Smile Point Dental Victoria


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How long do plastic retainers last?

There are different types of retainers in the market. Mainly there are three types of retainers: removable wire retainers, removable plastic retainers, and bonded permanent retainers. Retainers are given to hold your teeth in the palace so that you can have a straight smile for life. 

Various factors contribute to the fact of how long your retainers would last. In particular, plastic retainers can last for 4-5 years if you take proper care of them. Understanding that your oral hygiene routine plays a key role in keeping your retainers up-to-date is vital. 

Plastic retainers are custom-made, just like your Invisalign. They are more delicate and require daily care to prevent them from damage. Apart from oral hygiene, the fitting of your retainers also determines how long they will last.

If you cannot floss your teeth properly due to the fitting of your retainers, it can reduce the span of your retainers to up to 2 years. Moreover, you can not wear one retainer for life no matter how much good care you take of them; it is necessary to replace them after 3-5 years.

Steps to follow to keep your retainers in good condition

Here are a few steps that you can follow so that your plastic retainers last long:

  • Floss and brush your teeth properly to avoid plaque build-up in your teeth and retainers.
  • Visit your dentist for your weekly oral checkups to ensure there are no signs of bad teeth and retainer damage. 
  • Do not wear retainers while drinking or eating any food.
  • In the case of removable plastic retainers, do not keep your retainers outside of your case when you are not wearing them.
  • Stay away from hot drinks as they can wrap your retainers which can affect their fitting, and eventually, you have to replace them before time.

Lastly, make sure to visit your dentist for proper treatment in case facing any trouble with your retainers.