Smile Point Dental Victoria


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How To Get Rid Of Bad Breath

Getting a fresh breath along with maintaining the health of teeth and gums is equally possible at the same time. To make your mouth feel fresh and floss, we are presenting these simple tips. Try them and let us know if it works for you.

Rinse your mouth often
Using a mouthwash not only keeps your breath fresh but also adds an extra layer of protection, thereby helping you get rid of bacteria and germs. Be sure to choose a mouthwash that kills the germ causing bad breath. Rinse often on a regular basis to cure bad breath at its source. Other than this, you can try to swish your mouth with plain water after you finish eating. This helps to get rid of food particles that get stuck in between the teeth.

Avoid foods like onion and garlic
Such type of foods makes their way into the blood and travel to lungs from where they are breathed out. The best way to prevent bad breath is to stop eating or avoiding them.

Keep your tongue clean
Your tongue also makes space for bacteria, dead cells, and food debris. Therefore, it is important to keep your tongue clean either by using a tongue cleaner or a toothbrush.

Drink a lot of water
Dry mouth is caused when your mouth does not have enough saliva. The role of saliva is to keep your mouth clean and wash away any kind of food particles. Drinking a lot of water the entire day stimulates the saliva formation.

Brush and floss regularly
To come across with the best results, it is recommended to brush and floss your teeth twice a day. This will help effectively remove the food and bacteria trapped between your teeth and gum line. Similarly, flossing in the right manner cuts down on plaque, bacteria, and smell-causing food particles. Flossing also prevents periodontal disease, which is another cause of bad breath.

Stay away from the tobacco habit
Bad smoking habits not only lead to cancer but also damages gums, causes stains and eventually gives a bad breath.

Chew sugar free gum
Chewing gum leads to the production of saliva which acts as a natural defense against plaque or acids that causes tooth decay or a bad breath. So, instead opting sugar-filled mints, go for a sugar-free gum that reduces the risk of tooth decay and bad breath. Some experts have also suggested that a gum stick after each meal helps to maintain oral health.

So, these are some quick tips you can try at home, however, if you can still sense that foul smell. It’s time to ring up the doctor. It could be a sign of an advanced dental problem. So, hurry up and schedule an appointment soon. Our experts will get in touch for the best solution.

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