Smile Point Dental Victoria


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Autism Spectrum Disorders And Dental Care

We must understand the nexus between autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and dental conditions for a holistic outline of dental care for differently-able children and people. So, let us first attempt to grasp the meaning, signs and symptoms of ASD.

What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Autism Spectrum Disorder, also known as ASD, is a developmental anomaly that influences a person’s communication skills and behavioural patterns. The disorder is known as developmental because its symptoms creep up during the first two years of a child’s life. As per the ‘Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders’, people with ASD find communication and interaction with other people very challenging. They may be restrictive in their interests and showcase repetitive behaviours.

Signs And Symptoms Of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Some of the social communication and behavioural signs of ASD include:

  1. Apprehension in making eye contact
  2. Social awkwardness and an inclination to not listening to people
  3. Slow response at being called or other verbal attempts of grabbing their attention
  4. Unaware of what the other person might be feeling during a conversation
  5. At times, a person with ASD may cohabit with facial expressions and gestures that do not align with what he or she is saying.
  6. A flat or a sing-song like vocal tone

Some of the restrictive behaviours of people with ASD include:

  1. Repetitive or unusual behaviours. For example, the person may repeat words or phrases.
  2. An intense passion for specific topics 
  3. A person with ASD may get upset by slight changes in a routine.
  4. Possessing solid visual and auditory skills
  5. They usually excel in mathematics, science, or arts.

Scientists and medical experts are unclear about the exact causes of ASD. Still, research suggests that genetic makeup and environmental factors can affect development in ways that may lead to ASD.

Autism Spectrum Disorder And Dental Care – The Obstacles
There is a consensus among dental experts that treating individuals on the Autism Spectrum can be complex yet adventurous. People with ASD have a higher probability of being affected by periodontal diseases and caries. The biggest problem is that many dental professionals lack the training and expertise required to deal with these patients and fail at making them feel safe. 

Things To Do
Studies reveal that the best way to take care of patients on the Autism Spectrum is to create a safe space with plenty of hands-on activities and visual stimulation approaches that are not overwhelming. Moreover, the patient must engage with the same dentist or expert as familiarity can help to lower the anxiety levels of the patient. There has been pressing demands for special training in dental schools that educate future dentists on the requirements of specially-abled patients. Lastly, universally prescribed guidelines of care and trained staff are vital in decreasing the high levels of periodontitis and caries in patients diagnosed with ASD.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.