Smile Point Dental Victoria


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How do braces widen your smile?

Invisalign and Braces are dental equipment to treat abnormalities in your teeth, such as crowding, crooked teeth, or unaligned teeth. People prefer to straighten their teeth. They are commonly used by teenagers, adults, and youngsters. Many dentists utilize dental braces in orthodontic treatment for various tooth issues. Overcrowding, misalignment, spacing, and even malocclusion problems like overbites and underbites can all be addressed with braces.

How to fix Smile with Invisalign or Braces

Nowadays, everyone wants to restore their crooked teeth because a smile depends on how perfect their teeth are.

  • When lips, cheeks, and even your chin become disproportionate due to dental issues. Dental Braces and Invisalign improve asymmetrically caused by unaligned teeth and the face. 
  • Braces and Invisalign assist in getting your teeth into appropriate and proper alignment of your teeth over one another. The jaw extends outward due to conditions like an underbite or an overbite because the teeth are misaligned. It can help improve the look of your face and improve the alignment of your jaw.

Invisalign is partially invisible, comfy, and easily removed. However, they can not be used for all issues. It is effective at treating mild to moderate crowding, gaps, and crookedness. For extensive malocclusions and severely crooked teeth, braces are usually preferred. A doctor might assess which one is a better option for you.

How do braces and Invisalign work?

Braces and Invisalign are used in the following process during treatment:

  • First, they are fixed on the teeth with wire and ring-like bands to hold them on. 
  • Then they are adjusted by the dentists regularly to obtain the alignment.

This process can cause soreness for a few days. Braces are often kept for 4 to 6 months to a year, depending on the time required for treatment. Even after treatment, patients must preserve them with maintenance.

They provide a long-lasting, pleasing, symmetrical expression. Braces give people their smiles back and encourage them to live with confidence around people.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!