the treatment by using stronger teeth whitening agents.

Fact: Products that help in teeth whitening contain ‘peroxide’, which, if used, at a higher intensity can lead to sensitive teeth. Each tooth responds and reacts differently when it comes into contact with the bleaching agent. Known facts suggest that there is no guarantee if such an approach to the treatment will whiten your teeth sooner.

Myth: Teeth whitening products don’t have any risk attached with their usage.

Fact: Products that have less pH balance can result in the damage of the tooth enamel. The damage wholly depends on the type of product you are using. When you don’t use it in the correct concentration, it runs the risk of damaging the enamel. Studies have shown that this is the primary cause of sensitive teeth.

Myth: The whitening procedure is not permanent, so you do not need to treat the sensitive teeth during this treatment.

Fact: The toothpaste that you brush your teeth with contains potassium nitrate. It calms down the nerves before, after and during the bleaching procedure and helps take care of the sensitivity.

Myth: Fruits help in removing the stains on your teeth.

Fact: There is a lot of information, available on the internet, which talks about teeth whitening techniques such as rubbing fruits such as strawberries, peeled off layer of bananas, lemon on the teeth to them a bright shine. Contrary to this popular belief, the fact is that such a procedure can adversely affect the teeth and , infact, produce opposite results than what are desired. These fruits have a high citric content and are highly acidic. They scrub off the teeth’s enamel which can result in discolouration. This also opens up doors for the risk of tooth decay.

These and many more such popular beliefs about teeth whitening are outright myths and completely wrong. Always remember that your smile is the first thing that everyone notices when they see you. So, make sure that you get your facts straight by consulting a professional dentist before you place your trust on anyone for your teeth whitening journey. Make sure you leave a lasting impression the next time you meet someone for the first time!

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Dental care

3 Side Effects of Thumb Sucking

As parents, we have dozens of concerns when we think with regards to our kids’ future. All we want is to inculcate healthy habits in them and jeopardize them with concise development. Have you ever noticed whenever you see kids sucking their thumbs, their parents are after their life? Parents wonder if this habit continues to grow further, and therefore, they ask them to get away with it right away as to not seek help for the latter!

Yes, it does have adverse side effects if the child gets in perpetuate state of the habit. At one point or the other, you have to say, “Enough is Enough!” Some of the possible side effects explained by Victoria Pediatric Dentist, are mentioned below:

Referred to as “Malocclusion” in categorical terms. This is the most severe side effects that can get permanent, and even the alignment is not correct. Another person can see even when the mouth is closed. It occurs when the front part of the top and bottom teeth becomes directly outwards. It requires orthodontic correction to cure the misalignment.

As similar to openbite, overbite happens when teeth become directly outwards. This misalignment can affect the shape of your face, and For this, you need extensive orthodontic treatment so that teeth don’t overlap amongst each other.

Skin Problems
Children who suck their thumbs for a longer duration of time can experience serious skin issues. It may raise an issue with some infection or in a worst-case scenario; it may crack or bleed.

To get away, you may offer pacifiers to your child, and don’t forget to visit your child’s dentist regularly. Consult your pediatric dentist if you wish to break this habit as soon as possible and improve the biting habit of your child!

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Dental care

5 Signs of Gum Diseases

Aren’t we all aware of what needs to be done to maintain proper hygiene? A few checks here and there such as brush-floss-regular checkups can work wonders! But little do we notice the gums that are placed inside, they need regular cleanings as well!

The cavities that follow in every mouth and it affects the gums as well. In the meantime, you can follow up with Victoria Pediatric Dentist and know the pre-symptoms that will help you be aware. Watch for the following signs:

  • The primary stage of this disease is referred to as Gingivitis. An irritating plague is created underneath your gums, which further gives rise to many in-borne diseases.
  • The second brutal stage of the problem affects your teeth and breath. This comes under the advanced stage – Periodontitis.

Other signs that should also be overlooked are as follows:

  • Your gums are swollen! You’ve woken up one fine day and looked in the mirror that your gums are looking a bit darker than the usual color. It is due to the irritation caused by the bacteria that locates itself on your gums. The discoloration comes with the following plague.
  • Ever heard of Halitosis? It is synonymous with chronic bad breath. The bacteria are dangerous for the gums and has the power to destroy. The cells get damaged and kicked off to produce a bad smell.
  • Do your gums bleed after you’ve brushed your teeth? If the answer is YES, then you already have a red sign here that your gums are infected.

If you are able to spot any of the signs in the early stages, then it is easy to cure via suitable treatments. Don’t let any stubborn gum disease steal your spotlight from laughing out loud! Prepare yourself for regular cleanups.

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Dental care

When should your child first visit the orthodontist?

Uncertainty do persist! This is the most common question asked by many parents to an orthodontist: “When should our child first visit the orthodontist?” Many doctors suggest that it is rightful to say that tiny tots should visit the doctor no later than seven years old. This is the age when molars and incisors built-in. An orthodontist carefully looks and is trained to work on the misalignment of your child’s teeth.

The period of observation is there to monitor if the child has any adverse habits like thumb sucking or large/small bite problems. Yes, these irregularities can be corrected by Victoria Family Dentist. The orthodontist there builds a beautiful friendly relation with the patient, such that the child has no more woes! The thin line of trust is maintained at all costs.

What does early visit imply?
It’s that time of the year again! And it’s so important to make a visit to your doctor for the evaluation at a tender age. At this bare age, the alignment of the teeth can be looked upon. Even if your child has crooked, protruding teeth, it can be positioned in the right manner.

Is the visit necessary?
There are so many concerns that go behind the doors. The first visit is usually dreaded by the child and both parent and child have various concerns and questions pertaining to the fact if the treatment is vital for the child’s oral health. If the orthodontist dentist detects no issue, then he/she would suggest to go for periodical visits such that the growth is not hampered by any chance. Ensure that the permanent teeth come in the right sequence.

The best decision that you can make for your child is to talk it out and understand the core of the dental problems. Know what is the depth and what should be the best course of action suitable as per the severity.

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Dental care

How Tooth Decay Can Be Prevented

Dental cavities are infection that is caused with the combination of carbohydrate containing food and bacteria that reside in our mouth. This bacteria gradually develops as plaque. When bacteria come across carbohydrates, they eat them and produce acid. This exposure to acid causes pH on tooth surface to drop. The acid begins to dissolve the hard enamel that forms the outer coating of the teeth. As the cavity starts building, it attacks the softer dentin directly beneath the enamel. Cavities attack the teeth in multiple ways.

Pit & Fissure: These are grooves visible on top biting surfaces of the back teeth (molars and premolars). Pits and fissures are thin areas of enamel that trap food and plaque and forms a cavity. Cavity starts building from a small point and starts spreading to the biting surface of teeth.

Smooth Surface: The second route of attack is from a smooth surface which is between, on the front or back of teeth. The area of attack is wide and converges as it enters the deeper layer of tooth.

Root Surface: The third attacks starts at the root surface after it is exposed to the oral cavity.

How to Identify If You Have a Cavity?
Cavities are generally painless. This happens because the outerenamle has no nerves. The most common symptom related to cavity formation are increased sensation to cold, sweet food or beverages. Cavity is often responsible for a broken tooth. It weakens the tooth, especially when it is formed under a tooth cusp.

Regular dental exams twice a year, will greatly reduce the likelihood that a dental cavity will go undetected and spread, causing toothache pain and infecting the dental pulp.

How Dentists Detect Cavities?
Cavities can be detected in multiple ways. The most common one is an X-ray examination. During clinical examination, our dentist will use a handheld instrument to probe the tooth surface for cavities. Visual examination is also used to detect cavities. Discolored teeth can also sometimes indicate a cavity formation. Regular dental examination prevents tooth decay. With the help of dental examination, one can easily detect hidden cavities that are impossible to detect visually.

Who Is at More Risk for Developing Cavities?
People having reduced saliva flow due to dysfunctioning of salivary glands, have undergone chemotherapy or someone smoking is likely to develop cavities. Saliva rinse away plaque and food debris and help neutralize acid. Some people have naturally low level of oral pH that makes them more likely to have cavities.

Consult San Antonio Dental Office TX to reduce the effect of cavities with the best treatment options available.

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Dental care

How to Take Care of Your Kids Teeth

With the objective to help your children smile big and bright, Victoria Pediatric Dentist work hard to promote an environment that encourages healthy habits, amongst your child. Their specialized focus on kids and teens enables them to identify and treat a variety of your child’s dental needs. Whether it’s cleaning, sealant, fluoride treatment or full orthodontic braces of different varieties and colors, our pediatric dentist in Victoria deliver the highest quality in dentistry and orthodontics for kids and adults.

Dentistry for Kids & Teens
Our pediatric dentist aim at spotting small dental problems before they transform into big issues. No matter what the circumstances are, we can offer a service that matches unique needs. Our team strives for helping children build up a positive relationship with outstanding dental care.

Right from the very first appointment, our dentists approach the treatment method in a very personalized manner.

Checkups & Cleanings
Our dentist strongly recommend that children attend regular checkups and cleanings every 6 months. During these visits, our team will thoroughly examine the mouth for any signs of decay and remove accumulation of plaque. They also educate your child about practicing brushing and flossing at home. This eventually offers them a strong and confident smile at every stage of development.

Dental Sealants
Dental sealants are made to offer an extra level of protection. This safe, plastic-based substance creates a tough barrier that stands up against infectious bacteria and food particles.

Our tooth-colored fillings blend with a natural enamel for a comfortable feel and attractive look. It is a restorative procedure and is less sensitive to temperature changes. Helps in preserving the tooth structure and lasts longer.

Dental Bonding
Dental flaws like minor gaps between the teeth can deteriorate your child’s confidence with time. Our dentist can fix these issues quickly and effectively with the help of dental bonding. It just takes a single appointment during which our dentist will apply composite resin to the desired area. This sculpts into a pleasing shape and hides imperfections in place.

Our dentist aims at giving every child excellent oral care. So, schedule an appointment at our office to help children feel at ease and relaxed during the procedure.

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Dental care

Why teeth decay

Tooth decay is one of the most common oral health issues in vogue these days. It is affecting children and adults at a growing rate. It occurs when plaque combines with sugar from the food we eat. The combination leads to the formation of acid that can damage teeth and weaken tooth enamel. There is no solution beyond a professional dental treatment that can be taken to prevent cavities. For the same, you need to consult Victoria Family Dentist who can help you get rid of tooth decay with the advanced professional treatment methods.

The earlier the intervention, the easier it is to fix. Therefore, it is important to opt for dental fillings which help to drill out the decay and insert some material into it. Other options like crown is also available, which is when our Victoria Family Dentist drills away the decayed part of your teeth and then places a custom-fitted cap. Root canal is another ideal fit that will allow your dentist to remove the diseased tooth pulp and apply some medication to clear the infection. This will replace the pulp with a filling. Last but not the least, when your tooth is so severely damaged that your dentist can’t fix it it has to be taken out. Your dentist will then recommend getting a bridge or a dental implant.

Reasons for Tooth Decay
Intake of sugary foods
This is the major cause of tooth decay. Sugary foods are the best friends of bacteria. The bacteria in your mouth feeds off sugary food and then start coating your teeth in damaging acid. This can happen several times over the course of a single meal. It is therefore required to brush your teeth after each meal and avoid acid intake.

Dry Mouth
Patients with dry mouth will likely to have dental issues leading to tooth decay. Dry mouth could either be genetic or caused by some medical conditions.

Teeth Grinding
Many people do not even realize while grinding their teeth. It typically occurs when you are asleep or under stress. It leads to tooth decay owing to the fact that it strips away the outer layer of tooth enamel.

In addition to getting the treatment mentioned above, it is recommended to see your dentist for regular visits. Your dentist will be able to guide you on how often you need to visit based on their knowledge of your oral health. The more you will visit your dentist, the more likely it is that they will resolve the issue before damage occurs.

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Poor Oral Health Linked to 75% Increase of This Deadly Cancer


The latest study is preceded by research, albeit limited research, that has linked oral health and different kinds of cancer.

A massive new UK study uncovered an unsettling link between poor oral health and an increased risk for liver cancer.

“Poor oral health has been associated with the risk of several chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes,” commented Dr. Haydée WT Jordão, who is the lead author of the study. “However, there is inconsistent evidence on the association between poor oral health and specific types of gastrointestinal cancers, which is what our research aimed to examine.”

The new report pulls from brain imaging and genomic data from 475,766 people over a six-year study period. Analyzing self-reported cases of bleeding and painful gums, loose teeth and mouth ulcers, the researchers enacted an investigation of the correlation between these conditions and risks for gastrointestinal cancers, namely liver cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, and pancreatic cancer. The study found zero notable associations with dental hygiene in all but one of the gastrointestinal cancers observed in the report.

The pervasion of hepatobiliary cancer
More than 800,000 people are diagnosed with liver cancer a year worldwide, making it one of the leading causes of death. Direct causes of hepatobiliary cancers are seldom able to be determined resolutely. Typically its development is factored by several underlying causes.

The latest study is preceded by research, albeit limited research, that has linked oral health and different kinds of cancer. A U.S study published back in 2017 found that women with a history of gum disease experienced a greater risk for tumors in the esophagus and in their breasts. Another independently conducted study observed a link between oral health and the development of pancreatic cancer in African American women.

Young people, women, individuals living in impoverished areas, and people that consumed less than two portions of fruits and vegetables a day evidenced the highest cases of poor oral health in the latest study conducted by researchers at Queen’s University Belfast. Although a high-risk increase was uncovered as a result of poor oral health, the researchers can only speculate as to why at the moment. Leading conjecture looks to the ever-perplexing gut microbiome. Since the liver is responsible for exterminating several harmful bacteria in the human body, it makes sense that bacteria could conversely play a role in inflicting prolonged damage to the body, in the event of the organ becoming compromised.

“One bacteria, Fusobacterium nucleatum, originates in the oral cavity but its role in liver cancer is unclear. Further studies investigating the microbiome and liver cancer are therefore warranted,”Jordão explained.

Another theory surmises that people with missing teeth, consume softer less nutritious foods to compensate, which ultimately makes the liver venerable to cell mutations. As it stands, of the 469, 628 participants studied, 4,069 developed gastrointestinal cancer during the six-year follow up, Thirteen percent of these expressed poor oral health at the start of the study period. More research needs to be conducted to support a causal influence behind the findings intimated in the United European Gastroenterology Journal

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Dental care

How Cavities Impact Your Children’s Teeth

Tooth decay or cavities are common in children. It generally develops when your baby’s mouth is infected by acid producing bacteria. It also develops when your child’s teeth is exposed to food other than water for longer duration. Tooth decay initially appears as white spots at the gum line or on the upper front teeth. This needs to be examined and treated early to stop decay from spreading.

The data by National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research suggests that 27% of children aged between 2-5 are infected with tooth decay. Some of the most common causes of tooth decay in babies and toddlers are:

Forgetting to Brush or Wipe Teeth
As soon as the first teeth appear, you should keep them clean to prevent the formation of cavities and plaque. By the time your baby’s teeth appear, you can simply wipe them with a wet cloth.

Too Many Sugary Drinks
When your child is young and relying on breastfeeding, it becomes impossible to avoid these drinks altogether. However, when they are old enough to take other solid food, it becomes essential to limit sugary food and drinks, including juice.

Not Visiting the Dentist
Not seeing the dentist for long can delay the development of good oral hygiene habits. It also prevents early detection of plaque buildup. The longer plaque isn’t removed, the maximum are its chances of leading to decay.

Also, if you keep waiting for long between subsequent visits, it can trigger dental anxiety at the next visit.

How a Dentist Identifies If There Is Cavity
At each visit, the dentist will examine your child’s teeth, tongue and gums for potential signs of dental decay. For a thorough examination, x ray or cleaning is done. This helps in detecting early signs of disease and other preventative recommendation based on their findings.

Cavities in toddlers can affect the permanent teeth as well. Small cavities need small filings whereas big cavities need big filings. Cavities close to the tooth nerve should be evaluated for root canal treatment. The whole objective behind is to restore the baby’s tooth and develop an infection free environment for the permanent teeth.

Decay in teeth should be diagnosed at an early stage and then followed by good oral hygiene habits, dietary guidance and 6 month regular dental appointment. Treatment and maintenance of dental health can lay a strong foundation for upcoming permanent teeth.

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Dental care

What Are the Advantages of Oral Sedation

If the thought of having dental treatment makes you nervous, sedation dentistry is the right answer. Sedation dentistry helps patients get rid of dental phobia. Sedation dentistry is used to calm a patient so that they can successfully go through dental treatment. Since the treatment is completely pain-free and does not require the use of needles, patients are inclined towards this form of treatment. There are multiple degree of sedation available that are prescribed on the basis of individual needs of patients.

Patient anxiety is easily controlled by using sedative medications that offer relaxation. It brings together a less stressful dental experience. Oral sedation makes you feel incredibly relaxed and at ease. It can help both children and adults who have anxieties about going to the dentist. Before going through oral sedation, our dentists do a thorough consultation to determine if you are an ideal candidate.

The treatment method calms your nerves but still allows you to be aware. Maximum comfort is ensured during the procedure. The type recommended will depend on the level of your anxiety, health and the length of treatment performed. With a light oral sedation, you will remain relaxed but still be alert, however, with moderate sedation, you stay conscious but your memory of what all occurred would fade. Patients may doze off a little but would wake up easily.

Our dentists make every possible effort to ensure that you feel safe and comfortable during the treatment. After the treatment is accomplished successfully, the recovery would start on the basis of medication that was prescribed. Some of the symptoms that are common after the treatment are temporary headache, dizziness, nausea or vomiting. But this may lessen with time. If you are still concerned about the symptoms after returning from the treatment, do not hesitate to ask our dentists.

Schedule a consultation with one of our skilled dentists to understand and learn more about the oral sedation techniques. We will work with you to find an ideal option that matches your needs.

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How flossing help gums?

Flossing is a very important cleaning process as its regular practice removes plaque, also prevents its build up, which can lead to tartar. Flossing works on areas which are inaccessible by the tooth brush( such as the in between areas of teeth and tight reaches of the gums, thus, it can make the teeth look brighter by removing plaque and excess food particles that are difficult to be seen in the mirror.

Flossing is to mouth just as a vacuum cleaner is to your carpet. Picture a carpet in your mind before and after it is vacuum cleaned. Initially the dust and dirt may not be visible, but once you vacuum and the dust and dirt is removed, the carpet looks brighter. The same purpose is fulfilled by flossing in the mouth.

What Does Flossing Do To Your Gums?

They say “cleanliness is next to godliness”, this statement is a universal truth. Absence of cleanliness is the root cause of a lot of diseases. Keeping your gums unclean makes them unhealthy. Even brushing your teeth twice a day might not be able to save you from that fate, unless you support brushing with flossing. Tooth brushing is essential for good oral hygiene but it alone may not be sufficient to protect you from gum disease and tooth loss.

Many people suffering from sensitive or bleeding gums may avoid flossing under the misconception that they would make their bleeding gums worse by doing it. But the fact is, flossing improves the health of your gums, thereby helping to cure their bleeding.

Even if you were not schooled about flossing during your childhood or teen years, don’t worry, start now. It’s never too late to form good habits . Good oral hygiene is of pristine importance and now you know how you can improve the health of your gums. Go and buy the right floss product.

Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease. It is very much treatable. Flossing is an important measure to keep your gums healthy.

Plaque is one of the biggest causes for gingivitis. Flossing helps in preventing accumulation of plaque and thereby, intercept the signs and symptoms of gingivitis before they occur. Together with brushing and rinsing, you could keep your smile healthy and beautiful for life. Thus, do take care of your oral hygiene. Now you know perfectly how it is done.

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Dental care

How to Restore Your Smile With Dentures

With missing teeth, it often becomes difficult to eat a lot of food or speak correctly. To give you a smile that makes you proud, dentures act as an ideal choice. There are different types of dentures available based on the number of teeth that need to be replaced.

Removable partial dentures that comprise of a metal framework placed beneath the plastic base. It gives an appearance like a gum tissue. Artificial teeth are mounted on the base and the denture is attached to your own teeth with a metal clasp.

Complete dentures also have a plastic base that holds up the artificial teeth. Complete dentures come with a full set of upper and lower teeth. They are either placed via dental implants or are sealed. Dentists generally place complete dentures once all of the natural teeth have been lost, removed and gum tissue has been healed. Patients are able to undergo denture placement immediately after their teeth have been removed. It does not require a healing period.

Whether it is for single or multiple teeth, dentures are an effective tooth replacement option that are removable and easy to clean.

Taking Care of Your Dentures

  • Dentures also need to be cleaned and brushed daily to remove food and plaque. Brushing prevents staining and helps your mouth stay healthy. A toothbrush with soft bristles should be used as it will prevent damage in the long run.
  • Use a soft-bristled brush to clean your tongue, palate, and gums every morning. Clean your mouth thoroughly. This helps reduce the risk of developing bad breath.
  • While sleeping, put your dentures in a safe place covered in water.
  • Visit your dentist regularly even if you wear dentures. They will conduct an examination for signs of oral cancer or other diseases (if any). They will also ensure that you are comfortable wearing dentures all the time.

Why Dentures Are Better Than Ever
In the past dentures were disliked by people because they didn’t fit well and were quite uncomfortable. These days dentures are fitted and more secure. This makes them less likely to slip. They also offer better support to the jaw and cheeks.

No matter what denture type you choose, it is important to do your research beforehand. Dentures can offer you a great solution for restoring your smile. Not only they fit better and look more natural, but also allow you to wear them without knowing others that you have them.

Interested in dentures? Schedule an appointment with our dentists to get a better insight into denture placement and use.

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Which Is Better: Dentures or Bridges?

A missing tooth calls for declined oral health and self-confidence. This is the reason it becomes important to replace a missing tooth. Well, there are multiple options when it comes to replacing a missing tooth but dentures and bridges have emerged as a real saver. Replacing missing teeth is not only important for cosmetic reasons but also keeps existing teeth to move out of place. Dentures and bridges both have their own set of advantages and drawbacks based on the requirement of individuals. It is therefore required to do some research into what will work for you and your lifestyle.

What Are Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are composed of a molded plate that is attached to the replacement teeth. This plate clips onto the remaining teeth that surround the area where you have gaps. A partial denture is something that you wear during the day and take out at night. It is used when one or more missing teeth are in either upper or lower dental arch.

Our dentists place the metal framework across the roof of the mouth and extend them to the lower or back portion of teeth. The small attachment in partial denture connects them to nearby teeth. They are designed to replace multiple missing teeth.


  • Partial dentures are the best for people with misaligned and unstructured teeth.
  • It works ideally for patients who are missing numerous teeth or teeth on both sides of the mouth.
  • Partial dentures are recommended in case of gum disease.
  • Partial dentures are also apt for patients with a certain medical history or smoking.
  • Dentures are also preferred because they are easy to remove.
  • They are also quite economical than permanent bridges.


  • Partial dentures last for around 5 years which means they need to be replaced frequently. However, with other permanent tooth replacement options, there are increased chances of durability and sustainability.
  • When compared with other tooth replacement, dentures are less comfortable.
  • Some patients may find embarrassing to remove dentures when sleeping or cleaning them.

What Is a Bridge
Bridges are considered the best solution in case of single-tooth replacement. A bridge is cemented to your teeth using the healthy teeth on both the side of gaps. They can be used when you have your natural teeth on both sides of the gap created by your missing tooth. Bridges fill a gap in teeth by using existing teeth or implants around the gap. This cements the artificial tooth in place.


  • Bridges are a more permanent solution since there is no risk of falling out.
  • Bridges last often much longer.
  • It allows patients to enjoy the new smile with ease of speech, chewing food better and so on.


  • Complete denture needs to be removed regularly for cleaning which can be time-consuming.
  • It may deteriorate over a period of time.

Which One Is Better?
This question can be best answered by our dentists if you are only missing a single or two teeth, a bridge may be the right option but if you are missing several teeth, partial dentures can be the right fit. Consult our dentists today to find out an ideal solution for your overall oral health

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Dental care

How Dental Filling Is Done

A dental filling is something that is done to get cavities filled. Our dentists use preventive procedures like dental sealants in the fissures of teeth to prevent food deposit. Professional dentists at our office will numb the decayed tooth using a local anesthetic. The use of anesthetic will also numb gums and jaws around the teeth. Once the areas are anesthetized, our dentist will use a dental drill to remove the decay.

Once the decay is removed, the next step is the placement of filing. Well, there are several methods that our dentist use to insert the filling. However, it depends on the type of filling you are getting.

Various Types of Dental Fillings

Amalgam Filling
This type of fillings are made of a mixture of metals and have been used by dentists for more than 150 years. They comprise about 50% of mercury with tin copper, zinc and silver as other metals. Compared to other types, amalgam fillings are strong and durable. Amalgam fillings aren’t aesthetically pleasing, so they do not work for a tooth that is highly visible.

Composite Filling
Composite fillings are comprised of resin and plastic. It is placed into the cavity when it’s soft and then hardened with a bright blue light. It is quite popular because it can be matched to the color of the patient’s existing tooth. Composite fillings should be replaced every 5 years as they do not last long.

Ceramic Cavity Filling
A ceramic filling is a favorable option because they are both durable and aesthetically pleasing. They are more expensive than any other types because they are resistant to staining, abrasion and also match the tooth color. It can be as expensive as a gold filling.

Also known as Glass Ionomer fillings, resin fillings are generally for children whose teeth are still in a growing stage. Their span is less than 5 years but they contain fluoride which prevents the oral health from further decay. They are comparatively weaker than composite and more likely to wear and tear. They also don’t match the tooth color as composite resin.

On an average, dental filling last for 3-7 years, however, require annual regular checkups. So, if you come across discoloration, darkening or chipping under the filling, you must consult your dentist immediately. This reflects the need for replacement. Talk to our dentists today to get an insight on how to take care of dental fillings.

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Dental care

How to Whiten Sensitive Teeth

Tooth sensitivity occurs to patients who whiten their teeth. For some patients, it could be mild sensitivity and for others it could be severe. Sensitivity in teeth makes whitening a bit complicated process. This is the reason it is good to consult your dentist before starting teeth whitening. Our dentists develop the most effective and comfortable treatment option for whitening sensitive teeth.

For those who are unwilling to bear the pain whitening teeth can cause, here are some quick ideas that will get them long-lasting sensitivity protection:

Choose the Right Toothpaste
A good toothpaste for every day will keep your gums intact and teeth shining. Go for stain stopping toothpaste. Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles because a hard one can damage your teeth and gums. Regardless of the toothbrush you choose, use a proper brushing technique. Brush your teeth’s surface gently and in a circular pattern.

Brush After Eating Foods That Stain
The most common stain inducers are food and beverages that you can’t live without. You can still eat and drink food staining products, but brushing soon after consuming darkening beverages will help. Flossing helps eliminate places for potential staining. So, it is best to practice flossing regularly.

Oil Pulling
Rooted in ayurvedic medicine, Oil pulling is an age-old remedy to detoxify teeth and gums. It not only whitens teeth but also beneficial for gum health. Oil pulling is the act of swishing oil in the mouth for 20-25 minutes. Once the mixture is spit out, it should have changed from a clear substance to milky white liquid. This method also minimizes plaque and leads to better oral hygiene.

Activated Charcoal
Activated charcoal is a highly absorbent porous substance that binds tannins (a substance that causes staining and teeth yellowing). Mix a teaspoon of charcoal powder in water and swish with it for a few minutes. Hence, brushing with charcoal is another effective remedy for whitening sensitive teeth.

Avoid Food That Is Cold in Temperature
If you have sensitivity, you must avoid food like ice cream sandwich, ice water and popsicles. These items will irritate your sensitive teeth. So, it is advisable to avoid them.

Before trying any of these methods, we recommend a consultation with our dentists. They can easily guide you through the whitening process and suggest which method may be right for you. They can also let you know which products to use based on the level of sensitivity your teeth has.

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Dental care

Do Braces Fix Overbite?

Overbite is one of the most common orthodontic issues that is seen when the upper teeth overlap more than half of the lower teeth while biting down. In severe stages, an overbite makes it difficult to properly chew food. It also results in damage to the teeth and gums. The lower teeth strike the back of upper teeth and gums causing discomfort along with other dental issues. Overbite is often associated with heredity. Other than this, it also stems from bad childhood habits like nail biting, thumb sucking, prolonged pacifier usage and so on.

Role of Braces in Fixing Overbite
When it comes to fixing an overbite in children, it is usually easier because the child’s jaws are not fully developed at a young age. Overbites can range from a forward positioning of the teeth to a severe overbite which is also known as retrognathic.

Based on the severity of an overbite, our dentists suggest a different level of treatment for our patients. To identify whether your child qualifies for braces, we take x-rays and impressions. The treatment begins immediately with traditional metal braces.

However, before beginning the treatment, it is recommended to consult the dentist to identify whether he/she is the right candidate for braces.

Treating an overbite in adults can be a bit challenging because adults have a developed jaw. The initial treatment starts with the fitting of the brace. Once the teeth have been straightened, the treatment extends to moving the lower teeth forward and upper teeth backward. This helps in achieving overbite correction in a perfect way.

It is observed that treatment with braces might take as long as 1-2 years to achieve correction. It can also be extended if the overbite is severe.

Problems Caused By An Overbite
Overbite leads to various issues related to eating, breathing, tooth decay, and speech deformities.

If you live in or around Victoria and looking for a solution to fix your overbite, our dentist can be of great help. Our dentists can help both adults and children treat overbite, underbite and crossbite issues. Give us a call today at our office to schedule your overbite evaluation.

Click here for more information about What can you eat, not eat with Braces?

Dental care

What Is the Role of Cosmetic Dentistry in Smile Makeover

A healthy smile is a valuable asset which not only restores your oral health but also delivers a graceful introduction of your personality. To restore the aesthetic of your smile, a cosmetic smile makeover is the best thing that grants you a natural looking smile. With enhanced aesthetics of your smile, you will be able to find yourself free from low self-esteem that you might have had due to dental issues.

Smile makeover is customized around the unique needs of patients and includes various restorative and cosmetic treatment options. The only aim of a smile makeover is to map a patient’s journey from the current smile to achieving their goal smile. Smile makeover treatments can fix appearance-related and tooth structure flaws in a single visit.

Why You Need A Smile Makeover

  • From teeth whitening to replacing lost teeth with dental implants, cosmetic dentistry services improve the aesthetic appeal along with functionality.
  • With a smile makeover, you will have better self-esteem.
  • If you have misaligned teeth, misshapen teeth, uneven gums, broken, chipped or crooked teeth or unsightly coloration, a smile makeover is the perfect fit for you.
  • Smile Makeover successfully fills unsightly gaps in smile using dental implants, dental crowns, bridges, and dentures.
  • It whitens teeth and is quite safer and effective than any other do-it-yourself remedies.
  • Reshapes your teeth for a more pleasing look. Porcelain veneers are used because they can be shaped exactly as you want.
  • Smile makeover restores crooked, badly damaged or decayed teeth.
  • It is useful for moving teeth in the right direction.

For a completely natural and healthy-looking smile, dentists make use of tooth-colored fillings.

The appearance of your teeth greatly affects the way you feel about yourself. With a large number of cosmetic dentistry services coming up, we can help you redesign your smile to achieve the results that you have been looking for. The end result of a smile makeover would be a nice aesthetic smile that is straight and perfect in alignment. We are equipped with advanced cosmetic dentistry services like dental veneers, bonding, teeth whitening and many others discussed above. Connect with us today to get that smile you have always been dreaming of.

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Dental care

Do’s and Don’ts of how to Clean Invisalign

Till now, you all are aware that Invisalign has an important role in giving you a smile you have always craved for. Being a much more appealing option, Invisalign is always chosen above those traditional metal braces. However, wearing Invisalign is one thing and taking care of them is another. Just like brushing and flossing is important for your healthy teeth and gums, cleaning your Invisalign tray is also important for good oral hygiene.

Having the right knowledge will help you keep your Invisalign trays unspoilt, clean and fresh. Let’s take a quick tour and see what best you can do to take care of your Invisalign.


Clean Teeth and Trays Properly
Take your trays out. Clean them every morning along with your teeth. Bacteria build up on the trays while sleeping so it’s better to start your day off right with clean teeth and trays. Make a note of doing this every evening as well.

Don’t Forget to Rinse
Rinse your aligners after removing them. Make sure to rinse your trays each time you take them out of your mouth. It helps you to avoid creating an environment for bacteria to grow. Always use a clean, antibacterial soap to clean your trays. Brush them with a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove some of the plaque.

Brush and Floss Your Teeth Before Putting Trays Back In
If you do not clean your teeth properly and there are still some food particles trapped in, it could result in cavities and other dental issues along the line.

Soak Your Aligners
Soaking your Invisalign trays in a denture cleaner keeps them away from dirt or bacteria. Once done with soaking, you can use a toothbrush to clean away any lingering plaque. Also, you need to rinse your trays again before putting them on.


Avoid Eating or Drinking With Your Invisalign Trays In
Invisalign trays are not meant for chewing and can get damaged if you keep eating regularly by placing them in. Also, eating with trays in makes it easier for food particles to get stuck between your teeth. Food and drinks stain the trays as well. So, before sitting down for a meal, it is recommended to take the trays out.

Avoid Leaving Your Aligners in Open Air When Not in Use
Leaving your aligners exposed to open air could result in building up of bacteria. Keep them rinsed and soaked in water or cleaner, when not in use.

Avoid Using Toothpaste to Clean Your Aligners
Toothpaste can actually cause damage and discoloration to your trays. It causes a dull sheen to the trays and also makes them noticeable in your mouth. Toothpaste comes with some abrasive ingredients. Therefore, it is not the right choice for your aligners.

It is important to take care of your aligners. A lot of damage can be caused to them even in the shortest time span. Therefore, you should definitely see your dentist for regular cleanings during the Invisalign treatment.

To keep your Invisalign effective for long years, it is important to keep them in good condition. Keep looking up to your orthodontist on how to clean Invisalign trays and you will definitely have a brighter, wider and more beautiful smile.

To get better know-how about the Invisalign system and other orthodontic options, please reach us and schedule an appointment at our office. We look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve a smile that you have always dreamt about.

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How Invisalign Fit

Invisalign uses a series of custom-made aligners that are designed to fit tightly against your teeth. It is important that your aligners fit well so that your treatment processes as quickly as planned. Invisalign fits snugly to the shape of teeth with no gaps between your teeth and invisalign. Cleaning the teeth before placing invisalign makes sure that there is no food particle caught in your mouth that could change the contour of invisalign fit. It also makes sure that no bacteria is found underneath. Invisalign can treat most of the orthodontic issues like an overbite, underbite, gaps between teeth and crooked teeth.

Invisalign is an important procedure that will affect the quality of your life. Therefore, it is important to choose a dentist who has expertise in undergoing invisalign treatment successfully. You can connect with our dentist to find out how they proceed with the treatment. Your office visit will help our dentist determine whether Invisalign is right for you. Your treatment plan will be prescribed based on your specific needs.

The treatment involves scanning of the data that is collected by your dentist to create a unique 3D model of your teeth and mouth. This model will further be used by your dentist to guide further in the treatment process. In the latter stages, your dentist will start by moving the teeth step-by-step in the desired position.

The only reason patients choose invisalign over traditional metal braces is the fit that they offer. Secondly, they can easily be removed when brushing, eating or flossing. Oral hygiene is improved because food doesn’t get stuck in the braces. In general, Invisalign treatment is done faster than traditional braces.

Invisalign gets you straight teeth with a properly aligned bite. So, if you want to know whether you are the right candidate for invisalign and whether attachments are required for your treatment, connect with our dentists today. Schedule a consultation. We can help answer any question you might have and get you started with a smile that you have always wanted.

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Dental care

How Dental Implants Affect Your Oral Health

We have been reading and listening a lot about how dental implants change the way damaged teeth look or function. But there’s much more to it. Dental implants share a bigger picture when it comes to the oral health. Listed below are some reasons that dentist suggest. These reasons clearly depict how dental implants affect our oral health. Let’s figure out how:

Improves nutrition
Eating your food should not be painful. If you still experience discomfort or pain when eating, it is recommended to contact your dentist. After tooth loss, patients are recommended to go for a light diet and this keeps them away from nutrient-rich food. Teeth, jaw bones and gums are an important part of your overall health and not being able to eat a balanced diet increases risk for tooth decay and jawbone deterioration.

Prevents tooth decay
A missing or damaged teeth puts you at an increased risk for tooth decay. Proper brushing and flossing also becomes difficult when teeth lean towards empty sockets. These empty sockets are great at trapping food particles, bacteria and plaque. There are multiple oral health issues like gum disease that is caused when a dental plaque is left untreated. The best way to maintain a great oral health is to replace a missing teeth by using dental implants and practicing great oral hygiene. Our dentists can help you in getting an implant done based on your tooth health.

Keeps away jaw deterioration
A tooth implant functions as a natural tooth replacement option that helps to stimulate the jawbone tissue. To stay healthy, your jawbone tissue would require pressure from the tooth roots. If this does not happens, your jawbone will start to dysfunctioning and might also lead to facial collapse. It also drastically modifies the shape of face along with overall appearance. So, the sooner you will opt for dental implant surgery, the greater will be chances of improvement.

Prevents further tooth loss
Teeth are held properly in place by the roots and surrounding teeth. This means on losing a single tooth, you are at an increased risk for losing subsequent teeth. The best way to prevent tooth loss from getting worse is to opt for a dental implant process.

Dental implants prevent tooth loss by supporting and strengthening the nearby teeth.

So, these are some top ways that show how dental implants affect your oral health. These proven ways have shown quite fruitful results in the long run. Dental implants are therefore responsible not only for the overall functioning but also play an important role in improving aesthetics and oral health. Still have questions about your oral health, get in touch with our dentists to find the right solution.

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Dental care

Can Dentist Whiten Your Teeth

A big, bright smile not only enhances your beauty but also boost up self-esteem. If your teeth have lost their luster, teeth whitening is something you should consider. Teeth whitening treatments are in vogue these days. This treatment can only be administered by a professional dentist and has gained huge popularity. Professional dentists are easily able to whiten your teeth via a process that involves fitting mouth for special trays. These trays have a safe whitening agent that whitens your teeth while wearing them. Professional teeth whitening treatment guarantees a dramatic change.

How to decide whether teeth whitening is right for you?
Before deciding whether teeth whitening is right for you, our dentists will do a thorough checkup or oral examination. They will go over your medical history along with any antibiotics or supplements you have taken over the last few years. Our dentist uses a small mirror to check for gingivitis, plaque, tartar or other signs of poor oral health.

There are some candidates who have great oral health but still need teeth whitening treatments. But, teeth whitening is not the only option. The kind of teeth whitening treatment your dentist opt for strictly depends on the type of staining, predisposition to sensitivity or how quickly you wish to acquire results.

The process of teeth whitening involves

  1. Application of a special guard to your lips and gums. This helps to protect your teeth from a teeth whitening agent.
  2. In the next step, our dentist will apply a teeth whitening solution and allow it to settle down for about 15 minutes.
  3. UV light is passed that helps to speed up the chemical reaction and quickens the teeth whitening process.
  4. In some situations, your dentist would like to repeat the process based on the shade you are looking to opt.
  5. Once the desired shade is applied, our dentist will rinse away the product and instantly offer a whiter and brighter smile.

The entire process takes almost 1-2 hours. Results from the teeth whitening treatment are long lasting though you need to take extra care by avoiding stuff like coffee, red wine, dark beer or soda. To keep stains and tooth discoloration away, you must brush and floss regularly and avoid using over-the-counter whitening strips.
Being one of the most common cosmetic treatment, teeth whitening help patients achieve a brighter smile that magnifies the overall facial aesthetic. Connect with our dentists today and ask about the other teeth whitening options for a confident and beautiful smile.

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Dental care

What Are Dental Implants Made Of

Dental implants act as a replacement for missing teeth and are comprised of 3 parts, namely:

Crown: Crown is the tooth-like part of an implant that is usually made of ceramic material. It is made to look like a natural tooth.

Connector: Also referred to as “abutment”, connector secures the tooth-like crown of the implant to its base. It is either hexagonal or octagonal in shape.

Base: A titanium screw fuses with the natural bone to offer a safe and stable base.

Titanium dental implants are successful when it comes to stability. They are known to function stronger and are also versatile. Titanium used in dental implants has the potential to be fused in the bones. The process is referred to as osseointegration. It helps the implant to function like a natural tooth. The new tooth is held securely in place and further stimulates the growth in the jawbone.

The section that is visible also called the prosthetic tooth is made of porcelain or another tooth-colored substance. Made of durable material, the prosthetic tooth still needs maintenance to ensure long term success. Therefore, dentists advise brushing and flossing on a regular basis. This keeps food particles away and keeps gums healthy. Visiting your dentist regularly is also something you should practice quite often. Your dentist will be able to evaluate the condition of your gums closely. Since gum disease is quite common amongst people with dental implants, therefore it is advisable to keep a check.

Our dentists also recommend staying away from food and beverages that stain your teeth, chips or breaks them. All you need is diligent hygiene and regular care to make sure that your implants last for long years.

Titanium or Zirconia Implants: Which Is a Better Choice?

Zirconia is not much in vogue in the dental industry. However, it is also a one-piece implant that is inserted in the jawbone. It is a metal-free crystal material and known for being aesthetically pleasing. There is no chance of a metal allergy with Zirconia implants.

When it comes to your dental implant, you should know which one to choose?

Cost: Zirconia is expensive than titanium and the overall cost including the actual procedure would go high with Zirconia implants.

Osseointegration: In this stage, implant fuses to the jawbone, thereby becoming as stable as a natural tooth. During this process, titanium implants fuse securely, lasting up to 20 years or more. Zirconia, on the other hand, is difficult to be judged since they are so new. Zirconia has also been known to crack.

Strength: Titanium is more durable and long-lasting. Zirconia is low-lasting, meaning it could fracture easily.

Aesthetics: Titanium implants fail to attract patients owing to its aesthetics. They leave a grey line under the gums. On the other hand, Zirconia is known for having a realistic color and natural look.

Safety: Both, Titanium and Zirconia are FDA-approved, biocompatible and safe to use for patients. With Titanium, the only concern is that small traces might be found in the bloodstream, however, the effects are nil. Titanium comes with a possibility of metal allergy but Zirconia is hypoallergenic.

Both Titanium and Zirconia dental implants come with a set of advantages or disadvantages, however, choosing between the two is entirely dependent on your situation. So, it is recommended to consult your dentist who can help you come up with the right choice.

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Dental care

Importance Of Mouthguards In Maintaining Oral Health

If you are someone who is involved in sports or athletics, you probably might be wearing a mouthguard. But there are many who do not have a fair idea about the functionality and benefit a mouthguard offers for maintaining your oral health. Yes, you have heard it right, Custom mouthguards do have an important role in restoring your smile. The major purpose of a mouthguard is to prevent the teeth from being chipped or dislocated. By acting as a barrier between the braces/teeth and your cheeks, mouthguards eliminate the risk of soft tissue damage.

Mouthguard is a removable soft plastic that is designed to cover the top teeth. It functions to protect the teeth from injury during athletic activities. They are quite helpful during contact sports and allow to speak and breathe clearly during sports games.

Type of Mouthguards:
Mouthguards are available in 3 different types:

Mouth-formed Mouthguards: They can either be of boil-and-bite kind or shell liner. Shell liner is lined with acrylic gel that molds around the teeth and keeps it in shape. On the other hand, boil-and-bite is made of thermoplastic. Before using, it is placed in boiling water and molded to the contours of teeth using tongue or biting pressure. Both the types can be reheated and refitted if they are not placed comfortably. They also offer a better fit and provide protection as a custom-fitted mouthguard.

Custom-fitted Mouthguards: Custom-fitted Mouthguards are a bit expensive than any other type but offer the highest degree of comfort, fit and protection. A dental impression done via custom mouthguards is relatively similar to getting an impression for dentures. They are made to cover all the teeth and are important for the prevention of oral and facial injuries.

Stock Mouthguards: They offer the least amount of protection and are made for use without any adjustment. This makes them uncomfortable to wear. Another drawback is that they are not custom fit for an individual’s mouth. The composition is quite bulky. Therefore, athletes may alter them, which, in turn, reduces the level of protection offered by them.

Importance of Mouthguards When Wearing Braces
The most common sports injuries affect areas like teeth, mouth and jaw. However, when you wear braces, the chances of getting injured gets minimized because braces prevent the loss or displacement of teeth. The risk of injury goes negligible if you wear mouthguards along with braces because they help to protect lips, cheeks and also tongue from mouth tearing.

The use of mouthguard also prevents damage to brackets. They are useful particularly when playing contact sports like volleyball, soccer, football, hockey, wrestling and so on. Mouthguard is also quite useful when indulging in recreation activities like mountain biking, horse riding, trampolining, martial arts and wrestling. Mouthguards are one of the most protective pieces of equipment for both the teeth and jaw.

Mouthguard For Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea is a serious sleep disorder that causes a person to temporarily stop breathing while being asleep. This prevents the brain from receiving sufficient oxygen and increases the risk of heart attack or stroke. It also leaves you feeling dizzy or numb the next day. However, those suffering from mild sleep apnea can take help of custom-made mouthguard that pushes your lower jaw and tongue forward, thereby keeps the airway open.

So, whether you are suffering from a sleep disorder or active at playing sports, mouthguards offer the best possible solution. If you are not sure about choosing the right type, consult our dentists. They will suggest you a custom mouthguard based on your needs.

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Dental care

Cosmetic Dentistry Gets You A Smile Of Your Dreams

Admit it or not, your smile is the first thing that people notice about you. Having a smile that is bright, healthy and appealing will make you feel confident about yourself. These days cosmetic dentistry is on the rise owing to which it has become quite simpler to improve the appearance of your smile. With the advancement in dentistry on the rise, cosmetic dentistry procedures have evolved from simple color correction to replacement of a missing tooth and so on.

Procedures Involved In Cosmetic Dentistry

Dental Veneers
Dental Veneers are the perfect solution for a cracked, chipped, misaligned or discolored tooth. The porcelain with which veneers are designed helps to hide these issues, thereby offering you a natural appearance of your smile. Veneers are highly resistant to stains. So, you get brighter and whiter teeth by choosing veneers for your teeth. So, if you are disheartened with the color of your smile, porcelain veneers turn out to be the right solution.

Tooth Bonding/Contouring
Are you unhappy with the way your teeth are positioned within your mouth? If yes, dental bonding is an ideal choice for you. Dental bonding is used for treating other issues as well like space irregularities, discoloration, chips in teeth and so on. It is a quick procedure that uses tooth-colored material to replace the damaged area. Our dental bonding services are relatively affordable and yield the best output.

Dental Crown
Also referred to as “Cap”, a dental crown fits over and replaces the entire damaged tooth above the gum line. This restores the shape, strength, size, and appearance. Crowns can be used cosmetically to cover badly colored tooth. Crowns are also composed of acrylic or porcelain. In cosmetic dentistry, a crown is also used to treat teeth that are poorly shaped, have large fillings, decayed or broken.

Dental Implants
Dental Implants are a permanent replacement for missing teeth. It helps to keep gum tissue and jaw bone healthy. The implant is secured in the jaw using a Titanium root so it looks and feels like a natural teeth. It also functions similar to natural teeth. There are no difficulties while eating or cleaning the teeth. Dental implants maintain the structure of your mouth. They are completely reliable. With proper care and maintenance, dental implants last lifetime.

Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening is one of the best cosmetic dentistry procedure that allows your dentist to perform whitening or bleaching after removing plaque. The debris and plaque is removed from the surface of your teeth to restore the natural appearance of your teeth. Teeth may get stained over a period of time due to food, drinks, medication and other personal habits like drinking or smoking. Teeth whitening helps to remove these stains and offer a shiny cover to your teeth.

Cosmetic Teeth Shaping
Also known as “Enamel shaping”, teeth shaping re-modifies the tooth by filling or removing the enamel. This process is not painful and offers immediate results.

Dentures are used to replace a missing tooth. The motive behind using dentures is to protect your tooth the negative effects of tooth loss. It also eliminates issues like facial sagging that often occurs owing to missing teeth.

So, these are top options available in cosmetic dentistry. To know more about them, leave a message to our specialists.

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Suffering From Jaw Pain?

Here’s What You Need To Know
Jaw pain is one of the most common issues people are facing these days. The reason for the same could either be incorrect positioning of teeth or imbalance in the oral architecture. The extent to which pain occurs depends on its root cause.

Symptoms of Jaw Pain
Severe pain in jaws, morning headache, ear pain wherein the jaw pain radiated to the ear and causes a ringing sensation. This might result in a locked jaw.

Causes of Jaw Pain
The pain in your jaws can be very troubling. Identifying the issue is the first step towards treating jaw pain. Some of the common causes to look out for jaw pain are:

Abscessed tooth
Tooth abscess is an infection that occurs between the gum and a tooth. The most common cause of a tooth abscess is tooth decay. An abscess should be treated and diagnosed by a dentist. If left without treated, an abscess transforms into a worse infection that spreads elsewhere and puts you at a risk for tooth loss.

Teeth grinding
Teeth grinding is one of the known causes of jaw pain. Some people grind their teeth while sleeping and the other grind them when they feel stressed. When teeth grinding is left untreated, it results in other dental issues. Some of the ways to stop teeth grinding are wearing a mouthguard or practicing stress relieving exercises.

Nerve damage
Sometimes jaw pain is a result of nerve pain. Trigeminal neuralgia which is caused by compression on the trigeminal nerve arouses sensation to the face, including the upper and lower jaw. If you think you are experiencing such signs, consult your physician as soon as possible.

Dental conditions
Other causes of jaw pain may include cavities or tooth decay. Although these issues do not affect the jaw directly but the pain radiates to the jaw area. Individuals having gap in between their teeth or suffering from damaged teeth may also experience jaw pain while biting or chewing. Therefore, it is recommended to practice a good oral health care routine. To reduce the risk of developing such conditions, it is recommended to visit a dentist.

Sinus pain
Sinus allergies or infections can be one of the causes of jaw pain. You can try nasal spray for short-term, however, if the pain does not vanish, it’s time to see a dentist.

Wrong biting habits
In a “good bite”, all your teeth are lined up while chewing the food. However, with a “bad bite”, you only have a few teeth lined up. Bad bites can be in the form of an overbite or an underbite. An uneven bite means your jaw isn’t functioning the way it should. This results in wear and tear along with pain in jaw bones and muscles.

Are you also seeing any of these signs? If yes, schedule an appointment with us. Our experts will connect with you right away to get all your jaw pain issues treated.

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Dental care

How To Get Rid Of Bad Breath

Getting a fresh breath along with maintaining the health of teeth and gums is equally possible at the same time. To make your mouth feel fresh and floss, we are presenting these simple tips. Try them and let us know if it works for you.

Rinse your mouth often
Using a mouthwash not only keeps your breath fresh but also adds an extra layer of protection, thereby helping you get rid of bacteria and germs. Be sure to choose a mouthwash that kills the germ causing bad breath. Rinse often on a regular basis to cure bad breath at its source. Other than this, you can try to swish your mouth with plain water after you finish eating. This helps to get rid of food particles that get stuck in between the teeth.

Avoid foods like onion and garlic
Such type of foods makes their way into the blood and travel to lungs from where they are breathed out. The best way to prevent bad breath is to stop eating or avoiding them.

Keep your tongue clean
Your tongue also makes space for bacteria, dead cells, and food debris. Therefore, it is important to keep your tongue clean either by using a tongue cleaner or a toothbrush.

Drink a lot of water
Dry mouth is caused when your mouth does not have enough saliva. The role of saliva is to keep your mouth clean and wash away any kind of food particles. Drinking a lot of water the entire day stimulates the saliva formation.

Brush and floss regularly
To come across with the best results, it is recommended to brush and floss your teeth twice a day. This will help effectively remove the food and bacteria trapped between your teeth and gum line. Similarly, flossing in the right manner cuts down on plaque, bacteria, and smell-causing food particles. Flossing also prevents periodontal disease, which is another cause of bad breath.

Stay away from the tobacco habit
Bad smoking habits not only lead to cancer but also damages gums, causes stains and eventually gives a bad breath.

Chew sugar free gum
Chewing gum leads to the production of saliva which acts as a natural defense against plaque or acids that causes tooth decay or a bad breath. So, instead opting sugar-filled mints, go for a sugar-free gum that reduces the risk of tooth decay and bad breath. Some experts have also suggested that a gum stick after each meal helps to maintain oral health.

So, these are some quick tips you can try at home, however, if you can still sense that foul smell. It’s time to ring up the doctor. It could be a sign of an advanced dental problem. So, hurry up and schedule an appointment soon. Our experts will get in touch for the best solution.

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How To Take Care Of Your Child’s Teeth

Taking care of your child’s oral health is equally important. A good oral care must start even before the teeth appear. Babies and toddlers are at an increased risk of cavities and tooth decay. When it comes to protecting your child’s teeth, a bit of effort goes a long way. As a responsible parent, you should start giving attention to your baby’s oral care at an early stage. Babies with good oral hygiene stay healthier during the teething period. Pediatricians also recommend following a healthy oral care routine at the early stages of development. Without proper care, baby teeth can also host a lot of problems like painful teeth/gums, difficulty in chewing, eating and sleeping and gum disease.

Here are a few ways that can help your child with a beautiful and healthy smile:

Brush for, with and beside them
When your child’s teeth start growing, you will have to start by brushing their teeth for them. The best way to do is by putting your child in a reclined position while brushing their tooth. The most effective way to brush your child’s teeth is to hold the bristles of the toothbrush at the gumline and then sweep it down the tooth in a downward direction.

In the later stages, when the child is able to hold the toothbrush, you must guide them by moving the toothbrush around their mouth with your own hand. This will make them learn the proper technique.

Once your child starts brushing on their own, you can participate with them and do the same activity together. This way they will continue brushing the teeth and also enjoy doing so.

Keep them away from sugar
Making wise decisions with food choices is not easy for children. To help them in making the right choices, you should always offer them a healthy substitute. Limit sugar as much as possible and avoid putting sugary food drinks and juices in their diet.

Teach them the importance of flossing
Flossing prevents gum disease along with the other health complications associated with it. So, it is important to make them realize the importance of flossing.

Get rid of their thumbsucking habit
Many children suck their thumb. However, this habit can result in misaligned teeth and lead to malformation of the palate. Therefore, you need to ensure that thumb sucking does not become a long-lasting habit. To prevent this habit, you can use a pacifier to suck instead of thumb. Pacifier can be removed as the child grows and thumb sucking will not transform into a habit.

Healthy eating choices
Other than keeping your child away from sugary food items, you should also make a note of giving them healthier food options like Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts & Seeds, Meat, Cheese, Coleslaw, Plain yogurt, Eggs, Enriched or Whole-wheat bread.

Going for regular checkups
Detecting and preventing problems in the earlier stages can avoid painful and expensive procedure in the future. Therefore, investing in regular checkups is a crucial investment in your child’s overall health.

Putting oral health tips into practice is a little harder, however, if done in the right ways, it will definitely help your kids achieve a healthier smile in the long run.

If you are looking for a consultation, contact us. Our pediatricians will deeply analyze the root cause and suggest the best possible routine plan for your child’s dental health.

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Dental care

Dental Implants Or Dental Bridge: A Quick Comparison

Are you looking a replacement for your missing tooth or teeth? If yes, there are two best options you can trust blindly, one is dental implants and another is dental bridges. However, the question is which one of the two goes best with your needs. If you are confused between the two, let us help you by illustrating a quick comparison of the two.

So, let’s start with dental implants.

Dental Implants
Dental implants are used to replace missing teeth. The process involves inserting a manmade root inside the bone. A small titanium tooth root is anchored or fixed in place of a missing tooth. For protective covering, a screw is placed on the implant and it fuses with the jaw bone. This process is termed as osseointegration. The process ends up taking up to 6 months to attain stability. In the latter stages, this protective cover is replaced by a temporary crown. Over a couple of months, new bone grows around the implanted metal. Once the new structure is analyzed by your dentist, a crown is screwed on top of the implant and sealed.

How is a dental implant useful?

  1. Dental implants have a lifespan of approximately 8 years which means they are longer lasting as compared to dental bridges.
  2. The bone structure is entirely preserved using dental implants. They also prevent bone deterioration.
  3. With dental implants, the need to grind down surrounding teeth gets eliminated.
  4. With implants, the possibility of teeth damage is also reduced.
  5. Implants also enhance your overall personality by allowing you to feel more confident while talking, eating or improving facial contours.
  6. The costing is comparatively equal or sometimes lower to dentures.

Owing to its longtime duration, dental implant treatment is limited to a small number of people. However, there are some practices that use immediately using implants. It all depends on the requirement of patients.

Dental Bridges
Dental bridges do not involve replacing a tooth root. It is more invasive than a dental implant, however, it uses one or more surrounding teeth as a support to attach a crown that fills missing tooth space. The treatment process is not as long as the dental implant procedure but is more invasive because it requires alteration of adjacent teeth to support the bridge. Dental bridges the gap between teeth that results from a missing tooth.

Dental bridges are considered to be one of the economical treatment methods for a replacing or missing tooth. Secondly, they offer a quick healing time and does not require bone grafting as compared to dental implants.

Dental bridges are generally not preferred because they add greater strain on surrounding teeth. After a certain time period, bridges might result in discomfort. There is an increased risk of cracks forming in the underlying tooth. The surrounding teeth are also prone to decay, plaque and other periodontal diseases.

So, in the long run, dental implants are definitely going to be the best possible treatment for missing teeth. Owing to its economical and other valuable aspects, dental implants are gaining a wide popularity among a high percentage of users.

Besides, you can also consult our dentist at the office who will be glad to assist you in selecting the right treatment for your perfect tooth. Our dentists will offer the best recommendation based on your needs. So, what are you waiting for? Schedule an appointment today to get back that healthy and confident smile.

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Dental care

How Gum Disease And Cancer Is Interlinked?

Regular dental checkups along with brushing and flossing do a lot more than just maintaining a great oral health. Both men and women with a history of periodontal disease are at an increased risk for lung, esophageal, gallbladder, and melanoma skin cancers.

The exact relationship between gum disease and cancer is still under discovery but one of the major reason held responsible is the inflammation process that comes with periodontal diseases. It is also predicted that both the conditions develop because of the issues in the immune system.

Periodontitis results due to the bacterial infection which damages soft tissue and the bone supporting teeth. The initial symptoms of gum disease include blood on your toothpaste while rinsing or cleaning the teeth. In the latter stages, you may also experience bad breath as a sign.

It is recommended to treat gum disease in the initial stages to prevent any kind of risk. It is also seen that patients who developed extreme or severe signs were asked to have their teeth removed eventually. People who smoke and drink are at higher risk of developing risk factors for cancer.

The only way to reduce risk associated with gum disease is to follow an effective oral health routine that involves brushing and flossing your teeth at least once a day. Dentists recommend the use of Flouride toothpaste for brushing and interdental brushes for flossing the teeth. This helps to remove bacteria completely from the different areas of the mouth.

We have compiled a list of facts that will help you easily understand the correlation between gum disease and cancer.

  1. Over 70% of Americans 65 and older have periodontitis. (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  2. Patients with a history of gum disease have been found to have a 14 percent higher risk of developing any form of tumour. (The Daily Telegraph)
  3. Women with periodontal disease and/or missing teeth were 11 times more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer than women with good oral health. (Journal Of Breast Cancer Treatment and Research)
  4. Postmenopausal women with periodontal disease had a 14% higher risk of breast cancer. (University Of Buffalo)

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Periodontal Disease Can Hinder Fertility

A new study out of the University of Helsinki found that one of the bacteria that cause periodontal disease may also affect a young woman’s fertility. This is the first study of its kind, and it really drives the point that taking care of your teeth is one of the most important things you can do for the health of yourself and your family.

The Study
The bacteria that cause periodontal disease have been making a lot of cautionary waves in dental studies. It’s been linked to diseases like Alzheimer’s, pancreatic cancer, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes. Researchers at the University of Helsinki, Finland were curious how this disease affects young women’s odds of becoming pregnant. To test their hypothesis they studied 259 healthy women with a mean age of 29 years old whom had recently decided to become pregnant and ceased using birth control. Oral and gynecological exams were performed at the beginning of the study and the women’s saliva was tested for for periodontal bacteria. After 12 months the women then reported back to discuss whether or not they had become pregnant. After analyzing the data, they found that women who did not become pregnant had statistically significantly higher levels of Porphyromonas gingivalis, P. gingivalis, and higher levels of antibodies in their saliva. They acknowledge that this study does not question any other factors of infertility, but it does further the research into the far-reaching effects of periodontal disease. lt seems to add to the narrative of a systemic connection between periodontal disease and chronic conditions that affect the rest of the body.

A Note on Fertility
A woman’s reproductive years are very important if she desires to have children. A woman has the best odds of becoming pregnant between the ages of 20 and 35. After age 35, her fertility declines sharply. Unfortunately, a woman’s fertility is a very complicated biological rhythm. Many physical and hormonal factors must line up exactly right for a couple to conceive. These findings of periodontal disease’s effects only add to the stress of becoming pregnant. However, if we think about how detrimental low grade or chronic inflammation can be on the body, we can see that this disruption of the reproductive system makes sense. lf the body is constantly fighting off harmful bacteria like P. gingivalis, it may not have the physical energy to produce the exact cocktail of hormones necessary to facilitate ovulation and reproduction — which seems to be the case.

Preventing Periodontal Disease for Pregnancy
Although it must be mentioned that there is a lot of research to be done to discover the exact reason why the bacteria present in periodontal disease can affect the fertility of a young woman, taking care of your teeth is extremely important if you are looking to become pregnant. The presence of progesterone is powerful for women and can affect their teeth and bodies. It is within your power to protect yourself from developing gum disease and periodontal disease while your hormones are in flux. By brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing correctly every day you are effectively removing this bacteria before it has a chance to take hold of your immune system and cause chronic inflammation in your gums and elsewhere in your body. Speak with your dentist if you are trying to become pregnant and wish to keep your teeth as healthy as possible.


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Midlife Tooth Loss May Compromise Heart Health

CVD is an umbrella term for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. This includes diseases of the blood vessels that supply: the brain (such as stroke and other cerebrovascular diseases); the heart muscle (coronary heart disease); and the arms and legs (peripheral arterial disease).

It also includes other conditions that can damage the heart (such as rheumatic heart disease and congenital heart disease), as well as conditions in which blood clots form and block the blood supply (such as deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism).

CVD is the primary cause of death worldwide. In 2015, it claimed 17.7 million lives, including 7.4 million due to coronary head disease and 6.7 million due to stroke.

It was first thought that poor oral health might actually cause CVD, “through infection and inflammation.” However, more recently, scientists have concluded that poor oral health indicates the presence of— rather than causes — atherosclerosis and they therefore propose that it might serve as a risk marker of CVD.

For the investigation, Prof. Qi and his team focused on tooth loss and coronary heart disease. They pooled and analyzed data on thousands of men and women aged 45—69 who were followed in two large studies: the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS) and the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study (HPFS).

As the participants had been asked about their number of natural teeth when they enrolled, as well as about recent tooth loss in follow-up questionnaires, the researchers were able to assess tooth loss over a period of 8 years.

The team then compared this recent tooth loss pattern to incidence of coronary heart disease over a subsequent follow-up period of 12—18 years.

The scientists conclude that their results suggest “that among middle-aged adults, a higher number of teeth lost Midlife Tooth Loss May Compromise Heart Healthin the recent past may be associated with subsequent risk of [coronary heart disease], independent of the baseline number of natural teeth and traditional risk factors.”

Author: Catharine Paddock PhD

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What You Need To Know About Crossbites

Typically, when a parent brings a young child to the dentist, the last discussion they’re expecting to have is one centered on braces and orthodontic appliances. Yet, even at ages three and four, a talk about braces, sagittal expanders, and retainers can indeed be front and center when a child is diagnosed with a crossbite. The question then is what to do about it, how soon should intervention take place, and what the complications are that can arise if nothing is done at all. Let’s get some answers.

What Exactly Is a Crossbite?
Imagine for a moment you’re sitting in front of a nice soup bowl with a wide flat brim, and inside that bowl is hearty chowder you’d like to keep warm until you’re ready to devour it. So, you grab another bowl designed exactly like the first, and hover it upside-down over the bowl containing the soup. As you slowly lower it, you try to line up the brims so when they rest together they form a nice even seal. Unfortunately, given the soup is hot, you don’t quite get the brims to line up perfectly, and the edge of the top bowl ends up resting just slightly to the left of the lip on the bottom bowl. The way these two bowls now rest unevenly atop one another is exactly what you would see in a person with a crossbite. A crossbite can affect several teeth, or a single tooth, and can occur on either one side of the mouth or both. Simply put, if any one tooth (or several teeth) lies nearer the tongue or cheek instead of coming together evenly, you’re likely dealing with a crossbite.

So, What To Do About It And When?
The dental community is split on when to initiate treatment for a crossbite, with some suggest-ing treatment should begin as soon as it is noticed (sometimes as early as age three), while others suggest parents should wait until a child’s sixth year molars have arrived. Despite the difference of opinion as to when treatment should begin, dentists and orthodontist are in agreement that the condition cannot be left untreated. Doing so presents a host of complica-tions for the child later in life including gum and tooth wear, uneven jaw development that can lead to temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), and facial asymmetry – something no parent or child wants.

What Does Crossbite Treatment Look Like?
Crossbite treatment generally involves adjusting the spread of a child’s teeth with dental appliances so the bite pattern matches evenly on all sides. Depending on the type of crossbite a child has, this can be done with dental expanders that resemble orthodontic retainers, and include a screw that is tightened nightly to “spread” a child’s bite to the prescribed width. Additionally, dental facemasks, braces and clear aligners may be used – particularly when a single tooth is out of alignment.

Crossbites are generally regarded as genetic in nature, and they’re not overly common. It is, however, a condition that needs to be treated before permanent damage to a child’s facial and oral development occurs. So, if you find yourself at the other end of a discussion about having your little one wear a dental expander, be sure you listen and get however many opinions regarding that advice as you require. Your child, and your wallet, will thank you long into the future.

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Obesity and Periodontal Disease

The number of Americans that are overweight (having a weight 10%—20% above normal for your height) or obese (having a weight 50%—100% above normal for your height) has increased significantly throughout the past 20 years. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 67 percent of U.S. adults are overweight or obese. Greater than 34 percent are obese. Childhood obesity has tripled since 1980. As of 2008, the prevalence of obesity among children (6—11 years) was 19.6 percent and adolescents (12—19 years) was 18.1 percent.

It is well known that obesity is associated with many medical problems, such as diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, elevated cholesterol, hypertension, arthritis, gastric reflux, infertility, gout and some types of cancer. In recent years, there has been research supporting a link between obesity and periodontal disease.

How Does Obesity Affect Periodontal Disease?

Overweight and obese adults have long been considered to be at high risk for many chronic inflammatory disease and conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and arthritis. Likewise, obesity appears to be an independent risk factor for the development of periodontal disease even after controlling other risk factors such as smoking, age and other medical problems. A recent study (Khader YS, et al.J Clin Periodontol 2009;36(1):18-24) showed that overweight individuals had double the incidence of periodontitis while obese individuals had triple the incidence.

Fat cells were once thought of as having limited function energy storage. It is now known that fat cells produce many chemical signals and hormones. Many of these substances are thought to increase overall inflammation in the body. This may lead to decreased immune status, which increases susceptibly to periodontal disease. The inflammation may also decrease blood flow to the gums and cause disease progression.

Prevention of Periodontal Disease

Diet is very important for overall health, including dental health. Eating a low-fat, reduced sodium balanced diet of whole grains, vegetables and fruits is recommended. Limiting the time sugar is in contact with the teeth is advised. Avoiding sugary beverages (sodas, fruit juices, sweetened tea) and candies (especially ones that stick to the teeth like taffy) is helpful. Eating sugary foods in between meals and before bed is also discouraged. Regular dental visits are recommended for teeth cleaning and inspection.

Understanding the relationship between obesity and the risk factors that lead to periodontal disease is very important. With the increasing rate of child and adolescent obesity, the prevalence of periodontal disease will follow. Keys to prevention of periodontal disease are through proper oral hygiene, a balanced diet and routine dental visits.

Author: Shannon McShea—Johansson, PA-C

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Dentists successfully extract stem cells from third molars

LAS VEGAS, U.S.: Few discoveries hold as much promise of single-handedly expanding medical treatment options as stem cells do. Now, researchers have developed a new method for extracting tooth root pulp that quadruples the number of stem cells that can be harvested and replicated to treat a variety of medical conditions.

Miraculously able to act as transformers—either recreating or morphing into a variety of cell types found within the organisms they originate from—stem cells offer humanity hope for new, more effective therapies against a number of chronic and terminal diseases. And finding them is surprisingly easy.

“Stem cells can be extracted from nearly any living tissue,” said Prof. James Mah, Director of the Advanced Education Program in Orthodontics at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). “In fact, stem cells can even be found in tissues of the deceased.” However, there is a catch: “The biggest challenges with stem cells are gathering enough of them to work with and keeping them viable until they are needed,” Mah explained.

Along with Prof. Karl Kingsley, Director of Student Research at UNLV, and a few dental students, Mah decided to take on this challenge and subsequently developed a new method for extracting large numbers of stem cells they could then preserve from a surprisingly abundant source: third molars.

“More and more adults—approximately 5 million throughout the country—have their wisdom teeth, or third molars, removed,” Kingsley said. “Extracting teeth is relatively common among patients undergoing orthodontic treatments. And the majority of those teeth are healthy, containing viable tooth root pulp that offers opportunities for reproducing cells that have been damaged or destroyed by injuries or disease.”

Recovering cells from the tooth root pulp was a difficult task, Mah remembered. Eventually, Happy Ghag, then a dental student working with Mah and Kingsley on the project, approached UNLV mechanical engineers Dr. Mohamed Trabia and Prof. Brendan O’Toole to discuss fracture analysis. Together, they invented a device that cracks teeth in half with a success rate of 100 percent.

Having solved the challenge of accessing the root pulp, the researchers sought to determine how many viable stem cells they could recover from the fractured teeth. To this end, Mah and Kingsley dyed 31 fractured teeth pulp samples to highlight any viable stem cells the teeth contained. Dead cells would turn blue when exposed to the dye and living cells would appear clear. Under the microscope, 80 percent of their extracted cells remained clear after the dye was introduced. Average pulp recovery rates employing common extraction methods (such as shattering and drilling) come in at around 20 percent, according to Mah.

“Saying the test results were promising is a gross understatement,” Mah said. “We realized we’d invented an extraction process that produced four times the recovery success rate for viable stem cells. The potential application is enormous.”

Next, the team isolated the stem cells from the rest of the root pulp. The researchers harvested cells from the pulp and cultured them on a petri dish. Once the cells had covered the dish, they split the culture in half and repeated the process between ten and 20 times. Normal cells within the body typically die after ten replications or passages, whereas stem cells can replicate indefinitely, according to Kingsley. By the end of the culturing, all nonstem cells had expired. Kingsley captured the remaining stem cells and collected their RNA, which is converted into proteins that become biomarkers his team could use to characterize each stem cell type and its respective rate of replication.

Kingsley indicated that the next logical step in this research would be to test stem cells in humans to treat chronic illnesses such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. He added that the research team’s subsequent task will be to collect and store the stem cells in a reliable way so that they can be used when needed.

“The work Dr. Kingsley and I are doing is part of a paradigm shift,” Mah said. “Our fracturing process could hasten the collection and cryogenesis process, thereby preserving a high stem-cell count that furthers research into how using these cells can aid healing and potentially cure diseases.”

Editorial note: This study was published as a sneak preview of the 2017 issue of research magazine UNLV Innovation.

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Mind Your Mouth: How Oral Health Affects Overall Health

Mind Your Mouth: How Oral Health Affects Overall Health
Good oral health means more than a mouth full of pearly whites and fresh breath; it can also be the difference between life and death. Your mouth is a hotbed of bacteria, which can be controlled with good oral hygiene. But neglect your teeth and gums, and it’s not just your mouth that will suffer. Studies suggest your overall health may also be on the line.

“Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by the more than 500 bacterial species found in plaque below the gum line,” says Joan Otomo-Corgel, president of the American Academy of Periodontology and associate clinical professor in the department of periodontics at University of California- Los Angeles.

Periodontal disease – a fancy term for gum disease, including gingivitis – can cause swollen gums, irritation and bleeding. The more advanced form, periodontitis, can lead to receding gums, damaged tissue and bone around the teeth, and even tooth loss.

“Periodontal disease is the sixth most prevalent chronic condition in the world, affecting 743 million people,” Otomo-Corgel says. “In the United States [alone], [it] affects one in every two adults and 2.5 times more people than diabetes.”

At the American Society of Nephrology’s Kidney Week meeting in November, a study was presented showing that within a population of African-Americans with normal kidney function, those with severe periodontal disease went on to develop chronic kidney disease at four times the rate as those without severe periodontal disease after an average of nearly five years. Research like this continues to strengthen the link between periodontal disease and various ailments affecting the body, including heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes.

“Periodontal disease is now recognized by the cardiology community to be a direct risk factor for coronary arterial disease, peripheral arterial disease and stroke,” says Sam Shamardi, a dentist at the Boston Center for Oral Health and clinical instructor in the Harvard School of Dental Medicine’s division of periodontology. “The common link to these and other diseases is inflammation.”

Authors: Chai Woodham

This article goes on to discuss periodontal disease and its relation to stroke, cholesterol levels, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and even its /feels on unborn children. For complete article go to:


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Increased Incidences of Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Young Adults

Increased Incidences of Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Young Adults
Squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC) is primarily a disease of older adults, occurring most frequently in patients older than 45 years of age. Epidemiological studies over last 20 years have shown a steady rise in the incidence of these cancers in younger adults (age 18-45 years), especially in cancers of the oropharynx and oral cavity.

Numerous early reports of Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) concluded that the disease was more aggressive and the prognosis poorer in young adults as compared to older adults. However, findings from more recent studies, such as those by Gilroy et al., Goldenberg et al. or Hafkamp et al. have not found any significant differences in outcomes between different age groups. Recently, superior survival of younger patients with oropharyngeal SCC was found to be related to a high-risk human papilloma vims (HPV) infection.

The global incidence and mortality rates for HNSCC are 540,000 and 271,000 annually, respectively. The increase of HNSCC has occurred concurrently with a decreasing prevalence of cigarette smoking in the general population; importantly, this observation would not be expected if the only primary risk factors for all HNSCC were alcohol and tobacco abuse. In fact, evidence suggests that oral cancer may now be considered a “new epidemic”. The majority of research on the changing epidemiology has focused on the HPV and its association with HNSCC, particularly in primary tumors of the oropharynx. Interestingly, although the rate of OCSCC is observed to be decreasing in young individuals, the incidence of oral tongue Squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) has been rising especially in young white women, age 18 44 years, what is more surprising given the fact that OCSCC, unlike OPSCC, are not typically associated with the HPV infection. Consequently, young white women form a unique subgroup of patients with no traditional risk factors of tobacco and alcohol abuse and who can not be associated with HPV infection.

Tobacco and alcohol have long been implicated as the traditional risk factors for HNSCC in adults, regardless of age. Interestingly, many patients under age 45 declare never having smoked or consumed alcohol excessively, as Kuriakose et al. reported.

The rising mortality and increasing incidence of cancer of the tongue amongst young patients in the U.S. has been attributed to the use of smokeless tobacco products. The first epidemiological study showing that marijuana smoking elevates the risk of head and neck cancers was published in 1999. Since that time, several case studies have been published that suggest an association between marijuana smoking and head and neck cancers, respiratory cancers and oral premalignant lesions.

It seems likely that there is a genetic predisposition for the cancer development at a young age, particularly in those patients with no recognized risk factors. It has been shown that patients younger than 30 years exhibit a significantly increased chromosome fragility following mutagen exposure when compared to older patients.

Even though Byers first suggested as far back as 1975 that HNSCC in young adults should be considered a distinct subgroup, the question as to whether age has a significant impact or not on treatment outcomes still remains unanswered. Nevertheless, one thing is clear. Although young people have a lower incidence rate for HNSCC, physicians need to be aware that the incidence is growing and these types of cancers must be suspected in any patient with worrying signs and symptoms, regardless of age.

Authors: Ewa Majchrzak, Bartosz Szybiak, Anna Wegner, Piotr Pienkowski, Jakub Pazdrowski, Lukasz Luczewski, Marcin Sowka, Pawel Golusinski, Julian Malicki, and Wojciech Golusinski.

Source: Oral cavity and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma in young adults: a review of the literature

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